Would the realm be in a better shape if this guy had stayed alive?

Would the realm be in a better shape if this guy had stayed alive?

No he was super dumb

What was his tax policy?

All the gold or I end you're life.

Nothin personnel, just the needs of the realm :^)

Not really. When it comes to the Lannister-Baratheon kids, who sits on the throne doesn't really matter. It's a question of who is the Hand of the King and therefore the real ruler.

>Tywin, Tyrion, Kevan=Good
>Cersei=Everyone is doomed

Joffrey never made any big decisions independently except for executing Ned Stark.

And even this was because littlefinger manipulated him into doing it

>And even this was because littlefinger manipulated him into doing it

My impression was that it wasn't. Beheading Eddard was a pure Joff move. Though I'm sure that Baelish was banking on him to do something that would spark war.

I think it was, Baelish was desperate for a Stark-Lannister war. Remember he's the one who sent the letter claiming that the Lannisters poisoned Arryn (although he had Lysa right it for him).

I keep forgetting this. So Littlefinger poisoned Arryn, blamed the Lannisters, and yet Arryn still found out about the legitimacy issues regarding Robert's "children"?

Doesn't it just make more sense if the Lannisters had Arryn killed for the same reasons Ned Stark investigated?

Tens of thousands of people died just because Joffrey wanted to see somebody executed. He may have been right about a thing or two, but he was a dumb cunt.

Good thread, but no

i want to put my penis in her sex if you know what i mean

I actually feel like the book and show would have been a billion times better both in-universe and out had tywin not died

Let's not kid ourselves here: GRRM blew his load with A Storm of Swords. It was the peak of so many characters' arcs. Now, neither D&D nor GRRM know what to do with Tyrion, Jaime, etc.

At this point I'm all in with whatever they come up with. Sup Forums likes to bitch and while the show isn't the same as earlier seasons, it's still incredibly cinematic and I'm rather enjoying it.

Completely agree. People shit on the show, but book 4 was absolute shit, and 5 wasn't a whole lot better. There's just no way the books are going to have a satisfying conclusion anyways

>There's just no way the books are going to have a satisfying conclusion anyways

GRRM loves making things over-complicated. The story in the books should be winding down, but he has introduced so many new characters and plotlines that it's ridiculous. I praise the show for its simplification. There didn't need to be a fake Sansa. Sandor fighting Brienne was a great idea. Ramsay didn't call himself Reek in the show (the reveal was better in the books, but the Ramsay plotline in book 2 was convoluted as fuck).

He wouldn’t have been able to finesse peace with Daenarys, would’ve gotten the place burned.

That being said, if he were still alive, that would mean Tywin would still be alive, which would mean Tyrion likely would still be on team Lannister. This hypothetical alone compromises the story as we know it far too much to speculate, but assuming that Daenarys managed to make it to Westoros only minus Tyrion, Tywin’s actions via his proxy of Jauffre would likely mirror Cersei’s, assuming he still maintained possession of that proxy (Jauffre’s marriage to that manipulative qt might have mustered his autonomy away from the Lannister family as a whole, condemning everyone to that duo’s will). If Jauffre called all of the shots, Daenarys wouldn’t even be able to showcase the white walker I’d bet. She’s try, still lose her dragon, but Jauffre would make the meeting a trap. She’d be forced to roast King’s Landing. Most of the Lannister forces would jump ship because Jauffre wouldn’t have ran it by them. They’d hole up in Castle iroq with a bunch of anti-air catapults and cripple her forces as best as they can, wasting tons of time.

Caught up in the madness Jon Snow would be forced to return to the north alone where his forces would be eviscerated and serve as fuel, winter would come and kill all of them, etc

It’d be an apocalyptic shitshow of bad diplomacy basically

I agree with most of that except the sansa thing. I actually like what she's doing in the books, learning from littlefinger and becoming his discipline. It kinda happens in the show too but they completely botch it.
Agree on all other counts tho

Tywin was pretty much replaced by Roose Bolton. Both were cold and calculated men. Joffery was replaced by Ramsay Snow/Bolton. Both were sadistic and didn't give a fuck.

Tywin would have been able to rally the great houses behind him, to oppose Daenerys on a united front.
Of course, Cersei somehow managed to do this too despite being hated by all of them because despite how bad the books are the show is ???-tier bad

Tywin and Joffrey were more intesting than Roose and Ramsay tho

Jauffre was a pussy though. There’s a pretty good chance that upon seeing those dragons and those dothraki, he’d bend the fucking knee.

