Blue: based countries

Blue: based countries.
Green: not bad, could be better.
Red: shit holes.
Yellow: absolute trash.
Grey: irrelevant.


And what does Israel's black color mean?

Wait hold on how is Romania better than Poland in any way?


>Germany, Sweden, and France aren't all red

>own country
>absolute trash
Yup that's a Frenchman alright.

America should be green honestly.

It would be god tier if it wasn't for the Best Korea tier laws and cops getting away with pretty much anything.

>not bad, could be better
>not bad

new zealand and japan not blue?

fo guck yourself

>could be better

Fair enough frog. But let's see how you do when your demograpics take a dark turn.

Guys what does based actually mean ?

>new zealand and japan not blue?
>fo guck yourself

fuck you

Either you live under a rock or you're high as fuck

Op you're a fag

Quiet nigger.

>Not bad, could be better

>Germany and Sweden
>Not Yellow
Nigga wut

South Korea irrelevant LUL its true, all they really make is shitty pop music and ride off the based culture of china and japan

We should be grey

I swear we're always the "I guess we're kinda ok" country of the middle east, always.

Mexico should be green
All of Africa except Egypt and SA should be grey

what every other black colour means in map threads newfags

Germany, UK , Belgium are based? What sort of hard drugs are you on frog.Sweden not bad? Italy i ferrying migrants not even 10 miles from Libya's coast. South Africa the lacks rule it and is the rape capitol of the world.

Am I missing something?

OP is autistic
>Sweden in green
Must be either a German/Swedish cuck using a VPN

Also wtf Belgium is literally the anti-based, it actively removed based status from any country in europe it wants.

Here's the perfect map
>Cucks will try to deny it

How is South Korea irrelevant in any sense of the word?

I don't even want to be based if I have to be based with Canada

Switzerland is objectively the best country on the planet. Your list is irrelevant.

>incoming "diaspora cuck" comments from butthurt kebab slavs


You are just a leaf

I can agree.

t. Hungarian living in Slovakia.

Was this pre brexit?

Are you serious Pierre?

You should visit Laos and Slovakia, they'r good.

>Portugal irrelevant.
Still buthurted from the Euro? Jesus.

okay viki- oh wait

okay sla- oh wait

okay mongoloid. was on your side anyway

Japan and NK are as based as it gets.

Norway has gibs it's not transparent green, but it's neither cucked nor soon to be cucked so I would say it should be at based tier.

I am a slav and that's already better than being a leaf.
>French Canadian


>not absolute trash



Possibly, but you are close to Sweden. The Zika disease is just too hard to contain. It's just best to keep ya in cucked sphere so that our scientists don't have to redo the stats each time.

>literally picking up migrants and bringing them to Europe
>not Sweden YES material
Does everyone in Estonia live underneath a pile of snow?

>not white
>good chance of mongoloid genes

topkek of the year ivan, go to bed. also 100% anglo


user there are still retards on Sup Forums stupid enough to think Article 50 won't be triggered

when is the question now, basically we need some guarantees from the EU before we trigger it or we get put on the back foot, the uncertainty for them is worse than it is for us and its fucking them up pretty badly, they need us to trigger it quick so they can start a recovery.

Anyway back on point basically retards on here think
When triggering it would be playing into the EU's hands

Went to Sweden about a month ago. Check it out.


As far as I know from my Italian friends, they round up squads of "family members" and murder them like trash so yea Italy is based. It just happens to be in the midst of rape but they don't agree and resist.

TRUMP 2016

Canada should be green tier. we got a clown for a pm and feminism and multiculturalism is on the the rise.

also we have quebec. should turn that province yellow

I bet I can easily beat you in a fight and then you will get up in bruises and like a cuck ask an apology from right after lol

I remember a canuck visiting Tallinn a few months back. Let's just say, the leaf got blown away far away to Fra- I mean Canada :)

Gonna be honest didn't see a single mud there but granted it is in the middle of nowhere. Abisko, it's called.

whos the qt3.14 in the mirror?

got nudez?

> Belgium not irrelevant
> Netherlands isn't irrelevant?

Fuck you Muamba Mussabe.

>they round up squads of "family members" and murder them like trash
Citation needed.

>inb4 media hasn't reported on it
The media is globalist as fuck and this would help their agenda
If it was true they'd report on it.

>Citation needed
Only idiots leave evidence around and there's plenty of sea around Italy ;)

>saying i can beat you in a fight on the Sup Forums
>let me tell you about a canuck visiting tallinn
>implying all leafs are the same

just go to bed its midnight there. you gotta catch the bus to school tomrrow

>Germany based

Behold, a true frenchman. What the cuck is wrong with you?

>Only idiots leave evidence
Italian is synonymous with idiot.

>there's plenty of sea around Italy ;)
Yes it's where they're bringing shitskins from.

you're expecting me to believe a random mongol on the internet was given information that no one smart enough to not leave evidence behind would ever share.
Yet somehow the media hasn't picked up on this.

He's French.

Leafyboy I don't go to school and I have lots of money so all I do is lift weights. make music, drink expensive alcohol and fuck bitches.

Go to bed yourself lol

lmao dude I'm a 22 year old 6'7 chef at Wendy's earning £350,000/year
shut the fuck up faggot.

>t. basement dweller

kek copy pasta.

>he thinks its a meme
Norway my man Wendy's as an organisation has massive meetups for the chefs, its how I found out about Sup Forums (:

Did I mention my 17" biceps and 9" dick? ;^)

With 15 inch dick and banging 18 yo 10/10 chicks on regular basis without effort.

didn't even know bongs had wendy's. I don't think we have em'

Nah I'm only 9"
small for Wendy's desu :(

but I get at least seven girls a weekend (normally two or three at once)
all 10/10s ofc

Have I found a fellow Wendy's Chef in Poland?

>thinking Wendy's aren't global

Google maps'ed it. Bongs are literally the only ones in europe who have it.

>he doesn't know about the underground Wendy's restaurants
user what have you been doing with your life?


Pick one

Not until they rid themselves of Merkel and rid themselves of their rapefugees.

>Not until they rid themselves of Merkel
her party fell to third in state elections lately, she'll be gone soon.

>1 post by this ID

America is the best country

Fuck you you're litte Merkel's sucker and Brit's licker. My ancestor die for your little corsican manlet named Napoleon in the russian retraet. Without the help of Venice we would have destroy your little François Ier.

You're a shame for your country and your history.
