Why is "Atheism: The series" so dishonest?

Why is "Atheism: The series" so dishonest?

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>hurr hurr atheists fedora wearing hurr im so different and superior

How is it dishonest?

Doesn't mention the fact that God created the universe.


Because it's narrated by this guy

Explain why he's wrong in three paragraphs or less.

he's black

He's right about that. Life is just a question of point of view.

You don't need to be wrong about everything to be a bad presenter.

I learn so much from this negro

You could actually criticize how the show spends too much time dealing with conjecture rather than hard scientific truths. Then you would have a point.

Wondering about what happened before the big bang is good, but it should take a back seat to proven information. This underpins a broader problem with scientific education as a whole.

Almost all armed conflict is about resources

>These resources belong to me!
>I disagree.

*tips mitre*

he's not wrong its just an asinine surface level observation

Actually, it's:
>I want these resources
>me too

What a retard. Yeah obviously, thats called a "disagreement". And what is the most extreme form of that? War.

They attempted to pass Giordano Bruno, a heretic monk who broke his vows, as a martyr for science. The guy had nothing to do with science.
And you get cartoons like this one, which make it obvious that the program is about propaganda rather than education.

>a heretic monk who broke his vows
Diddle any more boys today, padre?

I love how he says platitudes or outright wrong statements and believes he's giving out wisdom, kek

Euphoric humor, m'enlightened fellow earthling.

Not an argument. Bruno was a mystic, a hermeticist and a kabbalist and that show attempted to pass him for a scientist. Nevermind that the Big Bang theory was proposed by a Catholic priest called Georges Lemaître, lol
Jesus Christ, what a retard

Excuse the source, but you guys gotta read this

Quick rundown:
>NDT charged 40k for a lecture
>Went there and shat on philosophy to start
>The lecture was more bragging about himself than science
>He then proceeded to shill his upcoming show and make fart jokes

Serves them right for hiring a meme "scientist" who does no research

You gotta admit they know their audience though

>shat on philosophy to start
Oh I am laffing


what do you call a female cuck? Cuckette?

Stop larping as a christian please, the vatican of those times would have had you on a pike because you touch yourself.
Go play some warhammer or something if you want to larp at muh heresy so much.

>he fell for the black legend meme
The inquisition wasn't as bad as (((propaganda))) wants you to believe

What the fuck, user?

>Nevermind that the Big Bang theory was proposed by a Catholic priest called Georges Lemaître
Yes, a guy born 50 years after the vatican lost 90% of its political power and could no longer burn people at will.
Copernicus was the first modern scientist to talk about heliocentrism and he would have been killed as well if he lived in Italy at the times.

>o i am laffin
you outed yourself as a lordefag with those words

>the vatican lost 90% of its political power in 1844
>he would have been killed as well if he lived in Italy at the times.
wrong, both theologians and scientists discussed stuff all the time

Almost all armed conflict in the history of the world came about because of either limited resources or unregulated banter.


how the fuck

Actually it's
>hey guys you wanna buy my resources?
>nah I think imma just take it

literally just google o i am laffin

It's bad, but at least he holds a postgraduate degree in science unlike Bill the Engineer Guy

Scarcity exists.

Theists are so buthurt

You don't see us atheists coming on here, posting about how your most recent "dial-a-dollar" pray-a-thons are shit. You don't see atheists coming on here bemoaning prayers before sports and Christmas messages on tv bla-bla-bla

And yet one little tv show, made decades ago says "you know, god probably doesn't exists and we should teach evolution in schools"

gotta love how she pretends she's not a Sup Forumstant lol

Oh my bad I thought this was a serious thread

"o i am laffin" is an ancient Sup Forums meme you retarded newfag.

