What's Sup Forums's opinion about Speed Racer?
What's Sup Forums's opinion about Speed Racer?
almost perfect adaption except for the crazy acid trip non-sensical visual style for the world which had nothing to do with the original which looked great
Very lovecraftian.
highly underrated
It's impressive though.
>except for the crazy acid trip non-sensical visual style
Except for? Moe like because of. Looked fucking great.
The sad thing is, that this was shot in 1080p, so it will never have a true 4k version.
More like Sneed racer amirite?
Love it.
>More like non-ja
Now will chinks ever recover?
Digital was a mistake.
I don't get it.
This is a real shame honestly.
Sup Forums talks about pleb filters a lot, but Speed Racer is an honest-to-God pleb filter. It's a better Matrix than The Matrix. The main character's core is just incredibly strong, right up to the mind bending final race sequence. There are few movies that take on the task of being a feast of visuals and successfully pull it off, and even fewer who do it at this budget and special effects level. Ironically enough, it seems to be harder to do the more money that you put into it. This movie, though, pulled it off. The fight choreography with the cars is really something to behold as well.
The CGIs are colorful and creative but can be nauseating
The plot is weird for a kid's movie and also hard to follow
In short, looks pretty but confusing as hell. I watched it like 5 times but I do liked it.
The Wachowskis are hack frauds that should have died in a plane crash in 2000 so that way at least their legacy would have lived on
Now they're just two nobodies that have a mental illness and have become the laughing stock of the film industry
this, the movie can't decide if it's for the adults who grew up watching it on CN or the new generation of kids, the tonal whiplash is real in this movie
Speed Racer is a great movie though.
Unpopular opinion : I liked Cloud Atlas
(wouldn't watch it a second time though)
I feel it didn't get the true shot it deserved because people were expecting matrix with guns from the Wachowski sisters.
And Iron Man released at the same time so there's that, too.
Cloud Atlas has been some crazy ''good surprise'' kino for me
Matrix with cars. With cars, sorry.
gay cgi
>terrible what passes for a ninja these days
>Matrix with guns
Even though you fixed it, now I want to see the main characters of The Matrix just replaced by firearms that are suspended on wires. With coats and sunglasses and shit.
Greatest movie about racing cars/cars in general ever made.
What a waste of perfectly good dubs.
The whole plot is just crumbled when they decided to introduce the stocks element, in a kids movie. Fuck you Wachowski.
Hated it but I get why people like it
Days of Thunder is not better than Speed Racer. It's up there, but it's not better.
watched the series when I was a kid, don't know why they changed the visual style so much
really can't remember much about it otherwise, was nearly 10 years ago
side note: why does all CGI in films look fucking awful when freeze framed? it persists to this day
>why does all CGI in films look fucking awful when freeze framed?
because it's a movie
No Gone in sixty seconds (2000)?
Gone in 60 Seconds isn't about racing, user.
Thats the part i love, when you learn your heroes are just doing all this for cash, the fix is in, the world isnt what you were told all your life. Speed turned into man after that rant, his vision of the world was shattered and he decided to still compete the way he wanted, with skill and a desire to win
Dogshit. Watched it during the plane flight and considered it waste of time.
i want to ruin trixie
I like the prequel Cpuck Racer better.
I enjoyed it.
I can see the general plot just fine, but the way they told it to me is just weird. The stock scene where it shows that everything are rigged is just too serious, cynical, and somewhat "dark".
Again, I see it as a kids movie, and since most audience who watched it on theaters are kids anyway, is just plain confusing for them that expected a colorful, lighthearted movie about car racing. Not only that, we also got guns and attempted murders. Wachowskis seems to be awful at deciding and sticking into one tone in a movie.
dont understand
I remember watching it as a kid and I couldn't tell if it was an animated or live action film
The Redline of live action.
>sneed racer
they will never care about you or your opinion, nor will we.