Where is ep 5 of Sup Forums the TV show?


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Comes out on the 9th.

They took off a week to make way for something i cant even remember.

I think Adult swim caught on and hates the show desu. I like it, however i dont see it getting season 2.

Sam Hyde is funny sometimes. But the show is just horrible. Simply atrocious actually.

Do you guys really like it?

thx shart bros


i like parts of it but desu i prefer the stuff on his youtube channel.

It's not supposed to be particularly funny, it's surrealist satire. Takes a good couple of viewings to get the subtle messages of some of the sketches. On the surface it seems a bit lul randum but it's pretty genius when you pick it apart. Perfect length too.

It's not MDE's best work but Sam Hyde is easily the greatest comic mind of our time


Pretty sure they said season 2 was already confirmed

take it easy man

Does somebody have the first 4 episodes as mp4?

I have them all downloaded.

i feel i don't get most of it. i don't really get most of his weird sketches desu. street interviews, kstv and the rutgers thing are my favourite same hyde things, his stories are funny too, or just fucking around with a camera saying shit. but the "proper" sketches i can take or leave.

Can you upload them somewhere?

I like where whats his nuts hurts his back squatting dumbells and then his eyes are way up on his forehead. I fuckin died

It was Adult Swims anniversary. they aired old shows from back in the Day.

Adult Swim has come out in Defense of World Peace several times.

Regularly scheduled programming,including Ep.5, returns friday.

I had to watch them a couple of times but there's some really good stuff in there

I'd like to see more of this guy, and the fucked up dating show

>are you selling me a car with a bad carfax?
>you've had too many accidents

They call me Pineapple Man.

i don't know man, i kind of want Sam to make money off this show.

Any Sup Forumsacks down to have a viewing?
how do i do those streams with the chat in the side? does it just display whats on my screen?
i'm technologically retarded so any help is appreciated.

I don't want to get in trouble for uploading them but i will marathon stream the 4 episodes. i want to watch them with u guys anyway.


I'm 99.9% sure there won't be recurring characters or bits la. Sam hates repetition, catchphrases and memery. He has thousands of hours of material and I don't think I've ever heard him repeat a joke. That's where his genius lies; his originality.

This is my favorite picture
Of my favorite Terrorist.

Al-Sayimmi Hadidi

idk guys. what are the chances i get in trouble?

i don't want Sam to come after me.


IDEAS MAN is like a 30 minute episode, good stuff.


Like the time he does a parody of your average Sup Forums user

>He has thousands of hours of material and I don't think I've ever heard him repeat a joke
watch his rutgers speech and then the stand up titled "cool it with the anti-semitic remarks"

Do eet

Give me a good site where i can stream them for free.

preferably with chat so we can meme together

This. Sam Hyde reminds me of a millennial Tom Green. He needs to do more IRL trolling.

nah m8 they should buy it when it comes out on dvd

that's what i'm thinking but people that like it will buy it anyway.

Hell, i'll donate money to Sam myself if we do a stream. i won't upload though

>subtle messages
lol you're not very smart homeboi


I thought Sam Hyde was just a meme

weebcrew (dot) moe
Is what I heard

His youtube stuff is pretty gold, but there's so much of it with varying lengths, and it's been up for like 5 - 6 years now. World Peace has only had 4 eps of 11 minutes, I say we give it a chance.

i watch it, i'm even looking forward to it just because i like sam and consider him "one of us". i hope it does well. but, i'm not gonna say i love it or it's great. i like bits of it.

Either way it's good shot

>tfw no creative friends to troll libs and make comedy sketch vids with

i doubt he cares

Wall show alone makes this 10/10

So what's up with the stream, is it happening or not?

yea another annon is gonna do it for me since im retarded.

on that site^




I make dyke bitches wet

any gorilla dick niggas here?



I'm not comfortable using the "n-word" sorry. sorry sorry. sorry.



>his name will be
> David Duke

I love you Sam. You are a golden warrior.


Lol such a random show xDD

weebcrew (dot) moe


first episode over


lol this is my favorite image of sam like forreal. this is choice

>that little pussy bulge



still on ep 2

2 more after this

best skit is playing now


The one where he does the Twitter comedy show and bashes faggots the whole time is pretty good, too... He calls out the jew and talks about ZOG

Usually the first season of anything is never the best as they are still treading the water so to speak, it's a bit difficult to gauge what hits home with the audience and what isn't going to be so great. Give them time to break in a bit.

Soros just a puppet and cover for ROTHSCHILD
> investmentwatchblog.com/george-soros-and-the-rothchilds-banking-elite-connections-exposed/

Hitlary's e-mail to ROTHSCHILD : ‘Let me know what penance I owe you’
> theamericanmirror.com/hillary-donor-let-know-penance-owe/#more-18243

“possibly the largest money laundering operations ever uncovered" - released recently
> sarawakreport.org/2016/08/90-federal-police-officers-raided-edmond-de-rothschild-bank-how-aabar-scandal-could-dward-1mdb/
90 Federal Police Officers Raided Edmond de ROTHSCHILD Bank!

Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller connection on live TV
> youtube.com/watch?v=claY2UU9-5c

Rothschilds Own Hillary Clinton: Isn't That Nice? - by ex-Huffington Post journalist
> youtube.com/watch?v=tshLc6jYm2Q

Please spam this everywhere you can!
Help US save humanity before it's too late! . . .

Sam Hyde looks so much like one of the antagonists from the Pillars of the Earth miniseries.


Holy shit

DAvid Duke episode coming up

Set up a stream with a link to Sam's paypal?


next time.

im not running this show.

stream is already up/

its all on youtube anyway

i have no more of her

Ehh, no thanks

God damnit, Robby.

its over.

sry annons.

i'll do this again tonight or tommorow