Wtf? I hate white people now!
Wtf? I hate white people now!
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its like production companies actually know their target audience that will pay to see a movie
really made me think
Wanting to be with white people just makes sense. Relationships are a gamble at best. If you want to gamble and have a shot at winning you gotta know the games and play the game with the greatest odds in your favor.
>Movie is from fifty years ago
Man, those racist Hollywood time-travelers really are something.
>Niggers rule Egypt for 140 years out of a 3000 year period of Egyptian domination
>Proceed to run the country into the ground, end a period of unprecedented domination over Mesopotamia, start a war you can't win that results in your country being annexed and the Nubian dynasty overthrown
This meme needs to end
>In Senior year in 2013
>Black History month
>Some random black woman comes in and starts telling us about Egypt
>Literally says Egypt was the first civilization, and mentions Cleopatra being a strong black woman who conquered the Romans
>My fucking face when
Actors have the memorise a lot of words you know?
Kek, I would love to see a movie about slavery where everyone is white. Even the niggers.
>tfw a butthurt white virgin actually took to time to make all that shit
funny how its usually bottom of the barrel white people coming up with this shit while the real master race whites are out getting pussy/holding down jobs
Where did all this WE WUZ come from?
Don't egyptians and other people mind niggers stealing their history?
The actor in your picture isn't white, in fact both look like shitskins.
Someone post he "We Wuz Giant" thing.
It was probably made to counter the cuck posters
>Not knowing yul brynner
shiggity diggity diggity doo
Kangs thread
>Giving Yul Brynner flack for playing a Ramses
>Nobody gives a shit about him also playing a Siamese king
>Not caring about John Wayne playing Genghis Khan
Look I know we're dealing with the descendants of proud royalty here, but I probably wouldn't mind this if they didn't pick-and-choose so often. Go harder or go home.
That's okay, though. Wayne and Brynner were more man than anyone in the past few decades, so fuck whatever these kangz think about all this.
It really makes you hmm
>Africa is the size of 20+ Africas
>exponentially infinite size
Infinite territory to "colonize"
Swastika originated in africa?
Nigger IQ
Jainism is black too right
Jesus is this real
I wish they'd portray us as kangz