How do russians feel about always playing the bad guy in movies?
How do russians feel about always playing the bad guy in movies?
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Playing the bad guy is kinda okay as long as you aren't made to look like an idiot
No one asks the muslims.
how do jews feel about always playing the bad guy in real life?
They like it.
This guy. This guy knows what's up. Good job, Tojo-san.
i kek'd
Read the paper. No one asks how someone feels about representing real life.
1.Playing the bad guy is kinda okay as long as you aren't made to look like an idiot
2.How does Japan feel about being Americas bitch in real life?
intelligent bad guys are all british
I never understood why super heroe existed in the world of Ironman
>guy goes on a racetrack at Nascar and starts destroying the cars
>500 rednecks with concealed weapons immediately shoot him in the head
>the end
Everyone loves the bad guy. You think someone ever cheered for a hero?
That was an F1 race in Monaco
why did you post a hero? i was cheering for Joe the entire time
>world is out of resources
>nukes flying
>old man uses his knowledge to build a citadel in the desert complete with pipes that bring up water from aquifers and aquaculture/agriculture
>here comes the VAGINA TRIBE
>the ones that let their original home go to shit, but they want a second chance!
Because jews are ugly and do not posess practical intelligence. They are only good with words and not complex thinking.
They are only good actors and deceivers but not actually intelligent enough to create something themselves.
How does it feel to have a mutilated penis combined with several chronic illnesses from inbreeding?
Monaco doesnt have guns? not even the police?
all it takes is one bullet and that whole movie/comicbook arc would have been pointless
>>here comes the VAGINA TRIBE
>>the ones that let their original home go to shit
Now that you mention it, Fury Road was so red-pilled it was practically a red suppository.
Ill ask my neighbor but something tells me he gives no fucks.
You'll regret saying that, as soon as I figure out where your country is on the map
Don't fucking insult Japan like that you grubby little kike. Japan is glorious land of industry and honor, you live in a filthy kibbutz in the Negev while Mohammed fucks your wife. One state solution? More like one state needs a final solution, and that state is Israel, and the final solution is to put all you dirty Jews in the oven.
Muslims are the bad guys
There are armed police standing by, who then arrested him after a punch up with iron man...
> Watching the movie, I couldn't decide if
> A) utter shit movie and poor realism
> B) super realistic movie, cops don't shoot because they cant tell if he's a tan serb, or a shitskin, and shooting the latter would be end of career and life in prison.
Nothing wrong with that, even makes me proud sometimes as your stereotypical "good guy" is often depicted as a dumbfuck who wouldnt have a chance IRL. But I don't like they often choose southern european dudes that look more like serbs and turks than rusians. There are people that look like that, but people that look as a typical white person are prevalent in european part of Russia, while tatars, bashkirs, siberians and other people from the eastern part often have some asian mixture in them indeed. Rourke looks just like that type of guy.
More redpills
>when max first meets the women, they are spraying water all over each other in the desert in the middle of a water shortage
>there are two other settlements, gas town and bullet town. Civilization is starting again. The women ruined them too by killing their leaders
>Furiosa, stole the women, only to lead them back to their home but now without Joe and his knowledge of how evertthing works
>doubtful if the women know anything about mechanization, agriculture or aquaculture
>in the end, in the middle of a dry desert in the middle of a water shortage, the VAGINA TRIBE decides fuck everything. Let the water loose to be wasted in a desert like they did in the beginning of the film
I don't care. Some niggers would freak out because black would play in negative role and demand protagonist. Niggers don't have their own cinema industry so they have to beg and demand Hollywood.
American cinema is not everything. We have our own Russiam cinema - kino, where all the good guys and all the bad guys are Russian.
Here is example
russians were never the bad guys, just henchmen
>Don't fucking insult Japan like that you grubby little kike. Japan is glorious land of industry and honor, you live in a filthy kibbutz in the Negev while Mohammed fucks your wife. One state solution? More like one state needs a final solution, and that state is Israel, and the final solution is to put all you dirty Jews in the oven.
I wonder how it feels to blame Russia for every thing that is wrong did while muslims banging your wife upstairs
There are exceptions, remember the cult movie Brat 2
Replace "white male" in pic related with Russian and you will understand.
I get wet at the thought of a russian boy beating my gook pussy with his huge manly dick
pls make my dreams come true russofams
I just saw that movie not too long ago. Fucking Ukrainains.
Russians are tehnically gooks due to their mongolian admixture
Before WWII the german sterotype was a bumbling good for nothing farm worker idiot.
No need to thank us
>communist fin fuck hasn't seen this Bear of a movie
jews have the same stereotype for 5000 years
you can stop anytime now
Becoming totaly whiney and complain all day about it.
t. knower of countries that are portrayed as the bad guy.
Yea, you guys sure changed your tune huh
You need to thank Germans for holohoax though.
>jews have the same stereotype for 5000 years
Really makes you think.
>imortan joe did nothing wrong
Jewddit get out
We don't fix what aint broke
Glad for you, ameribro. The movie is a definiton of a red pill. Fucking niggers.
pretty sure that's why everyone hates you
Nah, they're smart enough to keep financial institutions afloat, they just have an aversion to manual labor or making sacrifices and thus they've never kept a civilization of their own. It's the sweetest of ironies really, they're supposed to be God's chosen people according to themselves however they spite God and his creation with every turn
Goyim hate all Goyim
We happen to be on top
Get more rocks thrown our way
>We happen to be on top
>pure coincidence
You are not on top. My great grandfather raped plenty of your women after he murdered their husbands.
You have some power but it comes at a huge risk of getting actually whiped out one day.
>pure coincidence
No Talent, coupled with a culture that values learning and knowledge above all
No power without risk
Also your great grandfather being a rapist isn't something most Goyim would take pride in
Also, who Knows, we might be related
yeah jews are so advanced maybe one day they'll learn to breath through gas
Probably not,
But we might succeed in teaching Brazilians to read.
>trying to benefit other people
Yeah raping animals is pretty sick. You're cattle afterall
Why are you allways so based Mr.Hiroshima Nagasaki?
Awesome soundtrack too, needs more Tsoi though.
tell me about Joe, why does he wears the Mask?
because it would be very painful to remove it
When jews make the movie the bad guy is actually the good guy. Most movies the "bad guy" is my favorite character. Western ideology these days is good is evil and evil is good, so always pick opposite of what media is showing is more accurate.
cuz aside from their skin they act like niggers.
at least you could talk, who are you?
Oh man, that's a Great question to ask someone. How do you feel about always playing the internet user in life?