Why did everyone act like it was morally justified for McGonagall to order the indefinite internment of the entirety of...

Why did everyone act like it was morally justified for McGonagall to order the indefinite internment of the entirety of House Slytherin?

Was she ever brought up on war crimes charges?

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this stills gets me heated.
>harry: "hurr don't worry if you get into slytherin, son, great men get into slytherin all the time"
>mcgonagall: "every slytherin can FUCK OFF"

I mean any Slytherin who wanted to stay and defend the school would probably be welcome to, though.

>cue the pasta

I think it was because none of the Slytherin house wanted to stay and fight against Voldemort, they just wanted to give Harry over to him, which is why all the other houses stood against them

Also Slughorn was in Slytherin and he was there defending Hogwarts

Although JK Rowling does go out of her way to portray the Slytherin house as "the bad guy house" more often than not without providing clear cut examples of good people in it. Slughorn is nice but a bit of a buffoon and Snape wasn't totally in the right with what he was doing (he did initially join the death eaters after all). Malfoy was kind of a tortured individual but he was still a prick.


she did nothing wrong


apparently Merlin was a slytherin but that just makes me think Rowling was trying to make up for how dirty she did slytherin in all the books

Why would you expect the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises to be logical? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

a-at least the books were good though

Slughorn was a direct reaction to fan outrage about Slytherin being all bad

I guess so, but he wasn't totally a good guy like how you could point to somebody like Dumbledore or McGonagall and say that they're good for sure. He was a nice guy and an alright teacher but he was still kind of silly and you got the impression he didn't know what was going on a lot of the time.

Basically there was no Cedric Diggory of Slytherin, which they probably could've used.


>yfw you realize it's just the author's belief in collective guilt bleeding through

Slytherin are all Nazis so they all get what they deserve. There is no such thing as a good Nazi.

this. Rowling and other libtards believe that you are collectively responsible for what your ethnicity supposedly did to the "good guys", so you all deserve to be punished

>there was no Cedric Diggory of Slytherin, which they probably could've used.
I think too many people that complain about the stuff forget that the books are almost entirely told from Harry's point of view. Besides token characters like Cedric and Luna, we barely know any non-Gryfindors anyway. Slytherins come off as villains because they're his rival house and the only times the book needs to bring them is when something antagonistic is happening.

Rowling herself wasn't portraying them as villains, you're just seeing Harry's point of view, and he hates Draco and Snape from day one.

>yes yes well done Slythrn well done

This didn't happen in book. McGonnall told the students old enough to fight that they needed to choose a side. Eventually, they fought for the school. McGonnagall locking them up was movie only.

>"Well, they’re not all bad. I know I’ve said this before ... they are not all bad, and, well, far from it. As we know, at the end, they may have [laughs] a slightly more highly developed sense of self-preservation than other people, because a part of the final battle that made me smile was Slughorn galloping back with Slytherins, but they’d gone off to get reinforcements first, you know what I’m saying? But yes, they came back, they came back to fight, so I mean - but I’m sure that many people would say “Well, that’s common sense, isn’t it? Isn’t that smart, to get out, get more people and come back with them?”

>one bitch acts like a bitch
>whole house is punished
What a shit teacher.


Slughorn was always the grimy disingenuous type who only made friends to collect favors, stories, and reputation. The guy held on to Voldemort's secret just to hide his own shame. He was probably only at the last battle to save what little face he had left.

>Hey Slytherin
>You know how we've treated you all like nazis for seven years, despite having no choice of which house you got to pick?
>Yes we rem-
>Well forget that, you must now help us in our time of need.
>We're not so sure about that, you've really done nothing good for us our entir-
>Off to the magic concentration camps.

>expecting Sup Forums to read
That's your mistake mate

It was bullshit in the movie. In the book, Pansy calls Harry out and then the Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs all turn on the Slytherins, and then McGonagall tells EVERYONE to leave and some of the Ravenclaws, some of the Hufflepuffs, and most of the Gryffindors refused to leave.

>good for sure

slughorn was a slimy bastard who only does shit that benefit him in some ways or another

hey wait a minute, slug... slimy bastard...BRAVO JK ROWLING

he said calmly

it's for children

Dumbledore was the magic world's version of a Sup Forumsposter when he was young.

another classic one butchered by the movie

Triggered much sweetie?

>end with "!"

it kind of makes sense to shun the Slytherins in this case since
>Wizard Hitler is alive and active again, has control over the Wizard Government
>Wizard Nazis probably have their kids at Hogwarts
>they would all want their kids to be Slytherins just like Voldy Senpai
>Sorting Hat takes sortee's choice into acount
>"son if you don't tell that fuckin fedora to put you in slytherin I'll fuckin kill you"
>now nearly every child in slytherin has direct ties to Wizard Nazis

I think in the book Aberforth even told Harry he should've taken some Slytherins hostage lol

merlin was a demon rape baby though. also isn't the king arthur story set in the 6th century or something?

question mark

You have to be kidding me

I'm retarded, sorry-

does anyone have a link to that "kino" version of this scene

that was a "?" mate
the page is a little bit bend so it looks like a straight "!" but it isn't, kinda like you irl lmao

What was Voldemort's tax policy?



it's ok bby
your dubs make it all better

tax cut for pure blood, triple for mud blood
mud blood sympathizer got double

oh wow, it is like if instead of just copypasting the book into a script there had been some knd of mysterious "scriptwritter" who had altered substantially the original text because he thought it was appropriate


dubs of forgiveness

let's be real slytherin's house was already looking an awful lot like a dungeon, most of them probably didn't even notice the difference

Slytherian represent fascists and FASCISTS NEED TO BE SHUT THE FUCK DOWN #notolerancefortheintolerant

and people say Sup Forums is the worst board

also voldemort straight up says that every slytherin left the school to join him.