It would be better, as Tywin would still be alive and actually ruled from behind the scenes

and had an assassin attempt to kill bran with his knife, telling the starks that it was tyrions knife

>Doesn't it just make more sense if the Lannisters had Arryn killed for the same reasons Ned Stark investigated?

It would, if Cersei knew for certain he was investigating it.

Yeah whole Jauffre Margerie marriage theory in which their pairing musters power from the manipulative hands of Tywin might be assuming too much, although it’s implied through the alienation of Cersei. The second the dragons arrived he’d probably take command.

I would gladly have let Tyrion be excecuted if it meant he'd survive

You are a retard then.Enjoy your cock jokes, cunt.

Joff can't bend the knee. He has a claim to the throne. Dany would have to feed him to her dragons.

Would the realm be in a better shape if this guy had stayed alive?

>She’d be forced to roast King’s Landing.
She wouldn't even get the chance.

>Dany shows up on her dragons
>stupidly lands right in the middle of King's Landing
>Lannister forces immediately toss down weighted nets, bring out scorpions and shoot them at her, or even just crossbow the shit out of her

Ehhh the post-marriage Margerie would probably assess that Tywin was pulling Jauffre’s strings, and then we would have a storyline of Margerie vs. Tywin for “control” of Jauffre’s rule. Maybe Jauffre would grow some balls and realize what they’re doing, wrenching it from both of them.

Probably not, kid’s a pussy
But this would all be occurring with the white walker backdrop which would be annoying as shit

I lost interest in the show when he died. It's like watching a bunch of retarded children running around now.

When the reach and the westerlands ally, they're pretty much unstoppable. All that wealth, in terms of food and gold probably surpasses the other 6 great houses put together

Yes because he took the threat of Dany seriously. A united Westeros constantly sending assassins after her....one is bound to stick. Maybe Robert even orders an all-out attack on Slaver's Bay before Dany's dragons are full grown.

>post-marriage Margerie would probably assess that Tywin was pulling Jauffre’s strings
The entire kingdom knew that Tywin was pulling the strings

Yes, as slobbish as he's become he could still use his charisma to unite at least 6 of the kingdoms against Dany's army.

Hell even Dorne would probably side with Robert since that'd be a losing war.

The only wild card would be when the Lannisters get ousted by Eddard and Aryyn for spawning incestual bastards. But they certainly wouldn't support Dany.

Robert would probably get a corrupt Septon to divorce them, marry a young girl like Marge and maybe go to war with Tywin demanding Cersei and Jaime's heads.

They're also the most populous and second-most populous regions. As soon as they allied it really was game over for Robb and Stannis.

I doubt Dany's army would ever even get there.

I'm sure she did, with all her spies and whatnot

He would of sodomized and crucified (By the crossbow) 3/4 of the female population in King's Landing by the time he was 24, so no.


Jon found out and told Stannis, it would have ended public sooner or later but before hand he wanted to send his son to Stannis for fostering.
Lisa found out, told Littlefinger who told her to poison him kicking the whole thing.

His brain is alive in Sir Gregor's body.

How does no one see this.

Literally I've been the only person to say this.

If he had stayed alive then Gleeson would still be stuck in one of the dullest franchise in the history of television franchises. Seriously each episode following a multitude of entitled brats and their lackeys as they fight to win the throne from villains indistinguishable from themselves. Aside from the cock and fart jokes all being written from the same brand of idea crayon, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of sudden character deaths, all to make fantasy un-fantastical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when George R.R. Martin vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his unfinished books. The series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Lord of the Rings in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the books were terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character was drinking something, the author wrote instead that the character was "in his cups."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Martin's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of the A Song of Ice and Fire series by the same J.K. Rowling. She wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading A Song of Ice and Fire at 16 or 17, then when they were younger they must have read J.K. Rowling." And she was quite right. She was not being ironic. When you read "A Song of Ice and Fire" you have been, in fact, trained from reading J.K. Rowling.

Never seen this version of this pasta before, I like it.

>>Tywin, Tyrion, Kevan=Good
No, I think you are missing the best hand of all:
Jon Arryn

No clue how he lasted so long.