was it rape?
Was it rape?
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Yes, the whole show is shitty porn written by a fat fuck pervert.
no, they are married
In the books she wanted it.
no, it was PODRACING
i want to fuck the shit out of season 1 emilia clarke
If she wasn't raped then what was she referring to when she told Jon Snow she had been raped?
i actually laffed
Just typical lying woman shit
Is not caring for a woman's pleasure and not caring if she's hurt rape? (imo it is)
lmao if only it was still that
>Fug you till ya luv me bish
she loved it.
It wasn't rape until feminists started watching the show then they changed it to say she was raped to please the "yass queen" crowd.
Now beta geeks can feel edgy too! Swordshit has reached the next level.
What are you, Islamic?
Was it rape?
This. The last season was full pandering. She loved her dark rapist until then.
>character has severe Stockholm Syndrome for the entire series
>nobody points out how fucked up she is
She was sold to a raving murderous savage who repeatedly raped her. She then somehow fell in love with him. How do NONE of the other characters around her question this?
You're making the classic mistake of attributing the values you're accustomed to, to the ones the characters in the show are. It takes place in a feudalistic time, meaning that women were bargaining chips, nothing more.
A woman married to man in those times couldn't be raped, and this was because your wife belonged to you.
Tbh, the "road" she walked was quite a fortunate one when taking the milieu into consideration.
Really makes you think...
Consensual rape
A woman can remove her consent whenever she wants, sweetie
Everytime someone posts this image or starts a thread without saying "Was it rape" I feel a little dead inside. Thanks for bringing back the magic OP
You don't even have to go to a 3rd world country or that far back in time, user. Before the year 1984 it was totally legal to rape your wife IN THE USA.
Question what? Its a pretty normal thing.
You are just twisting this in modern prospective.
>I love the 80s
It started as a rape but ended up as sweet, sweet love making.
So what went right? How do you turn a rape into sweet love making within a few mins?
Big dick
she had a prostitute tell her how to have sex properly.
Newsflash: sex feels good
If you think that the wife can be raped by the husbands, you're a numale.
I actually believe wives can be raped by their husbands, but in the show this actually has never happened. Not Sansa nor Khalesei. They clearly never objected and willingly went to bed, on top of that it was their wedding night in a marriage they didn't have to enter into.
More like a betrayal. She had grown up expecting to be mounted by a dragon, not a horse.
>wedding night
>oh hoes i regret this
>therefor it is rape
>not a consummated marriage with both consenting adults prior to sex act
>waaaah muh rape waaaah! my entire life is now defined by this 1 action
>Waaaaaaaaaah! let me tell you how worthless you are as a man while defining my entire life around being raped!1111 WAAAAAAHH!!11
yes it was commonplace. It's common place for mudslimes to blow themselves up. that doesn't stop it being fucked up you autist.
in the Bible it says that women are men's property, so no.
She confirm it so yes
>Kahl Drogo, after the wedding, despite barely speaking common tongue asks her 'no?'. She nods yes. That's consent.
rape is a societal construct
rape is not a construct that exists within dothraki society
she was not raped
This, a million times this.
Fuck this show. It's terrible. I'm glad I never got into it like half my friends did. I don't want to sit around and watch
>shitty porn written by a fat fuck pervert
because that is exactly what it is.
Yes, fucked up for you but not for them. Like the rape, it's fucked up for you, but not for Dothraki.
Are you truly incapable for watching movies without having to constantly draw correlations to the current times?
Do you read a history book and start convulsing when you read how women were treated in western countries all the way up to 40's?
>Talking with fuck buddy
>this scene comes up
>she tells me every girl has a rape fantasy like this
is this daddy issues or is that normal like she claims? does chad really get to rape?
Sexual emergency imo
How can Jon compete
BBC Newsnight did a piece on Game of Thrones. They brought on:
A member of Scotland yard who works in the department of child sexual exploitation
A psychiatrist who specialises in victims of child sexual exploitation
A literary professor
Their joint conclusion was that Game of Thrones was written by a pedophile for pedophiles. In order to promote and generate acceptance for pedophilia. How do you feel now, that you've been watching a pedo show all along.
