I will present the militaries of the Balkan region to Sup Forums so they could easily inform themselves. The statistics I will present are not from Wikipedia but are from various sources around the region.
Other urls found in this thread:
Population: 7.042.000
Size: 88.000 km
Supersonic aircraft: 6
AA Rocket Systems: 100
Attack Helicopters: 32
Transport Helicopters: 5
Tanks: 212
IFV/APC: 380
MLRS Systems: 82
Support and SP Artillery: 126
Destroyers/Frigates: 0
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 0
Submarines: 0
Da li zaista mislis da smo relevantni?
Drze nas za jaja vec 25 godina covece, imaju intel i baze svuda, ne mozemo apsolutno nista
Population: 620.000
Size: 13.800 km
Supersonic aircraft: 0
AA Rocket Systems: 0
Attack Helicopters: 4
Transport Helicopters: 0
Tanks: 0
MLRS Systems: 7
Support and Towed Artillery: 12
Destroyers/Frigates: 1
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 3
Submarines: 0
inb4 they're all shit
Population: 2.069.000
Size: 25.700 km
Supersonic aircraft: 0
AA Rocket Systems: 0
Attack Helicopters: 4
Transport Helicopters: 8
Tanks: 31
MLRS Systems: 24
Support and Towed Artillery: 144
Destroyers/Frigates: 0
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 0
Submarines: 0
Population: 3.531.000
Size: 51.000 km
Supersonic aircraft: 0
AA Rocket Systems: 20
Attack Helicopters: 0
Transport Helicopters: 11
Tanks: 11
IFV/APC: 258
MLRS Systems: 103
Support and Towed Artillery: 560
Destroyers/Frigates: 0
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 0
Submarines: 0
Population: 4.285.000
Size: 56.000 km
Supersonic aircraft: 3
AA Rocket Systems: 0
Attack Helicopters: 0
Transport Helicopters: 19
Tanks: 72
IFV/APC: 266
MLRS Systems: 44
Support and Towed Artillery: 111
Destroyers/Frigates: 0
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 5
Submarines: 0
Population: 2.063.000
Size: 20.000 km
Supersonic aircraft: 0
AA Rocket Systems: 0
Attack Helicopters: 0
Transport Helicopters: 12
Tanks: 19
IFV/APC: 159
MLRS Systems: 0
Support and Towed Artillery: 18
Destroyers/Frigates: 0
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 0
Submarines: 0
Population: 2.886.000
Size: 28.700 km
Supersonic aircraft: 0
AA Rocket Systems: 0
Attack Helicopters: 0
Transport Helicopters: 4
Tanks: 40
IFV/APC: 130
MLRS Systems: 0
Support and Towed Artillery: 0
Destroyers/Frigates: 0
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 0
Submarines: 0
Population: 7.202.000
Size: 111.000 km
Supersonic aircraft: 6
AA Rocket Systems: 46
Attack Helicopters: 1
Transport Helicopters: 16
Tanks: 160
IFV/APC: 375
MLRS Systems: 108
Support and Towed Artillery: 500
Destroyers/Frigates: 4
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 3
Submarines: 0
Population: 10.955.000
Size: 132.000 km
Supersonic aircraft: 245
AA Rocket Systems: 94
Attack Helicopters: 32
Transport Helicopters: 51
Tanks: 1345
IFV/APC: 2476
MLRS Systems: 152
Support and Towed Artillery: 564
Destroyers/Frigates: 13
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 17
Submarines: 8
Finally, someone called us with our actual name, let it echo through.
Hellenic Republic.
Stats pretty much legit, ex-military.
Population: 19.511.000
Size: 238.000 km
Supersonic aircraft: 30
AA Rocket Systems: 124
Attack Helicopters: 22
Transport Helicopters: 37
Tanks: 1024
IFV/APC: 1100
MLRS Systems: 189
Support and Towed Artillery: 388
Destroyers/Frigates: 3
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 10
Submarines: 1
I know. Hellas is OP on the Balkans.
Population: 9.855.000
Size: 93.000 km
Supersonic aircraft: 13
AA Rocket Systems: 16
Attack Helicopters: 0
Transport Helicopters:12
Tanks: 12
IFV/APC: 598
MLRS Systems: 0
Support and Towed Artillery: 300
Destroyers/Frigates: 0
Corvettes/Missile Boats: 0
Submarines: 0
It's not about relevance its about information.
Our IFV's are pretty oudated and we have a lot of M48A5 but they're working like a charm, along with our LEO 2 and aircraft, seriously, we can wreck anyone in the south, but you can understand that we're mostly OP because we got the Kebab next door.
