This was great.
This was great
a great big pile of dooky
from the title alone I already know this review is trash. who the fuck would compare baby driver to taxi driver? and who the fuck would put drive in the same league as taxi driver?
this move is three times better than drive
stop faggoting your video shits you poster
If great means a pretty badly cliche filled generic overwritten mess that goes on for 30 minutes too long, then yeah.
I thought it was generic and derivative, Was just Drive with worse acting and cinematography. Stunts were okay
gud sundtrack
>cliche filled
and subverted, time and again
>overwritten mess
it's going to lenghts to show that he himself got his hands dirty
>the soundtrack wuz bad cuz I only like metal and dadrock
The only thing that was original about the film is the tinnitus gimmick and even that is handled completely wrong.
No one with actual tinnitus would wear earbud headphones 24/7, that would only make your tinnitus even worse in the long run. And the EEEEEEEE sound of tinnitus is not so fucking loud that you have to blast music not to hear it, a sound of a running engine or even just a busy street is more than enough to block it.
And the entire third act is a complete shitshow.
Jon Hamm has a "finale" fight with Baby literally THREE times, absolutely absurd and ridiculous. The diner girl seeing people being murdered left and right and she's still with the guy who she met a week ago. Kevin Spacey doing an 180 on his entire character in an instant just because he sees the girl and suddenly giving his life for Baby and his girl, even though he was ready to kill him and his family seconds ago just to get some more money. Constant cheesy lines left and right. Kevin Spacey playing Kevin Spacey. Jamie Foxx playing Jamie Foxx. Absolutely cliche ending scene.
And this is all just in the last 30 minutes, still baffled by the critical praise.
>criticizing an obviously campy and exaggerated film for being absurd and unrealistic
you're a dummy and you shouldn't share your opinions anywhere
>still baffled by the critical praise.
This. An 86 metascore? Really?
I have tinnitus and you're wrong. Music is a great distraction. He was only "blasting" music during car scenes. Most other times were casual listening volumes. Jon Hamm appearing 3 times is the opposite of a cliche. He escapes police as many times as the main character does, and is actually stronger than the main character in most ways. It's a great action movie that stylistically mimics the music video it's based on. Don't know why anyone expected Drive 2.0 from Edgar fucking Wright, aka Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz guy
You guys need to be sitting through something obviously pretentious before you'll actually think about deeper meanings in a film, don't you
it's quite weird how people miss the obviously oedipal stuff going on in this film
>I have tinnitus and you're wrong. Music is a great distraction
But if you actually have tinnitus you would know that wearing in ear headphones 24/7 would only make the condition even worse, especially in the long run.
>He escapes police as many times as the main character does, and is actually stronger than the main character in most ways.
What does that have to do with anything? If someone is "stronger" you should have three final figths between the same characters in the span of 15 minutes? It's just bad writing.
>It's a great action movie that stylistically mimics the music video it's based on
All of that falls apart in the third act entirely and becomes a cheap action getaway drama
I wish I could have went over the soundtrack with the people who chose the music because I feel I could have done a better job. I also would have removed about a half hour from the movie and made the chase scenes longer.
I was kind of pissed when all the cool parts from the trailer were in the opening credits... I imagined it to be a better movie, wish I never saw any trailer
>I think I could do better
Right... Tell me which Sup Forumscore songs you would have played. Some NMH right?
Nah. You would probably only pick what you yourself think is good/cool music, stuff that you listen to in your spare time. The film picks music intelligently to set up interesting moods and stuff like that.
Why is it bad writing for John Hamm to be as good as Baby Driver at escaping? It was even hinted at earlier in the film. You can't just say it's bad writing and expect me to believe you.
10/10 movie
i would have taken out the queen song, and Radar Love.. would have added some more 60s soul, like the stuff from that coffee scene
you know what... I think I might make a fan edit or something and change the music
I turned it off at the part where that evil mob guy #5472 was naming cuts of meat for his guns.
What a pile of shit, I expected much more from Wright.
I'm begging you, please don't. If your idea of a good soundtrack is taking out a Queen song that is obviously there for the purposes of a tense and absurd final car chase and instead putting in "60's soul" then I'm at a loss for words.
