TV what movie should I watch with my first date? I was thinking snatch? Pic related
TV what movie should I watch with my first date? I was thinking snatch? Pic related
i have proof that OP is underage
What I'm 25
This. Also seeing a movie on your first date is an amateur move.
>checkered vans
theres no way you're over 18
Can you please suggest movies
A Serbian Film
>for you
Is Nicole a Baneposter? Sounds like a big girl.
This. Janny pls ban OP. He's obviously 12yo
this obvs.
El Topo is a real tear jerker.
Should be called Panty Melter 2, honestly
Putting too much thought into it.
If she likes you enough you could play TDKR nd she will touch your peepee.
>worse fear is wearing clothes to not suit the occasion
>never felt the embarassment of pissing on your jeans on a date
OP is well underage b&
neck yourself emo autist
t. Slob who never visits /fa/
>visiting /fa/ for actual fashion advice
>checkered fucking vans
Just how high on the spectrum are you my dude
>going to /fa/ for advice on how to not dress like a dipshit
I stopped going there when you underage nerds took over and brought your mememd culture in
dubs confirm
>chequered vans
>smelly mall goth who probably has a rancid smelly vag
if you're watching a movie on a first date, you're doing it wrong.
What is appropriate for the first date?
I just go to Cold Stone and talk.
Not a good fit my man, you look retarded. We're you just upset people made fun of your clothes?
>visits /fa/
>he isn't down with sandninja
go back, underage
Why are you talking to her in Sup Forums memes? Is she an ugly nerd girl who gets them or are you just that obsessed with memes?
you're either underage or literally a retard.
checkered vans are shit
t. /fa/ggot
anything where you can do plenty of this. if you're not getting to know each other, you're doing it wrong. you can't expect to get into somebody's pants if you sit around for 2 hours not saying shit to each other.
Nice boots
This. There's no opportunity to connect. Just just sit in silence in the dark together.
If you simply must see a movie,
>Go for coffee first.
This way you get to exchange pleasantries, get to know the basics. Then you're not sitting next to a complete stranger in silence. It's also your first bail out opportunity. You don't want to find out she smells like piss etc just as you sit down next to her for 2 hours.
>See the movie.
Something interesting, but not obscure. Don't watch a Rom-Com or horror movie because that's transparent and shit. Ideally I'd take a girl to see a documentary on a subject we both were interested in. If there's nothing like that on, something with a bit of substance on a subject you're both interested in. This is because...
>You finish the night with dinner.
Where because you have all the personality of a bit of cardboard with a face drawn on it chequered vans XD lmao you can now sit and discuss the movie instead of anything relevant. If you saw a Rom-Com or something else light and 'date friendly' you can both say "oh wasn't it funny when X did Y" and then stare gormlessly at each other over your cheap pasta and overpriced cask wine. If you picked something that's more personally important to you, then you can easily segue into a conversation about that topic the movie was on, and discuss the themes and content in a way that's more engaging and perhaps get to know each other a little better.
Maybe even do coffee before, because this is a sizable chunk of your day to spend potentially with someone you don't like.
>chequered vans
I hope it's an inside joke or you're fucked.
>movie before dinner
Incorrect, dinner is always before the movie. Then you don't have to deal with bullshit movie snacks
this autist is cross posting on /fit/ as well
This looks like an oriental cowboy or some shit. Im mirin.
>he actually eats movie snacks
Have some self control my nigga.
Dinner before the movie is objectively shit because it's solely reliant on them enjoying the movie enough to still have a positive reflection on the evening despite your dry and uninteresting conversation at dinner. It's the plebs choice for people afraid they're boring and looking for a 'safe' play for a date.
If you insist on doing it this way, you need to take her for drinks after. The only reason you see a movie on a date is so you've got a thing to talk about. It won't wait for next time. You won't meet up and say "what a lovely movie we saw last week, didn't you enjoy XYZ". It's a one time $20 ticket to conversation.
If you want something you'll talk about in the future, do something interesting. Take her in a hot air balloon. Go see an exhibit you're both into. Something you wouldn't normally do.
>Just just sit in silence in the dark together.
sounds good
>actually watching a movie on a date