>falling for an obvious false flag by an atheist
OP here, I won't try to evangelize you and I'm not asking for Cosmos to be evangelical, but the blatant vilification of Christianity through distortions of facts is too much. It's just dishonest.

an ancient meme originated by Lorde

Because not all conflicts are ideological. Most are actually just tribal. Both world wars, for example, are not about ideology at all. Different countries went to war with each other purely for land, wealth, and power. Not all wars are the crusades or cold war proxies

Fallout told me it was about resources

>that pic

what did this faggot have to say about philosophy? dissing phil is neckbeard prime behavior.

Neil "Mike Tyson's brother" DeGrasse Tyson doesn't care if you're religious or not

>When he arrived, myself and others introduced ourselves and our fields of study. He went after first of us in humanities or soft sciences pretty much relentlessly from the get go. We're all used to the philosophy major working at McDonald's joke, but he wasn't trying to be funny, and spent the ride from the airport making repeated comments about the uselessness of our majors. Additionally he spent about 5 minutes trying to show that logic was stupid but he was citing logical rules and Occam's razor.

I've never bothered watching Mr. Black Science Guy. Does he really go off on diatribes attacking christianity, rather than just talking about science stuff?

Also, why is it that the atheists only ever attack christianity? I never see them going on about judaism, islam, buddhism, or hinduism.

>you don't see us atheists coming on here, posting about how your most recent "dial-a-dollar" pray-a-thons are shit.
Nigger, why do you think militant atheists are so villified now? You faggots only don't do that shit anymore because you get spammed with fedoras for it.

>I've never bothered watching Mr. Black Science Guy. Does he really go off on diatribes attacking christianity, rather than just talking about science stuff?
They had an episode with a propaganda cartoon full of half truths and outright lies, painting a esoterist as some martyr of science.
>Also, why is it that the atheists only ever attack christianity? I never see them going on about judaism, islam, buddhism, or hinduism.
Because those are seen as discrimination, but Christians are fair game. Hell, they pretend the Crusades weren't retaliation and that Islamic slavery of Spain didn't happen.

>"dial-a-dollar" pray-a-thons
That's a protestant thing
>And yet one little tv show, made decades ago
The thread is about the 2014 edition of Cosmos with Neil Degrasse Tyson
>"you know, god probably doesn't exists and we should teach evolution in schools"
Nobody is disputing evolution here.

>literally looks like a Ghost album cover
No agenda to see here.


They also use context denial to shit on something that happened without taking into account WHY it happened. They'll say how evil we were for the spanish inquisition "oppressing muslims and jews" and whatever, but they'll completely ignore the fact that this was directly after they finished the reconquista and 700 years of subjugation by the moors. They were kicking the non-spanish out, and this was totally justified.

Why are religiousfags so obsessed with this guy ?

I'm not, but I do love the jaden-smith-tier "what did he mean by this?" tweets

Exactly, basically what I said in >Hell, they pretend the Crusades weren't retaliation and that Islamic slavery of Spain didn't happen.
You went deeper and mentioned the length of Islamic enslavement and the reconquista though.

>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit whining
>girl being in a movie whining
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>"movies women will never understand"
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>"Me on the left"
>Sup Forums
>pedo thread
>it aint me starts playing
>"is it kino?"
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>What’s his endgame
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>Does anyone know some films about [unrelated to film & television]
>Late night talk show host is... *Sup Forums leans forward in anticipation*.... a cuck! *Sup Forums erupts in applause*
>wtf I hate [unrelated to film & television] now!
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>Jewish Hollywood Girls
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>Billy Batts
>Really makes you think
>(Disengage safety protocols)
>quote from Spider-Man movie altered to include Sup Forums humor
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>"Thanks for correcting the record!"
>Dan Schnieder posting
>Recommend Trumpkino
>Watch it
>daily Amy Schumer life update
>daily John Oliver life update
>Daily Show host life update
>daily Lena Dunham life update
>white male
>stronk womyn
>Why do women pretend to
>crab legs
>Mary Sue
>slow shit image server
>Now that the dust has settled
>He was a good friend


I can do it in one sentence. His wealth, livelihood, and reputation would all disappear if he's wrong.

