>white European nationalist >want all outside cultures and influences to stay outside their nation >muh bloodline >muh ancestors >muh heritage >wants to go back to their traditional cultural lifestyle and practices
>is Christian
I don't get it. You keep talking about how dirty sandnigger culture and religion needs to stay in the Middle East and that were supposed to be proud of our heritage, race, and culture, then you turn your backs on your ancestors religion and spirituality in favor of a dirty raghead religion. it's no better than Judaism or Islam.
If you were a true white European nationalist you'd stick to your blood religions like Celtic, Germanic, or Norse religions.
Enjoy your Jawa religions you fucking traitors.
Jack Morales
Because Celtic, Germanic, and Norse religions are mythologies that have no legitimacy to them beyond written or spoken word.
Angel Gutierrez
And before Odin, Thor and Lugh they worshiped fertility goddesses and animal Gods....why not go back to them?
Sebastian Martinez
Let me remind you of the Battle of Tours.
The Muslim invaders had a long streak of successes in Iberia, and by all accounts, were encouraged by Muslims elsewhere to continue the Jihad into Europa. It was only by the will of Charles Martel, and the Christian community at his side, that pushed back these men into (eventually) North Africa by 1453.
Like you said, Christianity had some ugly moments, such as Charlemagne burning down Irminsul and killing most of the Saxons. But were the pagan beliefs much better? Constant infighting about who is the top male is your life. Of course, you could argue that this is the whole point of life, and the way of men, but I digress.
Anyway, Christianity has been a unifying factor for Europe. Look at some of the cathedrals, inside and outside, and tell me their ugly. Returning to Tours, would all the Pagans really unite to fight a giant threat like that?
Semper Virtus.
Christian Nelson
unlike christianity amirite :o)
Parker Miller
Oh THIS is gonna be a good thread.
Brayden Allen
Jason Roberts
Just noticed the samefagging. Wtf.
William Parker
so we should like a dirty kike religion because some goyim 600 years ago used it to unify against mudshits?
thats the same logic libshits use that says we should vote for hillary clinton to unify against the threat that is donald trump.
go fuck yourself you christ cuck. you worship a fucking invisible man in the sky ironically and accuse sandniggers of being backwards? seriously, go die right now if you think heaven really exists and your jew god is waiting for you with open arms. faggot
Christian Lewis
Yes, explicitly. All we have left of those pre-Christian religions are tidbits saved by Christians.