Jobless migrant couple with eight children TURN DOWN a new five-bed council house because it 'didn't even have a dining...

>Jobless migrant couple with eight children TURN DOWN a new five-bed council house because it 'didn't even have a dining room'
>Unemployed couple with eight children refused five-bed council house
>Arnold Mballe Sube and his wife Jeanne now claim they are 'neglected'
>Claim they need property with at least six double rooms to be comfortable
>They currently live in a three-bedroom, end-of-terrace home in Luton

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This never ceases to astound me.

Why do poor people have so many kids?

I mean, my family is pretty big. I've got four sisters and two brothers, so in grand total, there's seven of us. But my family, on the whole, has money to support this. There's shit-all from welfare in these parts.

>Why do poor people have so many kids?
more welfare

>Mother-of-eight who lives off £2,000-a-month benefits complains she is being 'forced into work' by plans to cap welfare handouts to £23,000
>Marie Buchan is a single mother of eight living in Selly Oak in Birmingham
>She currently receives benefits of £26,000 a year to care for her family
>But under proposals handouts for Miss Buchan will be capped at £23,000
>She claims the new cap will leave her young family struggling to survive
>Miss Buchan said the benefits cap is forcing her to get a job for first time

forgot pic

>£2,000-a-month benefits

Jesus. That's like really high salary here.

I mean, the fucking average paycheck in Serbia is 200-300 euros. I have a few friends in IT who earn 700-900 euros per month and even that's quite a bit for these parts. And don't think we have low prices for things in these parts so that's enough. Hell, we have the highest prices for gas/fuel on the Balkans.

But two-thousand British pounds, just from welfare?

What the fuck is she spending this money on?

America needs to enforce a four child policy.


Of course it's a coalburner.

Give them a one room oven.

No we need a wall policy

Why are niggers so ugly? There is no other race on the planet that looks so shit safe for abos

>Why do poor people have so many kids?
why not, they have nothing to lose, they are already poor.
middle class gets fucked because they have to work their entire lives and cant afford more then 1-2 kids if that.

those kids look fucking weird, fathers gone so it's a nigger of some kind , maybe 3rd generation mixed meets white ?

Poetry. Horrible, horrible poetry.

Literally paying to be replaced

At first I wanted to write some witty comment but I just can't do it anymore. I can't fathom the stupidity of western cilivization. It is like we WANT to fail


Not very often do you see a white woman with so many half caste kids. One or two maybe, but 8? Fucking christ.

You don't have to pay. You chose to pay.

You guys realize the only reason these people exist is because we enable them, right?

I cant live on 600 a month with rent at 500
Grow up NEET

People with the foresight and responsibility to not have kids they can't support tend not to be poor.


Pay day loans for even more shit
Mobile phone contracts
Get now pay later TVs Cars and shit

Soros just a puppet and cover for ROTHSCHILD

Hitlary's e-mail to ROTHSCHILD : ‘Let me know what penance I owe you’

“possibly the largest money laundering operations ever uncovered" - released recently
90 Federal Police Officers Raided Edmond de ROTHSCHILD Bank!

Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller connection on live TV

Rothschilds Own Hillary Clinton: Isn't That Nice? - by ex-Huffington Post journalist

Please spam this everywhere you can!
Help US save humanity before it's too late! ...

no one should be allowed to have kids while on welfare

She got recruited by the jewish non-aryan breeding programme

Methinks that's racist

Holy shit her eyes

Those crazy psychobabble eyes thou

Why are coal burner kids so goddam unattractive?

wooow fucking racist white british anglos

plenty of room for these new britains in buckingham palace

What the fuck is she doing with her eyes. She has to be mentally ill.

>Implying House Windsor is as cucked as the British public

Alright what's up with that ? They're neither citizens of this country nor grateful to the charity of the government having the compassion to care for them.
The government shouldn't give them more money/benefits if they refuse them.
It's retarded. Someone built this house. Someone chopped down the tree for the carpentry. Someone laid down the foundation, raised the walls, installed plumbing, yelled Kurwa.
And they were paid for them. If not for these people there would be no house for them to inhabit.
This always baffles me when people talk about "a right to housing" like it's on the same level as the right to freedom of speech. It's unbelievable how disconnected to traditional problems these people are.

When my great grand father was working the land 90 years ago, he didn't have any "right to housing" or" a decent home"like that. If he had a hole in his roof, either he fixed it himself or he paid someone to do so.
If he wanted to eat he had to work his land. There was no salary. If he didn't harvest the wheat he cultivated, he had no bread to eat. If he didn't sold the flour and bread to the village butcher, he had no meat to eat.

I fucking hate the entitled niggers leeching off other people work.I spent my summers at my grandfather countryside home working the earth and killing chicken to eat. Nothing was easy and how I was glad to find some already cut and un feathered chicken breast ,bacon and steaks for cheap in stores back in the city.
These people don't fucking realise what it is to work for anything. And I'm fucking tired of it.
Send them to work in a farm for 15 years before giving them any benefits if they want to stay in this country.
I'm not even a libertarian, I like the healthcare and welfare. But it has a price on everyone else. It's a price that has to be taught how important and should never be taken for granted. Ever.

Give them nothing. And kick them out of the UK.

My mother grew up on a farmm and took bath with 4 siblings in a big bucket. They all turned out fine.

These filthy parasites aren't even happy with a basically luxury flat eventhough they have contributed nothing to the UK managing to find their way there instead of returning to their shithole bungalo in africa that is their own doing.

They are simply here to take advantage of western hospitality and milk us for everything we have. We simply have to throw them out. I am so sick of these people my sympathy for them is slowly ebbing out.

They have 900% more kids than they should.. and then complain that they are neglected.. It's same with middle easterners.