It's almost as if people don't want to lose power.

what did he mean by this?

really clonks the ol' bonker

I'd guess that this guy is insufferable in his fedoraness

Conflict has more nuance then that. It's an extremely retarded reductionist way of looking at conflict.

lol what? Ancient conflict was because of people wanting other people's shit for power and prosperity. It wasn't a matter of opposed viewpoints; it was a matter of get the fuck of my way.

True that. The idea that wars are for anything other than power and resources is a modern invention. Things like "war on terrorism" is just propaganda to make plebs think that what you're doing has just cause.

>I never see them going on about judaism, islam, buddhism, or hinduism.
But people like Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Bill Maher attack islam all the time though, and have stated many times that islam is objectively worse than christianity. I'm not religious, but I'm not a fan of these people, well maybe I was of Hitchens a bit, and they do often missrepresent religion and religious people, but you can't criticize them for not going after islam

>tips turban

>its fedora to believe in Evolution but not fedora to believe in a magic man making everything in a week


Because they can't accept that god didn't create the universe.


There is nothing as of yet that proves He did or didn't. Blow it out your fucking ass.

the universe is so weird compared to our world and it's physics that it makes me believe in god since it's also weird as fuck

People don't believe in god because it seems illogical, but it's exactly how illogical the universe is that it proves that a god being illogical could be plausible

Magic isn't real.

>tips menorah

It has nothing to do with that, plus science doesn't say whether he did or not. It's about the obvious agenda that taints the show. Seriously, watch how the whole thing started:
That cartoon is full of shit, as explained in these links and many other places, not exactly by bible thumpers:

hurr hope no one recognizes this poorly rehashed mitch hedberg escalator joke

woah, the ignorance in this post
>its fedora to believe in evolution
said no one ever
>a magic man
>making everything in a week
if you had any reading comprehension you'd see that the "week" isn't an actual week

You might be right sort of, any illogic of the universe could also be explained by this universe being a simulation, and "god" the beings that created it. The "real" universe might not be anything like the one we know at all.

I tried to watch it and I wanted to like it but I got fed up of the constant 'omg I fucking love science lol religion is so stupid amirite?' vibe from it. It's the sort of stuff reddit laps up because it confirms all their biases, it's basically the documentary equivalent of Rick & Morty.

Atheism stopped being cool around 2005, it's not edgy or smart anymore just get over it.

>if you're against dicking around in the middle east, then you must be a dunecoon.

Nice try, shlomo. I'm not falling for the wars for israel bullshit.

>said no one ever

''I am of the belief that your shit should belong to me.''

''I am of the belief that should not be the case.''

''It is war then.''

Your post validates nothing.

I think it's shit like this that makes me dislike "atheists" so much. This could very well be b8, but a lot of these new-wave hipster geek-culture faggots actually seem to believe that every christian on earth is Ken fucking Ham. I don't believe in god or anything either, I'm just not a condescendeing asshole about the fact that I don't really have a need for religion in my life.

>implying war doesn't have multiple causes
the Crusades were both religious and about seizing assets in the holy land. It's reductionist to assume that all wars have a single cause
Hell, probably the only war where that's true is the Civil War, and that's the one people go the most out of their way to try to claim had multiple causes

So a primitive tradition of some middle easterners that's been modified to your convenience is what's valid, you also hate progress, right.

'The Crusades were a Christian war of agression' is the biggest false meme atheists like to spread, if anything it was a response to hundreds of years of Islamic raids into the West.

Newfags seriously have got to stop.

His neck beard level is off the charts

Oh fucking please. The thing about you atheists is that you think science is ingrained with your lack of belief and because of your lack of belief, it somehow makes you more intellectual then anyone else. It doesn't.

>you also hate progress

Hosea 4:6

If the Pope wasn't such a globalist cuck we should be doing the tenth crusade, Islamic terror is getting out of hand. The Orthodox know what's up, when the sandniggers attempted to pull their shit in Chechnya they BTFO'd them. If they weren't wrong on the Trinity question I'd convert.