What happened?
Beck thinks Trump is the anti-christ
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He's a globalist neocon.
beck is a mormon. he believes in magic gold tablets that nobody has seen and has to wear special underwear. nobody should take this clown seriously.
He complains about everything that's happening in our country. Someone Real comes along who wants to undue everything these political bloodsuckers have done. Beck is just salty because his robot lost to a human being.
Why does anyone care what he says? Watch him in an interview for five seconds and he comes off as a lunatic. His whole demeanor is so odd and oozing disengeniousness that people should write him off right away.
>oy vey, mormonism and large white familes are bad goy!
Which is extremely ironic, considering the Revelation seems to indicate as globalism as the final world order
mormons are globalist nigger loving cunts.
As i mormon i can confirm