Didnt know ortodox bros had so much tanks
what the fuck
Yeah I know. You have to protect yourselves against the turkish scum. Also those 245 SS aircraft must cost a fuckton to maintain.
I hear the Belkans even have a V2 nuclear missile. We better send in the Galm team.
Yeah, Greece and Romania are really stronk. We are the third strongest country btw.
They do, working like a charm too, sadly, jets we have in service are the F-16, the F-4 Phantoms, Mirage 2000 and those fucking idiots at the ministry of defense retired the A-7 Corsairs, one of the best jet bombers we had.
Notice how all west balkan countries (Macedonia,Albania,Montenegro,Slovenia,Croatia,Bosnia) have meme tier armies.
A7 Crossair is neat,dunno why they did that.
I heard you had f 16 didnt know you had Phantoms...also whats yours mbt?
Actually we are about to sell all our tanks so we will have 0.
I'm glad that at least you have a strong backbone. I was wondering tho, what is the general opinion about the army in yout country?
>We better send in the Galm team.
It's time.
No more M-84A4 Snajpers? How will you retake Istria and Trieste?
The ministry of defense, says to Europe and the rest of NATO that our main battle tank is the Leopard 2, but statistically, we have way more M48A5 Patton's than Leopard 2, but of course, they both pack a lot of heat and trained crews. Yeah, we have more Phantoms than F-16's but they are all updated models.
The civilians think that our army sucks, because we mostly use for trainings the crappy weapons and armor, but that's because we keep in storages all the good stuff, in case of a war we'll be combat ready with a lot of personnel, problem is that we have a lot of conscripts that have no idea what they're doing.
It's all over man. Slovenia is bosnia 2.0 you have no idea how many Bosnian muslims we have. They stopped doing population statistics for a reason.
These Bosniaks mock us and committ most of the crimes. There is even one retard who wrote "pussies" on police car then said he shits on my country.
I just hope islamic hatred grows so we can genocide Bosnians
>M48A5 Patton's
Ahhhh those MOLFS Patons,basically u have the fire conotrol system from Leo 2,Am I right?
This is what you get when you don't let the Serbians finish the job.
we wont. We'll just wait untill Trieste population dies out because everyone is old and colonize Istria through tourism
[spoiler] we'll actually just get cucked hard by ustašs and the fascists [/spoiler]
Hold fast brother.Feel for you!
you know what to do Janez
"Colonize" wake up Janez we are being colonized by Albanians and Bosnians
So you still have conscription? We have voluntary conscription. But a lot of people go. Also we have pretty new equipment especially the MLRS's,SPG's and IFV's. Our tanks are good but need a little modernization to the M-84 AS standard. Our infantry weapons are pretty good too. Zastava makes them good.
In all seriousness, there is a strong reason as to why most of the Balks have small armies.
Communism destroyed them.
The transition from communism to capitalism even more.
I just hope you lads recover so that we can become relevant.
In WW3 we will liberate you. You will get Istria and Trieste. Don't worry.
The problem is that people here are the naive goodie two shoes. People actually think that Bosnians are Slovenians now and Islam is normal just not middle eastern one.
It's not even the bosnians, we got fucking albanian scum into our commieblock and the whole place smells like shit now. also there's like a million of them on 64 sqm, The women have burkas and the guy comes home with a different probably stolen car everyday. They drive around in an old van tho. We're getting cucked hard.
Stay strong lads, the time will come when we will get rid of them.
No idea if they use the control system of the Leo, I'm not a Tankee, was with the Amphibian Rangers in Special Forces, but the M48A5 is pretty beast and indeed has the MOLF.
We still have conscription and thank god about that, due to the economical situation of the country, we don't hire any more regulars so, we need as much blood as we can get to get trained into those systems and put them to use, infantry uses G3A3/A4's made in Greece, they tend to be crap and us in the SF had the M4/M16A2 variants, made in the U.S. so, as long as you kept it clean, worked like a charm.
Well realisticaly Greece,Romania and Serbia are pretty relevant when the stability and power on the Balkans is considered. We are still recovering tho , so this isn't even our final form. Plus the Balkan confederation could be European power tier strong.
Problem with this stuff is that tank =/= tank
And aircraft isnt aircraft.
I pretty sure most of the stuff on the balkans are a bunch of old Soviet and yugoslavian metal boxes on tracks / with wings.
Why is Serbia so JUST? Aren't you guys supplied by both Russia and US nowadays?
Not a day goes by without suicide coming to my mind. I feel like a stranger in my own nation combined with my overall bitterness due to having conservative views and wanting more in life.
>Hellenic Army equipment
>Being Ex-Soviet
>Always equipped by NATO since the 1950's after we joined the U.N.