You lost me at BBC
>legal to rape your wife
It wasn't legal, it was impossible. Feminists changed the definition of rape (originally derived from "rapina" - theft) to include a man excercising his lawful rights as the husband. Essentially voiding the legal basis of the contract of marriage. Marriage is man's resources and protection in return for exclusive access to the woman's reproductive system.
Daily reminder all "women" on GoT are really trannys. Even the minor characters. All have large skulls, wide cheek bones, and masculine hips.
>scotland yard
this post is great m8
Being alive helps.
Cant rape your wife.
Cant rape the willing.
They have rape fantasies as in their "animal" brain gets off on the idea of it, but they don't actually want to get raped irl since it carries plenty of psychological, physical, and social consequences.
Watching this show with my little sister was really uncomfortable. Only because how shit it is, it's just a collection of edgy shit and sex that feels like it was written by a tryhard teenager
>All have large skulls, wide cheek bones, and masculine hips.
You're just describing Hollywood actresses in general. It's the aesthetic they go for.
I'll watch it with her if it'll help user.
Reminder she raped Drogo when she made him do things in the bedroom he wasnt comfortable with
>rape doesn't exist
when did Sup Forums convert to islam?
White women can't be raped by brown man. At best it is temporal restriction of their privilege or paying reparations.
I am not sure.
I mean she did want to learn how to fuck Drogo better. Then she named one of her dragons after Drogo. In the end, she even did seem really sad when Drogo died.
How old is Dany supposed to be in the show? In the book she is like 14 but she still consents to Drogo when he asks
Big brown cock. White women love it.
My wife once asked me to 'overpower her' in brutal way and she would struggle, so I just grabbed her wrist and appllied downward pressure, nothing rough, just unrelenting, until she was on her back and I forced my way between her legs. No penetration, just a demo. She got really scared and was visibly shooked by how easy it was and how she was completely powerless to stop me.
Son no, they might have some fantasies, but none really want to went through it.
>that image
pic related
Enjoy my friend!
Don't You (Forget About Me) - A Tribute to 80's Teen Movies
In the book she consented so no
Merkel don't you have better things to do than shitposting on Sup Forums?
A boy falls in love with his aunt.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with his aunt's phone number. Never minding the fact that it's different from the number listed on his phone, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to his aunt, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same relative he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is his aunt's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with her nephew, the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of INCEST.
No, it was love
they were married, so no
It was reparations and Europe is paying them now.
Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.
>Jon sticks his 6 inch cock inside Dany's worn hole
>Dany: Is it in yet?
>Jon's face when
Then why was she all "I WAS RAPED" if we can't consider modern customs?
Look at the size disparity between them, there was no way she could object without being murdered. Sansa was a whiny bitch but Ramsey is a sadistic psychopath.
>Falling in love with your crush's alternate universe counterpart and helping each other to conquer your own universe's other self
Nice concept desu what pasta is this from
Congratulations, you have realised why the show is garbage.
>saying husband fucking wife is not rape
>denying the existence of rape
If you fuck a woman that is not your wife, you are spoiling another man's goods. If you fuck your own, how is that theft? Rapina = theft in latin.
It's not rape if you enjoy it
and I enjoyed it
>How do NONE of the other characters around her question this?
Nobody in ours would have either until about 1957.
Is that a bad thing now? Fucking normies are everywhere.
technically true, but if we are talking about what we mentally imagine as a husband "raping" his wife, even in the distant past it would have been considered "brutality" or abuse.
>implying dotrakhi subhumans know about rape.
Think of them like the muslims of that world.
Some idiots can't tell the difference between someone they don't want forcing themselves onto them and rough sex. There is a difference.
much more importantly, was THIS rape?
You can't rape something you own.
And in their eyes it's fucked up that women can retroactively withdraw consent and jail a guy for "raping" her. Most modern cultures would even question the sanity in this. Who are you to say your beliefs are any more valid?
The only time society used to disapprove was when she's too ill, and very few men were that cruel.
Reminder that historically rape wasn't even a crime committed against the woman, but her father then her husband once she's married off.
Yes it was.
every HBO made drama has gratuitous nudity and gore in it.