>Muh work ethic
Does it bother you when actors do it?
I mean being a Hollywood actor is something like winning a lottery, there's not much better to be in the world. Most movies now are shot in mere weeks, post production is the hard thing these days.
And at the end of these couple of weeks you recieve 8 digit paycheck and the only thing holding you back from considering your life made and living out your life in your mansion is lust for attention and influence.
Come to think of it, it's not that playing pretend is hard either, hell, the pinnacle of acting achievement aka the Oscar is given to nothing more but edgy pretentious faglords like Leto who don't master the subtleties or anything, just overact and manipulate rumors behind the scenes to look like they're all about the Method.
>But I have a picture of me working out at 6 AM on the Instagram! It has motivational quote too!
Now THAT is impressive.
Muh work ethic
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Pic related is kind of a bad example for what you're saying. At least physically, Johnson has always worked extremely hard. It's not like Dicaprio who smokes on the beach with models 24/7 or Affleck who's drinking himself into an early grave.
>Johnson has always worked extremely hard
Wow, a millionaire who has nutrition brands and coaches begging him to use their service is jacked. Come on.
The Rock earned it through years of wrestling. Those guys fuck their bodies up.
>At least physically, Johnson has always worked extremely hard
But that's wrong, he used PEDs/steroids???
t. scrawny neet who has never done a deadlift
He still has to lift those weights, though.
normalfags are loathe to admit that 90% of your life is completely out of your hands and decided for you at birth. of course they're going to peddle this nonsense. after all, they happened to have the stars line up where that 10% of personal effort was enough to make it, so why can't everyone else?
Yeah but there are tons of guys who in his position could look the exact same, or do. It's not especially impressive given he abuses roids
>He still has to lift those weights, though.
It doesn't give anyone right to brag about work ethic.
>the pinnacle of acting achievement aka the Oscar
...aaaaaand you just shot yourself in the foot
No he doesn't. Sitting on your ass eating pizza and doing nothing while roiding results in more lean muscle mass growth than lifting 4 days a week without roids.
Do you actually believe that?
Are /fit/ posters the dumbest on this site?
there's a study proving it but I'm too lazy to find it.
There have been studies on this, he's 100% right. Roiding and lifting>roiding doing nothing>>>>>lifting natural
>He still has to lift those weights, though.
Yeah, with the help of steroids
Not every actor is an a-lister, actors like Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman made it by working through a shitload of stuff for lot of years and even deep into their 80s they're still working
First off, while The Rock is a humongous tool right now you got to remember that he got his start on WWF. To make it big there you literally got to put your body on the line and come up with a gimmick that would make the people love you. So he kind of deserves the fame he got when you look at how many other people failed in that business.
Additionally, I wouldn't say that you have to work hard to make it as an actor, its more of a high risk high reward type of thing. I mean think of how many people you know that try to make it big, whether it's on youtube or hollywood, and look at how many fail.
No, he works his ass off, as do most successful actors. It's comforting to think there's a dichotomy where "some people work hard, some people just get lucky" when the reality is, highly successful people have to do both. Plenty of people get a lucky break and blow it, and disappear in a year. It takes constant effort, work, persistence, confidence, willingness to stick your neck out, willingness to risk failure, etc to develop a "lucky break" into a sustainable career.
Film shoots are usually very long hours, it's physically strenuous work if they're shooting an action film or something like that, and most people would never be able to get past the mind-fuck of putting your image & performance out there for the world to see. That's why a lot of actors lose their minds & devolve into psychotic diva behavior - they know that every minute detail of their looks & performance are being judged & overanalyzed by millions.
I've been using test e for 6 months and it'll keep you lean but you will not see "results" especially if you eat like a retard and don't lift, tons of kids fall into that trap and they think roids are magic so they say fuck the workout and eat pizza and drink beer they they hop off and start going bald looking like shit. Then they say roids don't work
>Training Stimulus
The men in the exercise groups received controlled, supervised strength training three days per week during the treatment period
Read the article before you post it you retarded whore
Huh? What are you saying loser??
Nice study you cited there cretin
One of the posters you quoted cited a legitimate medical study. You just have "m-muh test cycle that I bought from reddit" anecdotal evidence.
>the Chad Citation
>vs. the Virgin Anecdote
Read the article you stupid cunt, they were still lifting
lol virgin
Then go shoot roids in your butt and get ripped playing wow. I read the whole thing and it looks like it took already healthy men and gave them the boost. You're deliberately overstating the importance of juice and underplaying the importance of diet and exercise.
Do you have even the slightest idea as to how PEDs/steroids work?
Not an argument, virginbush
No, it's a question which you failed to answer. Credibility=destroyed. Ten years in the book gulag, come out smarter this time.
No there WERE THREE GROUPS idiot
>dude why is Chris Rock being paid so much to talk on a stage for 90 minutes
>dude why is Taylor Swift being paid so much to work 30 minutes a week
the prerequisites are difficult. you have to be good looking and sometimes go on enough steroids to cause a heart attack by age 50. also acting itself is very much a genetic gift. a lot of people's brains do not allow them to play pretend.
shoveling mud for 8 hours is hard work, but anyone can do it. only one in 1 million people can check all the boxes to be a big time actor.