Ever notice how a certain (((Group))) that is active in degeneracy among other things tends to project their own failings and insecurities onto the goyim? This group:
>are the biggest cucks
>try to make out white people to be cucks instead
>are horribly inbred
>try to claim that white's are inbred and need to be "enriched"
>claims the whites are responsible for things like the transatlantic slave trade
>(((they))) actually financed it all and ran most of it
Why is this? Is it really projection or are they trying to cover their own path? It's just like when they:
>go on about white privilege and say that you know about it because you're (((white)))
>when some dindutavious approaches them and asks for dem reparations or something then (((they))) screech and howl and cry out that you need to remember the hex-million and that they're concerned about the growing trend of anti-(((them)))ism.
I'm serious, why do they do this?
Ever notice how a certain (((Group))) that is active in degeneracy among other things tends to project their own...
Like the Swedes?
They're just going through with the final solution to the European problem
That was fast.
Trying to play it cool, huh?
Oh no I've been found out
You gonna do something except shitposting?
Of course not. Holocausting for real this time will only make you stronger. You should be treated like the monsters under the beds of Children, every single thing about you forgotten because then is when you lose power, when you are neither prosecuted nor adored you will cease to exist.
This thread is so stupid
>the south african Jew shows up
Here you go, guess it's time for this again
How the organic frogurt business going?
>t. one of God's chosen people
Thanks for correcting the goyim Chame
Yeah that (((group))) sounds like it controls the world, they must be the master race!
Why are (((they))) always behind unrestricted capitalism?
Wow TWO Israelis in my thread! I am TRULY honored.
Same reason (((they))) are behind communism and socialism. They use communism/socialism among other things to subvert nations and then state capitalism (eventually regular ol' capitalism) to enslave. The real red pill is traditionalism and fascims/national socialism (in the transitional period)
Whats your point?
Yep. Jews represent everything, including themselves, hates, simultaneously.
As a member of the (((group))) I see it the opposite way around.
Goyim are always trying to make us out to be cuckold degenerate cowards whereas in reality our one state (Israel) is un-cucked and warlike, whereas their countries are all full of sand niggers and faggot apologists.
Just convert to Judaism already you jealous normie beta faggots.
Wow sick burn