Red pill me on why I should get a job
Get off welfare and get a job nigger
So you can provide for your future sons.
That's the only reason.
You shouldn't
I'm white and live off of my parents, but nice try.
Implying that I will get laid. haha
There aren't enough jobs for everybody, so if you don't plan on having kids just leech of the government. It's not like they don't leech off of people, so start collecting dat welfare.
OP will probably not post in this thread again....
get a job and get in shape, you might be surprised.
You shouldn't brother, enjoy life as a superior NEET. Kek has shined his favor upon you.
People get a job because they have to. Start a business instead.
That's actually some pretty solid advice. If OP can somehow make profit off of something he is passionate about, then it's a win-win.
>Red pill me on why I should get a job.
There are things that just a black person can say, and that's one of them.
The surprise is that now to have to work and still will not get laid. Also, don't fuck no bitch who seem to care if you have a job... she is looking for a child support check.
Quit being a piece of shit that forces your parents to never be happy again because they have to take care of a 300 lb baby for the rest of their lives.
any self respecting woman wants a husband who will allow her to take care of the 12 kids she has while raising their kids and keeping the house for him.
Because your parents silently/passively resent your 350 lb NEET lazy ass.
They see other parents sending their kids off to college, military, having kids, or moving out. Meanwhile you're shitposting to a bunch to a majority adolescent - 25 year old memesters on a hawaiian rock painting board.