>Worst state to live in
>Jews Everywhere
>Cucked liberal whites everywhere
>no right wing left
Am i alone Sup Forums? It seems only europe has good right wing groups (i.e. national action, casapound, slavic union, pravyy sektor, golden dawn etc...)
>state has been run by jews since the italian mafia "collapsed". On a scale of 1-20 how cucked are we?
btw im on vacation in the UK (NE to be exact)
New York thread
Born in raised in NYC, undergrad at Cornell. I don't think it's too bad. Very beautiful.
im from dutchess cty.
I've taken the wassaic line quite a few times before, disgusting. Poughkeepsie is kind of nice maybe.
ultimate nigger town
you down to join a RW group (Patriot) group?
eh I only really saw vassar when I went, which was very pretty
right-wing? sure, anything that's anti nigger
Yup definitely anti nigger.
email me [email protected]
its kangzandshit
didnt even realize i spelled it wrong
[email protected]
None of Europe's right wing groups are worth a shit, even the once based bong parties all went fascist or natsoc
Im nationalist but dont exactly support the socialist ideology in NatSoc.
all new yorkers must flee to pennsylvania to give god emperor votes
Emperor has Rudy. NY goes red.
Queens reporting in, there are actually a lot more right-leaning people than you'd think here. Almost every white person I know over 25 is voting Trump this year. It's all the minorities and college aged hipsters that ruin things here.
Currently living on LI, hardly any blacks here at all. I'm used to seeing nothing but blacks and spics working all the minimum wage jobs but all I see are qt white girls. It's kinda surreal. I will say I've noticed there's a lot of Jews though
There is literally nothing wrong with the North Country.
Born in Brooklyn and moved out of the city prior to starting school. Hardly remember a thing from New York. Just this year I visited for the first time in almost 20 years since I left, hardly saw any conservative-looking white people.
Upstate only state.
jew york given to new jersey when?
Schoharie here.
I only see non whites when I go to Albany.
Truly gods country
>no right wing left
you clearly aren't upstate
Buffalo, NY here. I know this is anecdotal, but since the election season started I've been seeing a lot of Trump signs, and none for Hillary.
>muh Jew York meme
I hate the 5 borough niggers who generalize the entire state as being an extension of their shit hole.
New York is beautiful. Many areas where non whites are rarely seen. Many areas where Jews aren't landlords or have any influence.
Get your head out of your ass.
I live near buffalo and it is absolutely beautiful. It's a shame we are attached to that boat an her Nyc.
Fuck coumo and the safe act
Southern Orange Co here. Moved here fifteen years ago after spending the first forty years of my life in Paterson.
It's a helluva lot nicer. Very light. Just not as many stores/restaurants to choose from.
Don't really see any presidential signage for anyone.
>UK flag
Shut up bitch you're not from anywhere.
For poughkeepsie bro
>all I got
What? No Newburghs?
Oh, right, they're probably being robbed or shot right now.
I live in Albany and I'm surrounded by brown pal
(((Newburgh))) corner of Broadway and Liberty.
fuck buffalo