If I don't agree with what my tax money is spent on, why should I pay tax?
If I don't agree with what my tax money is spent on, why should I pay tax?
Yeah fuck roads
Because you live in a society.
>Because you live in a society.
literally the stupidest excuse for anything ever
>freeloader principle
maybe you should elect better officials
Because you have to give a little to get a little. That is how society is supposed to work.
Why should you? Corporations don't.
>not reading the thread properly
>also not reading the thread properly
Depends, if the tax is being used to fund your ethnic replacement or is being used to oppress the very people who are paying it, then not paying it could be considered honorable.
if you don't pay your taxes then why should anyone else dipshit?
You'll go to jail if you don't.
Although you could just work below whatever threshold it is that you don't have to pay taxes.
You shouldn't, the state uses coercion to take your money without consent.
I think it's a simplistic, yet correct assertion of why there are taxes. My only issue with taxes and society is the fact that there isn't an option to 'quit' society. There is no career-path, so to speak, that would allow you to officially take five and retreat from the societal contract. At least not in most western countries.
You could stop buying stuff, you could stop working, but you would still be bound by laws, you're not really free to just sod off to the forest and live off the land ..
you have to pay your tax as stipulated in the contract you signed with your state
because some people will agree with what their tax money is spent on
if I don't agree, why should my money be spent on it?
Because if you dont the government will hunt you down, fine you, and if you dont pay that imprison you. If you resist they will kill you.
There are waya to minimize the tax you pay and free yourself from the control of government.
This podcast has been an amazing resource for me. thesurvivalpodcast.com
thanks for the link DudeWeedBro, looks interesting
You live in a democracy in which your taxes are spent on things decided by your elected representatives.
Chosen by people based on the promises they made regarding how they spend their taxes...usually they lie. Welcome to the real world.
"Fuck gubment"
What you gonna do? Start your own principality?
Men with guns demand it and you limey fags disarmed yourselves so good luck saying no to them
by that logic you could say that every time a gov't got elected then 40-60% of people wouldn't pay taxes because they didn't agree with the party in power.
Because you could disagree with anything and essentially opt out of taxes, forcing the burden on everyone else. If you don't like what your government is spending money on, elect better representatives.
>you live under a mob rule where globalist shills decide what to do with your money
>chosen by uninformed voters based on lies
>you can't do anything about it
I think the current govermental system doesn't really work for that reason, how is it fair on those that do not agree to have huge chunks of the money they earned go towards something they have no support for
I can not individually elect a representative that fits my ideals
so far based on what people are saying it boils down to mob rule
You can here.
It's probably best to not get caught if you choose private or government land, but the world is big enough to stop being seen if you want to.
So I was always curious about hippie communes. Are these self-governing? Is there any region in which the US govt and their subsidiaries have no full authority? Native american reservations?
I'm not sure if I ever would make use of it, but the thought of it causes me butthurt a lot - the fact that I'm not even theoretically allowed to quit society.
well the americans had a revolution over taxation from the brits but they had the advantage of being across an ocean.
and it doesn't really matter in the larger picture if some people are bitching about their taxes because the 'ideal' of a gov't is to be utilitarian i.e. the greatest good for the greatest number.
I can't imagine there are a lot of hippie communes around anymore. If you really want to disappear, go to Canada. There's nobody fucking there! It's cold and all, but it's all woods. You could literally walk in a straight line for a year and not see one other person.
The whole idea behind taxation is to take what you have, by force, to subsidize things you do not want to subsidize. Government does not exist to reduce crime; it's purpose is to maintain its own monopoly on crime.
You should know the answer, you invented democracy after all.
I totally agree with you. I understand why taxes exist. I however do not agree with why my tax money goes into. I read roughly 1/5th of the tax money in the US is spent on the military. America already spends too much on the military. Everyone says we can't afford healthcare or college tuition but then we spend the most money on our military in the world and no one bats a fucking eye.
If you want to imagine that you are sovereign, I won't wake you from your delusion.
You aren't special, and nobody, least of all the government, gives a shit about an individual.
democ. is the tyranny of the majority.
>I read roughly 1/5th of the tax money in the US is spent on the military.
That figure is 100 times the real number.
"$3,248,723,000,000 in taxes in fiscal 2015 "
The military is like 7,000,000,000
Tax is another word for protection fee.
except the state is molding with brainwashing the next generation to its needs
If i want my neighbours mansion instead of my council flat why shouldn't I have it?
>"Your money"
Nigga, you got some government printed bills signifying you lack the raw materials/skills/technology etc to build a product for yourself and you are willing to allow the government to broker a deal for you.
That's why
You don't HAVE to use bills, you can a private money or a commodity etc.
because you have done nothing to earn it
It isn't your property so you'd need to use coercive force to take it
This isn't a reason to just take it up the ass and go along with everything. What about in Rome where the taxes were only 1%? That seems reasonable to me. I'd go along with that. It's really no surprise that once the taxes are 40% and people aren't satisfied with the programs the government provides and / or they just don't use them, people start complaining, as is our constitutional right.
I don't understand why people think I shouldn't complain that I don't want to help pay for their abortion for example. That's their service that they want, I don't agree with it morally, and because it is something for themselves, they're the one who has to pay for it.
It's all rigged and they have ways of keeping themselves / each other in power.
You don't get anything out of their shitty government goods / services. They cannot provide anything that the free market can't do on its own.
The welfare required to raise that un-aborted child will be extravagantly more than the abortion.
What province do you live in? I hope the roads are fantastic.
Muh billion dollar institution for the primary purpose of supplying pavement.
Because the government will send you to prison, I would love to not give my hard earned tax money to weak degenerates.
marginal social benefit
even if you dont have kids, you are receiving hte benefit of living in a society where the children are being educated
>why should I pay tax?
You're new to this whole government v. subject relationship concept, aren't you?
>I don't understand the challenges of an incredibly large country with extreme climatic conditions
Kill yourself, ancap queer