Japanese people DESTROY Donald Trump

Trump BTFO and cucked in the streets of Japan.

You have to admit, Trump's views on the security treaty are pretty uninformed. The man is a fucking lunatic.

I'm voting for Hillary. Fuck you Sup Forums.


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Hitler is fairly liked in Japan, though.

Too bad that nazism is liked in japan isn't it?

>Trump said that Japan and eveyone will have to pay for it's protection that is done by the US

Gee I wonder why these soy eating feminine sissies don't like him

Um, did you actually watch the video or just post it without watching assuming Sup Forums was BTFO?
Except for the Chick who's face was covered, they all had pretty reasonable views on the pros and cons of Trump, and about half of them actually agreed with Trump's statement on the Treaty.
So... I guess CTR BTFO?

Japs are nervous we're not going to protect them foe free from the billion chinks who are still butthurt over Nanking

The Japanese were Gemany's allies, so they don't have the "Hitler is the most evil man in history" thing we do in the states.

Oda Nobunaga is the go-to evil historical figure in Japan.

Is that chick the kind of Japanese communist Yoko warned us about?

Why is Japan becoming so bluepilled and pozzed? It's not fair

>soy eating feminine sissies don't like him

next week on Sup Forums


top lel

Japs were arguably worse than the Germans. They were allies yet took great pride in rounding up and murdering all the German missionaries in the DEI.

I support that it would force Europe to get their shit together. It makes for a more stable geopolitical situation. The moment China put the Islands there Japan would have started the same in an ideal world.

>if you don't maintain the global elite status quo you are unhinged and dangerous

Dangerous to who I wonder?

Subs are correct.
t. weeb

The ruling party actually would sgree with Trump though

>Someone like Hitler

Hitler did not have a 40%non German land and he was not loved by jews.

I'll never understand this "man on the street" shit. Don't they also release videos on the internet about how people on the street don't know what World War II was fought over or how they don't know who Churchill was and that kind of shit? And you watch it and you're supposed to go, "wow, look how stupid the average person is!"

And then they release videos like this where they ask randoms on the street what their opinion of a presidential candidate is and all of a sudden you're supposed to go "wow, look how smart the average person is"


CTR-fag OP posted this without realizing that half these people agreed with Trump's statement on the Treaty and other issuse. None of them think he's the best person for the job, and a lot of their opinions are based on general ignorance, but on a whole other than the chick with her face covered, they're either agreeing with him, or at the very least aren't, "OGGA BOOGA LITTERALLY HITLER" like a video like this would be like in the states.

wtf i hate japs now.

japan? who cares

why aren't they working on more animes and raw fish?

>Japanese people DESTROY Donald Trump
Actually the whole interview was more positive than your tittle, they says that Trump-like politician would never work in Japan because Japanese are more conservative and they don't share the same discontentment with political class that Americans are seem to feel, while they recognize their dependence of American military they fell anxious about a future case the current relationship changes as intended by Trump.

>if i had to compare him with someone, i'd compare him with hitler

why does everyone think hitler is bad?

I don't mind watching these videos and indulging the arguments but for some reason the smug way these shills or baitposters really piss me off.

Like, just post normally and ask for discussion and I'd engage you but the way you act like a fucking faggot in your OP makes me just drop the entire thread.


Captcha: trident called

Explain to me how Donald Trump is like Hitler.