U wot m8?
MOLF share like 80% parts from leo fire control system which is neat.
Whats your biggest howtizer?
>Romania has an army?
No we are supplied domesticaly. We have a strong military industry. We have almost no USA stuff but have Russian fighters and AA.
I want do die. I want to fucking die.
Don't do it lad.
Ebin memes aside, don't. Stay strong, the happening is on it's way.
I get you're point,you need to follow our example how to deal with these parasites,I've been to Slovenia and funny thing is you're more hostile towards us and Croatians for some reason
>Romanian army looks better than Hungary
What the fuck?
I thought it would be the other way around
Bozgors BTFO I guess??
Damn it man. I know the feel. But you know you just had to start the breakup of Yugoslavia? We could have had it all...
Most stuff not all
Im Mainly talking about your slavic and vlach neighbours in the north
commies had pretty large army in ex-yu
we're all fucked to prevent us from resuming our endless wars, but the majority of weapons are still in the hands of people
(when war in bosnia ended, people grabbed what's left from war and are still keeping it, we're armed as hell)
Has a stronger army than Canada.
Dude Romania is huge compared to Hungary and they're both in NATO so their arms will be pretty similar.
You don't get it. It's because the cucks have Bosnian friends
>mfw the Greeks could probably beat our current army in everything but a guerrilla war
What the fuck Ottawa?
You are a nigger tier country and all of your neighbours are better than you in every aspect.
You are same shit tier as fyrom trash.
Dont do it mate,come over here,heres a beer on tab
Yeah I'm realky disapoint about Hunary too. I mean 12 tanks? And they are T-72's? WTF?
When? The foes are act more cocky by the day. Will they just leave if a civil war happens or will they fight?
Can't tell about Greece, but in Bulgaria the USA single-handedly destroyed our army. We had more than 2000 tanks - pretty much 10x more of everything we have now. Oh and there was also a wall on the border with Turkey. Now we are building a new one....
Is it wrong I immediately thought of that one song from the movie '300' while reading this?
Not really man. We have pretty good stuff. Better than Austrian anyways.
We would still get overrun by Albanians and Bosnians in yougoslavia. Being together with muzzies only made things worse
Ahmed pls don't vote in next elections in bosnia
You'll be fine dude I have faith in you
Now you have BASED DINKO thats a start aint it?
Bulgaria got raped hard by NATO and EU.
From the ones I know we got those.
105 mm Howitzer
M110 Self-Propelled Howitzer
We also had those:
Panzerhaubitze 2000
But the Germans took them back to pay back debts.
Under those circumstances, I can agree, though I see Serbia as a very long friendly brother, who suffered enough in the Yugoslavian war, they do have soviet tech, but they do make their own stuff so, they're reliable alright.
Balkans are full of blood thirsty rural simpletons, it will be full of nothing but bullshit irrelevant meme countries until the end of time.
It is. Greece is stronk.
Van der Cuck stfu
>Bulgaria got raped hard by NATO and EU.
explain pls
>he doesn't want to get rid of muslimes.
apply yourself shart.
We could have delt with them.
the croats actually started it, we just stole the idea from them and put it on paper faster.
Romania is fucking based
fuck off I wouldnt visit Bosnia even if they give me 6 gorillion $,not to mention being a citizen and voting. Fuck your nigger tier shitstain country. God, it must be such a big misfortune being born in Bosnia and Hertzegovina. Fucking Albania 2.0.
I heard that the G3A3 is fucking horrendous.
I never used it because i enlisted on the sf.The M4 is based as hell.
>Amphibian Rangers
Me too lol.Where were you?
Yeah just realized this
Let's just add this to my list of: why I hate the Canadian federal government and want to separate from Canada
There's probably more well armed civilians here than military with functioning weapons
>but hey we don't need to spend more on military
>spends money on cars nannies and trips to Japan instead
You know you're EU levels of corrupt when some tiny ass Balkan country could pose a threat to you
Hungarians have only 12 tanks?! What the shit?
Pls nerf Romania and Hellas.
proxy-Ahmed pls don't vote
If you dont like the thread,hide it bro.We kinda like it here,even tough it can be shitty sometimes.
H' MAK - Lesvos Island
I've been trained on a G3A4 but never had the chance to go shooting with it, had the chance to go shooting with a Bulgarian AK as an extra and an FN Minimi.
>Hellenic Republic
Thank you.
No offence to them but it's no wonder they lost Vampireland
>bosnia and herzegovina
that thing only exist on paper :^) not in real life
I wouldn't start shit if i were you faggot, we could fucking destroy canada in a matter of minutes.