What are Sup Forums's thoughts about idiocracy?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts about idiocracy?
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its a documentary
Flawed, there were white people in the future.
it amuses me how libturds are conflicted contrarians on it
Funny film.
It's happening.
fpbp + trips
Pretty funny.
Camacho would make a better president than Obama.
bretty good
The first 5min basically gives a synopsis
of "The Bell Curve" a book that is at the
foundation of the "alt-right" movement.
shit's fucked up, man
Liberals take it as "we need more money for dem programs so we don't become like that"
It's a flawed, simplistic, arrogant, pretentious movie that the "enlightened" like to tout as genius, as if they don't in any way contribute to what the silly movie was making a statement on.
It's faux deep. It just allows a certain type of person to watch and say, "I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE, HAH!"
>implying justice exists
Its a less retarded version of our reality
Behold! FPBP!
Anyone who takes this movie seriously is as stupid as the people it depicts.
havent seen that flash in a looonnngggggggg time