>tfw playing a dangerous game posting personal images on Sup Forums
Sometimes people ask me if I'm from *insert country here* or if I'm from *insert other country here*
I'm curious if the eagle eyed polacks can correctly guess my genetic heritage, for simplicities sake we'll make the year 1600 the cut off point as I haven't had my geneology traced further back than that.
Get cracking cunts.
Dylan Diaz
thats a tough one. i'm not 100% sure if he's white or not. if i could meet him and talk to him i'm sure i would be able to determine whether or not he is white or not though
Brayden Fisher
Just to let you know this is me in the image kek.
Don't hold back though.
If it helps you're talking to me now, ignore my flag if you like, it only represents the country I currently reside in.
Anthony Watson
Shit, we was both so close to quadruple dubs, triple dubs will have to do.
Ryder Sanchez
Colton Robinson
What makes you say Polish?
Ethan Long
Carter Nelson
Noah Sanchez
You just look Eastern or South-Eastern European. It's your eyes. They look kind of Slavic. I just figured Polish would make sense for living in Britain.
Henry Allen
my guess was greek or i dunno. just guessing here.