"Jobless couple with eight kids claim they are being neglected because the council only offered them a five-bedroom house"
Poor and racially oppressed family seeks justice from white devils and their blue-eyed abuse
my only hope is that with each of these stories, we push brave men closer and closer to being who will not take it anymore.
Quadruple dubs
First post GOAT post
Every other race in the world is playing the "win at all costs" game while white people are playing the "win correctly" game.
Sometimes I wonder whether white people should shift gears to "win at all costs" mode, but then I remember that line from Ender's Game about the way we win mattering most, not the fact that we win.
It sucks that all the other non-white races act like such shits because they don't care how they get ahead, but in the end I hold the belief there is a long-term strategic benefit to winning correctly.
Wait until trump gets declared president
Otherwise there is too much risk, you don't want obongo calling martial law, as soon as he gets out of office and even so once Trump is in, he will take out the trash
We did do that for a while, that's why Britain owned 25% of the earths landmass at one point.
Problem is that White, European culture is the only altruistic culture in the world, which makes our countries good, but also makes us soft on people who need a firm hand to be kept in line.
Winning the right way doesnt matter if you lose.
I don't think we could have asked for a better first post.
White people are the only ones that internalizes guilt, we're the only people who feel bad when they do the wrong thing.
So why can't we just send them to Africa?
I'm sure they'd love to go back to Africa where their own kind will take great care of them
Im so mad I don't know what to do
Look at their fucking eyes.
>Gibs me...
Niggers indeed
Is that the Bed Intruder guy?
What am I looking at here?
>He moved from France
Hopefully they get petrol bombed now that we know what they look like and they end up fleeing the country and seeking asylum in Germany or France or something.
You may win a battle, but that does not mean you win the war.
>Have no money to live
>Have 8 kids anyway
>Complain you have no money for your 8 kids
Why is it naked?
lmfao all their kids are different shades of nigger
Dat ass tho
When Britain ran India, things were alot better. Fuck ghandi, he was a marxist shill that destroyed India out of spite. The british kept order and made things run on time, people didn't starve and there was peace. Now look at it!
that has to be a suit
gibsmedat you cracka oppresas
Don't think so. It's a real head scratcher in terms of logistics. What happens when you shit... all over your giant ass, for the most part because it's simply in the fucking way? ....what's the wiping process? Fahk!
>Armed robbery with a deadly weapon...for chicken wings?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Anything's possible.
Fuck niggers