Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
No it doesn't Pablo.
He will be whatever he wants to be once all the actual swedes die off.
Ahmed is still too white for sweden standards?
Definition of a Swede: someone born in Sweden
Definition of a horse: a horse
That image is beyond retarded op
dub trip trips
>being born on a piece of land makes you a national
That's beyond fucked up, m8.
Well thats how the word is defined, no matter how much you think otherwise
What makes a horse a horse?
>nationality is now equivalent to species
literally kys yourself bitch.
>citizenship is the same as ethnicity
Neck yourself, please.
There's two rules on nationality: blood or territory. The USA following the territory rule is why it is 60% and dropping.
>implying swede is an ethnicity
Holy fuck youre not honestly this retarded are you?
I want to pet that mouse
It is you dumb fucking nigger
No. Nationality is where you were born. Ethnicity is blood
>not living in a nation-state where citizenship = ethnicity = race = language = culture = religion
Shrek yourself.
Um no, its not
Um yes, it is.
So if I had white children in China they'd be Chinese? Perfect logic
You could have just answered "yes" to his question because you clearly are beyond help.
>1 post by this ID
Assuming that being born in China makes you a chinese citizen, then yes
That'd only make sense if Swedes were a species of some kind.
Hot argument shit teeth. You sure showed me
>1 post by this ID
It makes him a Swede by nationality, does not affect his ethnicity. Not a hard concept to grasp.
Damn son, your parents must be proud to have grown a potato without any dirt.
You need at least 50%.
If for example his mother is swedish he is half swedish and half middle earth.
If this 50/50 bread gets a child with another swedish girl, their kids will be 75% swedish and 25% sand.
And so on...
Make it 2, senpai
But you're saying the child would now be Chinese, despite having two white British parents, just because they were born in China. Do you not realise how fundamentally retarded that logic is?
The mouse born in the stable image perfectly parallels to this, except in the mind of a mentally ill liberal or a shitskin from a worthless country in denial about themselves.
Shut it you old gook
It gives him citizenship to a government. Not an ethnic Swede.
If the government is not representative of the native people, then the government must be dissolved or replace the people to prolong its survival.
I'm Japanese says the weaboo living in Japan.
I believe it says the Chinese Canadian.
>Really makes you think...
And youre saying someone who is citizen of China, and has all the rights of other Chinese citizens, isnt chinese? God youre fucking dumb.
They're not. Theyre a Chinese citizen, but they're not Chinese
name one ethno-state aside from israel
>implying a piece of paper determines your nationality
Nope, please try again sweetie.
>gets btfo
>replies with dead meme
please kys
>races are different species
Actually I'm Albanian honey :) ^_^ stay mad haters G T F O
Really makes you think
Nice argument memer
>Dat hipster beard
Wonder how much Swedish pussy he has gotten
I've fucked two 7/10 swedish chicks and none wanted anything more to do with me
wtf i hate horses now
Jew is a interracial rat, because had sex with anybody for money, so everybody needs to be a rat, but not everybody is chosen. Diversity is when you take many and create one.
achmed has dead eyes.