Love the CIA slant on the story, but the color pallet is off. It's either too bright or too clean.
Love the CIA slant on the story, but the color pallet is off. It's either too bright or too clean
Man, Bernthal's career has fucking skyrocketed in the past couple of years.
Looks good.
Don't like Bernthals yelling/screaming sometimes. Frank's supposed to be stone cold.
Hope they have introspective.
There's one shot where he's in close quarter combat and shouldering his gun in a weird angle to execute someone. Remind me too much off high stylized john wick films. Let's hope they only take the essentials for their action scenes from that not the whole style. Punisher's an effective killing machine not a fancy fighter.
Ah man I want this to be good more than the studio I guess. We'll see.
Something feels off about it. Particularly I don't like that it's all about the murder of his family...again, should have been just Frank killing criminals imo.
my bad
as long as there's no dumb fucking ninjas in 2017 and whatever other fantasy bullshit comic book hand shit faggots like to read about
It looks like they're moving away from jump-cuts, and Jon can handle an.action scene just fine. So that's a clear positive. Plus, One really is a good choice for Frank's trailer song. If there's hope of Netflix Marvel getting a series right again, it's here.
I wonder how much they payed to get One in there
Still the best Punisher
Was that any good?
So this is the reason Iron Fist sucked,netflix wasted all their money paying copyrights to Metallica
The CIA baddies are to justify him killing 1000s of white males, instead of nigs and wogs like the comic. What a fucking joke
Probably not much, Metallica haven't been relevant for years.
If anything, Metallica will be the ones to profit off this more than Marvel/Netflix
but in pokemon it's pallet town!????
That's season 2.
It wasn't, but he was.
Somethings not right about it.
i s2g senpai pull ur neck in or ill ship you to afghanistan on a standard eu palette
The Metallica song was a poor choice.
Why MARVEL always pull the EBIL GOV shit?
What song would you prefer? Works pretty perfectly for someone that has become stuck in a dark horrific vocation due to war
i thought him screaming shooting that saw was pretty fucking dope. i know hes suppose to be stone cold but ive seen way to many movies do that, kinda want a savage frank castle
Some somber orchestra to set the mood.
>Not fighting crime
This isn't the Punisher at all. I'm not watching.
This is kinda Sup Forums for my tastes, but you're right. They didn't want to have him fight crime because let's face it, the vast majority of criminals are minorities.
This looks pretty great.
Glad I'm not a 'muh comics' faggot purist, and can enjoy this when it comes out.
There's no bigger crime syndicate in America than the CIA
>bullets firing with the riffs of the song
Now this is podracing
thats how your supposed to do it in close quarters