What does Sup Forums think about Interview with a Vampire

What does Sup Forums think about Interview with a Vampire.

the book was the only good thing she wrote

Don't know but I liked Interview with the Vampire.

Pretty gay

heard Brad Pitt absolutely hated filming it for some reason

Not quite Furioso. Moderato? Cantabile, perhaps.

Me in the back

i havent seen it

Probably thought it was gonna be a bad ass vampire movie and it was just him being Tom Cruises fuck toy and playing house

Only scenes worth watching were ones Tom Cruise was in.

He definitely felt under used

think they quad teamed her? is that why she got depression? would you get depression by being quad teamed by 4 of the most handsome actors to ever live?


> is that why she got depression?
Really doubt it

I'm currently reading the book having never seen the movie and knowing nothing about it. I'm quite pleased with the pedo elements.

Did those vampires eat that woman?

Because he was a miserable, unprofessional prick at the time.

Me in the middle

I love it, I often rewatch it. it's classy with the tailored suits and period costume. it has a style and feel that is sorely lacking in hollywoods modern copycat garbage.

This. Everything looks plastic and too fast paced nowadays. This, the first seasons of Buffy and pic related are the best comfy vampire fiction I care about.


>yet ANOTHER flick where Tom Cruise plays a coded gay

wat did he mean by this??

that doesnt even look like jeanette in game. looks like someone photoshopped a cosplayer.

haha yeah they should just put the 3d model in there lol it would look much better haha