I was going to suggest that you edit the film with your own music. It would be cool to see scenes with alternative music. They should release a version of the film without the music for this purpose. That would never happen in this gay jew earth but it would be neat
This is copypasta posted in every BD thread. Don't reply to this idiot.
It's a grim underworld version of the family picnic. It's a well-written scene but you were too stupid to pick up on it.
He has some points about the last 30 minutes having crappy writing but he won't go any further to actually explain why things are bad.
Before I did anything I'd do another close viewing of the film, leave the good stuff in and mess around with stuff i think i could do better
with video editing programs and a video 6 channel audio, its pretty easy to take out the music
Because the film ends up having THREE fights that feel like the last final fight, why should I care about who is going to survive if Jon Hamm is just going to reappear magically into the next scene? By the third fight it's just ridiculous and all the tension is lost completely.
I don't even understand you argument, it's okay because Hamm is good at escaping? So why didn't they have twelve final fights at the end, that would justified for you just because he is just that "good" at escaping right?
But the last 30 minutes doesn't have crappy writing.
the only thing the movie lacked was an actress from Game of Thrones to be 100% lowest common denominator cocacola-tier brain-cavities flick
Why didn't Beeayybeewhybaby just drive the car?
I agree. Wright's best so far.
>grim underworld version of the family picnic
It's a completely cliche generic hangar shootout scene like from a B-tier Steven Seagal movie
Do your hundred subs even agree with you
Just watched it. It was dumb. One of those movies where all of the characters are stupid because the writer is stupid. Every single character made baby-tier decisions that are unrealistic for their positions. Lots of deus ex machina.
I hate drive and drive was better than this. At least it was written by someone who doesn't drool on themselves.
I think to onus is on you for being so retarded that you thought the first two times were the actual climax
Better than Drive
I guarantee you didn't understand a lot of the subtext
Explain this scene then.
So fucking cringy. It's like Wright forgot about character development for his character throughout the whole film so he just instantly changed him in the last 5 seconds of his screentime.
>"I was in love once."
Really? That's enough for him too suddenly be ready to sacrifice his life for the kid? Literally seconds ago he was ready to kill Baby and all of his loved ones without blinking just to get more money, but suddenly he's a completely changed man just because the girl is with him? It's played off like he sees the girl now for the first time, while he already saw in with him at that restaurant and threatened him right there.
Er no not really. Did you somehow miss the "action in time with the music" gimmick, as well as the family themes?
>Kevin Spacey doing an 180 on his entire character in an instant just because he sees the girl and suddenly giving his life for Baby and his girl, even though he was ready to kill him and his family seconds ago just to get some more money.
He didn't know that it was Baby's fault the job went south. For all he knew, he put a kid he liked in much bigger danger than he originally anticipated, after telling the kid that together they were invincible. Suddenly this kid comes to him, loyally bringing the loot and only asking for a tape in exchange, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Kevin Spacey felt guilty and responsible.
the entire movie was a cringefest.
He's shown to be a father figure throughout and eventually sides with his "son". It's not unprecedented in that movie at all. He seems like a hard-ass gangster but sticks up for Baby whenever the other crooks pick on him numerous times throughout the movie.
The movie should have ended with a final chase scene where Baby gets away after ripping off Spacey for a trunk load of money..also the song Ace of Spades should have been the final chase song
Reddit flick
Also that scene wasn't cringy at all, it was demented and hilarious. The gruesome shot of him being run over... just fantastic and black. The film is just a brilliant balance of camp and black humour
i didn't like Kingsman either, you say i missed its subtext too?
Baby driver didn't do anything new, just took the Oldies and vibrant color things from Guardians of the galaxy and chucked in some shallow characters that just let the MC get away with it all and a broad that falls in love with the dude just cause.
It's like Thief but for people that didn't drop their testicles.
I enjoyed it. it was certainly a triumph of style over substance, because the plot was about as paper-thin as it gets. but it's hard not to root for the hero, the driving scenes are great, the music complements it very well, and there's enough sharp dialogue to make it memorable. i give it a 7/10 and would watch it once or twice again, but i'm glad i didn't pay for it.
christ you're a hack
It's fucking thrash.
Mexican woman made my peepee hard
This movie made it impossible to find a fucking subaru on Craigslist. Fucking hell even the 5 speed outbacks get snapped up in under a day.
