What was the agenda they were trying to push here?

What was the agenda they were trying to push here?

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israelis are hot, gal's got the whole advanced human thing going on, looking like an alien-human hybrid, she probably is, that's why you jack it to her, lil ayylmaon nigger

deformed jewesses are the new hot item.

Take your meds

this guy gets it

just took em bout half an hour ago, thanks for lookin out tho


why'd she just drop her shawl on the ground?

she could easily afford another

why does her forehead look more like a slope than the slope?

Meth addict agenda

Asian women are sticcs with 404 tits n ass. This scene is pretty problematique desu.


better this than sarah silverman

Transexual anorexia.

Asians and Jews both have the highest iqs they need to breed and create a superior race
If you can't beat the samurai then steal his dna

Theyre trying to push the agenda that even dirty camels can be actresses too

Nah even sarah has certain assets worth showing off


This, this tranny jewess ainnt even hot


She is so hot senpais
Pity she doesn't believe in the New Testament

Imagine being Han in that slow-motion shot and having to be all like "damn, Gal Gadot, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your skelly body and horrific androgynous jew face. I would totally bone you, both my character and the 5 bodyguards in front of you." when all he really wants to do is smoke up another 16 year old joint. Like seriously imagine having to be Han and not only look across a bench while Gal Gadot flaunts her disgusting body in front of everyone that tiny bikini barely concealing her jutting shoulder-blades and flat ass, and just lean there, shot after shot, hour after hour, while she perfected that strut. Not only having to tolerate her alien fucking visage but her smug attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GAL GA-GOT IT and DAMN, GAL GADOT LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to lean there and watch her shrunken jew back contort into types of contortions you didn't even know existed before that sunny day. You've been slaying nothing but a healthy diet of ganguros and timid cucks for your DRIFTING SPREE coming straight out of the Drifting Tōge. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the beer that's dripped into your chips as she sucks it in to strut it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to lean there and bask in her "wonderesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with Tironut Instructors in the previous years. And then Lin calls for another shot, and you know you could judo-chop every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you lean there and endure, because you need money for pot. You're not going to go sober over this. Just bear it. Have a chip and bear it.

Also it's apart of ((they're)) sinister agenda she is a tranny you can tell by the wide shoulders and look at the prominent brow ridge she doesn't have wide hips she looks masculine and act's masculine overall.



>ugly women don't exists, it's only trans
I'm sorry to burst your dementia but there are a lot of ugly women with shitty bodies just like there's a lot of ugly short men with pear shaped bottoms.

ir's kind of embarrassing that an entire film crew planned and produced that shot thinking audiences would drool over this stick figure with the face of an Italian grandmother.

They're starting to push Jew-oriental race mixing propaganda because now that all white countries are destroyed the far east is next on the list to drain the shekels out of

Why would she get rid of a perfectly good towel, and litter in a public place?

I thought it was kind of hot then again I like skinny girls that have pelvic bones slap when you fuck em.

not that guy but that also fits the narrative because there turning guys more feminine so it makes sense you would see them


l2english there tyrone

Yeah no shit faggot I wasn't implying ugly women are trans numale.

>same bodytype
>same forehead


This androgynous jew looks like something out of Valerian something (((they)) want. Gal Gadot's disgustingly lanky masculine body is pretty gross in slow motion.

Fat acceptance.

Yup and subverting trans in society.

>"f-fucking jews" he says, as he grabs another handful of tissues and dreams about being lucky enough to lick another mans cum off of Gal Gadot's flawless body


It's moments like this that I wish we had an upvote button on Sup Forums


>tfw better movie
Fast and Furious a shit

Look at all those superior genetics

>If you can't beat the samurai then steal his dna

more like the jew got cucked by the samurai, nice try kike

do one about when she sits on his lap in the car



Israelis are asian. What's the problem friendo?



I love how other versions say 'to kill everyone' and this one just say that he attempts to judo chop everyone before the security puts him down.




Nobody cares faggot, jews rule you as is their right. The thing you call 'western culture' was their efforts, you are just nigger for heavy lifting.

Neanderthal genes.


>its an autist posts slightly unflattering pictures of the most beautiful woman in the world episode

Looks like the happy merchant. Also, funny to see her with a spanish actress. We kicked out the jews many years ago

Did somebody say Gal Gadot?


>me in the back

what goblin fucking forehead bitches are even these?

>1,5 year later
>Gadotfags still think it's her

Do other hot jewesses exist or is our gal a rare occurrence when then the planets aligned?

fucking jej

Girl in the right has a normal forehead. Gadot has the stereotypical Jewish sloped forehead.

i'm okay with jews ruling over me if they're hot like Gal

Also Gal has very long arms and a strong jawline, male esque cheekbones.

Oh looks like a outward prominent brow ridge to me.


>look at the prominent brow ridge
It's not a prominent brow ridge so much as a heavily sloped forehead. Have you ever seen a Jewish girl irl? That shit is like a trademark on them.
They can unjew the nose through plastic surgery, but not the ayy lmao forehead.

>Gadot has the stereotypical Jewish sloped forehead.
She looks like a fucking subhuman caveman from outer space


Why are Jewish women so masculine and the men so feminine?
This tribe is such a mystery to me in so many aspects.

>when you're not the jewest person in the room

>She looks like a fucking subhuman caveman from outer space
So... like a jew?

Oh really? didn't know about that feature for jewess's

There ain't nothing "normal" about that girl on the right

Looks like Gal Gadot 10 years from now

I know a Jewess who has exactly the same bone structure. Same forehead, same nose, same jaw. Even the same skin tone and hair color. The similarity is uncanny, and only one of her parents is a jew.
These fuckers have strong genes.

Idk maybe because its really a matriarchal tribe to be born a jew through the jewess mother

Wtf a lot of are very similar due to inbreeding for century's within the tribe wouldn't surprise me. Yes they do have strong genes even just one parent they will still have stereotypical jewish features I bet it was her mother she inherited them that's why its so strong. Also is that Gal or another jewess?

Xer is nasty af 0:07-0:12 xer Gal has a disgustingly lanky walk very masculine jewess.

That concentration camp victims are attractive.

She is nasty af the only jewess I can think of that's pretty attractive is Natalie Portman

That's Gal. This is another Jewess, but check the forehead.
I think part of the reason why Jews look like they have big noses is their sloped foreheads. It makes their noses project a lot more in profile view.

Forgot pic.

I still want her to bully me.

Literally this

>who is Jennifer Connely

She looks more feminine than Alicia Vikander so there's that.
Since then things have gone even worse in casting choices.
In a few years I expect them to just cast trannies and to abolish all femininity from women characters.

I like how all the side-women in that scene have more appealing bodies than her.
Trying to make her lot hot among Latinas is a wasted effort.

>hey user you don't think Israel is an illegal state do you

Natalie > xer Gal don't care what anyone says I'd still hit this jewess than ayydrogynous

Negative ass was hot in 2013.

Oh now that you mention it, it does seem like it but they do have noses that point downwards like pic related and ((they)) also have big ass noses idk if this one has a sloped forehead due to more white genes.

Oh damn forgot about her

Oh talking about the strong genes this jewess has more white genes but still retains the hook nose I wonder why is it due to them having strong genes or are they cursed?

>but they do have noses that point downwards like pic related and ((they)) also have big ass noses
Oh, definitely. But don't limit your jewdar to the nose only because many of them seem to have smaller, normal looking ones either by genetic lottery or surgery.
Look out for several traits. You will catch at least one.
Slanted foreheads, thick eyebrows, close-set eyes, curly hair, etc.

Btw, post an image of the girl in your pic in profile view. You will instantly notice the forehead thing.