We need to shut down ALL migration from africa, middle east, india and other places.. And they need to start sterilization programs if they can't feed their populations..

I'd even want to erase foreign aid entirely, i'm getting tired of these assholes not being expected to do jack shit for themselves, not even feed themselves.. it's unbelievable.

*luxury flat compared to their shithole bungalo in africa.

Having 8 kids is their fucking problem, they can't just expect everyone else to pay for that or find accomodations for that.. Fucking retards should not have 8 kids in the first place, these people are completely useless for the world and now there's 8 little shitheads more of their ilk.

It's like reverse darwinism..


>tfw you have seven kids but families like these make you look trashy

Feels bad man. I work hard and my family doesn't have money issues, but Jesus Christ. I hate nonwhites.

It's terrifying how western charity and empathy are so used against ourselves.
The white man's burden was to civilise inferior people. Bringing them civilization and knowledge our people developed over the years.
But this is blatant self hatred. There is a limit to how much you can shit on a people and take advantage of him. If anything,as much as liberals like to "take lessons of history" when reffering to WW2 and the rise of nationalism ,they often forget that the German people was absolutely humiliated by the French and English after WWI, had their whole economy destroyed by Jewish bankers and impoverished what used to be a cultural and economic powerhouse in Europe.
I don't want war. Civil war is a terrible thing. But when the system collapses and hunger sets in, consequences will be terrible, and these fucking entitled nigger are running it to the ground.

In such a situation aswell you know that they unlike actual europeans won't band together and be nice to eachother and be helpful and share, no these fucking parasite niggers will just run around stealing and hogging shit like they do in africa.

The articles are about UK families but I agree

They simply do not belong in europe, they do not have the mentality understanding and competence for it.. It's better that they stay in africa.

My grandfather had to work on two farms simultaneously just to put my mother and her siblings through school, it was after war so it was ok to have several kids to repopulate.

These fucking retards don't do anything productive for society or civilization for that matter.. and splerg out 8 fucking kids.. no.. fucking send them back to africa and sterilize them so we don't have to see starving kids. Then they can fuck all they want in their clay hut, i am getting so pissed off at seing sandniggers and niggers running europe down into the ground with their bullshit.

They literally run from their own responsibilities that they don't take for their own nations.

Don't you have a bull to prep?
Germany is the last group of people who should be talking shit about the west.

It's absurd how little stressed out blood ties are these days. These people aren't British. They share absolutely nothing with the British that inhabited and made what the UK was. They have absolutely no regard for their fellow population.
I feel the death of nationalism, the lowring of travel cost and the decreasing home ownership is to blame. People don't feel as attached to the land they live on, to the house that was built for them.
In my town there is no real neighborhood community since cheap commuting is everywhere. Villages are dying because it's cheaper to live in poor, cheap neighborhood and take a commute to earn twice the countryside income in some sanitized service job.

On niggers they're unsavageable. And I say that as a tolerant French that believe in integration. But they can't integrate. Because they're blacks. They'll always be black. Europe isn't like the US. We don't rally behind the flag or the constitution. Their ancestor didn't fought in WW1 and WW2 to defend their motherland against a very close neighbour, that we shared much more in common than with anyone across the Mediterranean sea. They need to go back, for their own good. Because when shit will go down, people will associate with their close kin.
And they sure as well ain't niggers.
In France we make a massive distinction between the more celtic French in the north and the more Roman/iberian people in the south, but we all feel French. We're all part of France history.
Niggers just aren't. They're jsut there, always be foreigners, despite some living for 70 years; sometime longer than Italian or Spanish immigrants that fully integrated.

>Why do poor people have so many kids?
In Germany you get paid welfare by the person
>1 father: 800€
>1 mother: 800€
>6 children: 6x300€
>1 month of welfare in cash: 3400€
And don't forget
>free housing
>free health insurance for all
>free children's necessities
>discounted transportation
>discounted food
>and a whole bunch more free shit
Welfare is a cancer. Unemployment shouldn't last longer than 6 months if the markets are doing good. Welfare for non-natives should totally be banned imo.

>welfare for non-natives should totally be banned imo.
I agree, and also if that happened, watch how fast this "migration" will end. Because the economic migrants will stop coming once they find that out.

Sad. Meanwhile I can't imagine affording a house here ever in my lifetime, give me a damn house my--only aspirations in life are to settle down, have a decent career and raise a nice family. But no give it to the worthless niggers that can never appreciate anything. Not trying to preach to the choir I just hate how lazy ass refugees getting better treatment than the citizens.

Seriously if someone even bought me a fucking 2 bedroom condo, let alone a house, I would cry. Why do migrants act like houses are no big deal to make and that the government should just fucking plop a big ass house down for every single person, do any migrants even realize the prices normal people pay and how hard they work all their life to obtain it?

This does boil my piss, and though I *think* our welfare contributions to the full-time mummy brigade (which absolutely does boil my piss; when single mums bitch and moan about how hard their life is raising young children I always can't help but think that, while it will be hard for the first few weeks/months of adjustment and having to care for the child 24/7, they always seem to still eventually find plenty of time and money for nights out drinking, buying their fags at fucking £6 for 20 or whatever it is now at their cheapest, and watching Jeremy Kyle for four hours at a time while bitching and moaning about how hard their life is on social media, prior to jetting off for a weeks holiday to some shithole in Spain at the taxpayers expense) I absolutely think the state should be capping any payments for welfare to 2 or at most 3 children towards rental costs, welfare payments etc.

Give people some mandatory sex education during their first or second pregnancy and have someone make it abundantly clear that the state will only provide up to X children; if they have any beyond that, tough shit, let them either work, find some beta stupid enough to feed their lifestyle, or the third sector/charities plug the gap. It's not the states fault you're stupid enough to have children you can't financially provide for.

Real estate is vastly over inflated.