I don't know which "father figure" would wreck your entire apartment, fuck up your blind grandpa and threaten to kill everyone and everything you have if you don't go risk your life time and time again.
that's why he's conflicted you fucking dolt. he's a gangster that eventually, begrudgingly lets the boy out of the game
Bats fucks up his apartment, though. He just gives the evidence to Kevin Spacey's character.
What an absolutely terrible performance, how the fuck did she even get into that cast?
I give this post a 4/10
the entire flick is filled with exposition, horrible acting and poorly choreographed action scenes. for a movie that's supposed to be visual it certainly did a bad job at using visuals to tell the story. it was nonsensical garbage and most of all the music was objectively trash
>not even as good as drive
>which is not even good as the film it takes from
It's trash. Watch some real film.
Name an actress who doesn't have a meme face that would do better. Caring about an actresses ability is the most beta virgin thing you can do in film
>he's a gangster that eventually, begrudgingly lets the boy out of the game
He did not " begrudgingly lets the boy out of the game", he literally gave his life for him. And that happens in a split second. Terrible writing.
>It's like Thief but for people that didn't drop their testicles.
so now you're comparing reddit driver to thief? just kill yourself
The two movies have nothing in common. why compare them?
How was it terrible? It was only okay, which could be disappointing if she wasn't a tiny part of the overall film.
he was only pretending to be retarded
don't blame the writing just because you don't understand basic characters with inner-conflict
>he literally gave his life for him
They get attacked by thugs as soon as they step out of the elevator. And he kills them all. The only part where he "gives his life" is when he gets mowed down by Jon Hamm for assisting Baby in the first place.
You're making it sound like he had this intentional sacrifice moment, which never happened.
They have in common their inspirations from which they take, namely The Driver.
Baby Driver was inspired by a music video.
puts the asian in home invasion
>only good thing was the driving
>there wasn't enough driving
>sacked in the middle
>eventual bad guy wasn't actually a bad guy, in fact Baby actually fucked up and I didn't feel bad for him
>the fuck did that OJ guy go at the second robbery, who the fuck was that and if he didn't have any other returning role why was he even there
>movie suffered from 'lets play the music so loud that you turn down the volume only to turn it back up cause you cannot hear the conversations'
>it is told Baby can steal cars but outside of 'driving' you never see him get the car, they just magically appear without repercussions
Used Subarus were already impossible to find.
>sacked in the middle
stopped reading. don't share your opinions because you're not smart
Don't ask me that, that's a no-nose no no page one
Did anyone even like Baby? He's behaving like such an insufferable faggot that I ended up rooting for the other guy
Baby Driver is heavily reminiscent of The Driver in many aspects, and Wright has name-dropped The Driver in an interview. Watch The Driver if you appreciated Baby Driver.
>baby driver's soundtrack wasn't 100% dadrock
Ok pleb
Good movie overall though, solid 6.5-7/10
Nobody wanted the coupes for some reason. 2.5 rs was a good find but it was still doable if you didn't mind driving maybe an hour away from home. Now everything with a subie badge is gone. Worst part is they get into the hands of kids who wreck them and do half assed engine swaps that they take to a shop to finish, so when they want to sell it's for me than it's worth by miles and miles.
Baby Driver is literally based on this music video.
But he did the screwdriver in the ignition thing multiple times
Hey, give him credit. Chlomo auditoned for the role of deborah but he picked based lily james instead of the fridge
>Taxi Driver
>The Driver
>Baby Driver
So what's next for this award-winning franchise?
>Boards of Canada and The Damned are dadrock
you are dumb
And? It's also inspired by The Driver. I can't find the interview, but it's referenced on wikipedia:
>Wright has cited Hill's 1978 film The Driver as a major inspiration for Baby Driver
What are you even arguing when you haven't even seen The Driver?
More like Fast and Furious for nerdy white people with mental illness
You forgot Le Samourai. And Taxi Driver is related only in title.
Shit, didn't see Boards of Canada
Everything else though, fuck the damned
Kevin Spaceman was a chicken hawk who secretly wanted to fuck Baby Driver and so that explains it really
This. He didn't make a heroic sacrifice, he defended his (and coincidentally, Baby's) life and got blindsided.
He tells them to run while he holds them off, when he could've just run himself or let them stay and given them extra targets to shoot at