>ravenclaw and hufflepuff celebrate when gyiffindor wins
thats some bullshit
would feel very oppressed if I was in slytherin

Imagine being a nice guy with a lot of ambition who gets sent to a house that everyone treats as if it was made of nothing but racist evil edgelords.

Just one no taste Potter drone "human"

>Why would you expect the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises to be logical?
Terrible opening line, apply yourself.

He was literally gay for wizard Hitler

yeah iirc other houses esp gryffindor live on the higher part of the castle
but in 2nd movie when harry and ron disguised as malfoy's stools and went to the slytherin house i remember them coming down to a dungeon-like common room

If you were smart you'd ask to be put in Hufflepuff instead of the nazis and use their reputation as fodder to your advantage.

>3 pages
good god

I think what we all want to know is, what was were the wizard's tax policy was.

that's not what your screenshot says at all, and no he doesn't

What I don't get is if slytherin are all criminals and shitbirds and dark wizards why the fuck aren't they arrested after sorting and just forbidden magic.

Ravenclaws and Gryffindors live in towers, Hufflepuffs live near the kitchens (which is below the ground floor) Slytherins live under the lake.

iirc because b4 harry come along slytherin has won for like 6 fucking years in a row so everybody getting sick of it

bravo, nolan

Isn't Voldemort Wizard Hitler? Granted, based on the timeline Grindewald fits better as Wizard Hitler.
Shit, I'm sure I read somewhere that WW2 stopped right after Grindewald was defeated.

slytherin house sounded the coolest anyways
>Slytherin's common room looks out into the depths of the Hogwarts lake. The Giant Squid and other interesting aquatic creatures often pass by the windows. It has the feel of a mysterious, underwater shipwreck, but it is still quite cosy.
fucking radical

Where do you think he is now

>wizard hitler
>grandest plan is to take over a school

>Every actor in the business card scene was only in his mid-twenties


I never understood what made Slytherin so good. They are ambitious and cunning, yeah, but how does that make them the best students who always win everything?
Shouldn't the Ravenclaws be the ones always winning because they are all smart as fuck?

>if slytherin are all criminals and shitbirds and dark wizards
this ain't true, they are just very ambitious people sometimes it get to near psychopath level of disregard to get what they want
think of ceo, lawyer, salesmen irl

Grindelwald was Wizard Hitler. Voldemort is like the leader of the Wizard KKK.

exactly what happens when you consume hp

Let's be fair here, Slytherin is full of potential wizard Hitlers and it has always been that way.

Disproportionate amount of slytherin criminals though, safer for the world to just lock them up or lobotomize them. Magic is a real fucking thing and they have a minority report hat that they straight up ignore, bullshit ass series

is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them worth watching senpaitachi?


My bad I was unclear, the screenshot was what McGonagall said about the slytherins and the thing about voldemort was just additional info, here's the screenshot of that.

i automatically turn that shit down as i fully expected the fucking SANIC card again

the smart kids probably wouldn't care that much about house points, just grades. The Slytherins would want to be the best at Quidditch which is what tended to get a lot of points.



Jesus christ this fucking writing.

Explain in detail the problem with her syntax and vocabulary without using the word reddit.

Blood purity was always a point of contention but full-on pureblood mania didn't really become a thing until voldemort started recruiting his fellow slytherins as death eaters. Before that it was probably a fairly normal house, though still with a reputation seeing as Salazar Slytherin intended it to be purebloods-only.

>He was probably only at the last battle to save what little face he had left.
This. Everything Slughorn does starting with giving the memory to Harry in the 6th book is trying to make up for what he's done. He was a slimy bastard but by the time the battle starts, he's spent at least a year and a half risking his life, when he could have easily just waited it out.

yeah, winning the quidditch cup actually bring a lot of points to your house
how many exactly i have no idea, maybe it was mention in passing once or twice in the books but i can't remember

it's rough yeah. It's really shitty and simplistic but also disjointed and hard to follow sometimes which is fucking weird for a kids' book. I remember having to re-read passages as a kid to understand what JKR was trying to say because she would describe things so fucking weird

it's textbook liberal nu-cuck writing

I mean, Rowling's admitted that she made the story up as she went along. There's really no sense in trying to pick apart inconsistencies between books. Each one is basically a standalone with different rules.

I mean ffs, the 3rd book introduced literal time travel that was apparently so accessible, a 13-year old that promised to be good was allowed to use it just to make it to all her classes. That's a gaping hole of questions that's impossible to answer for.

>chapter change mid-sentence
Pure artistry

it's shit

that was my fault, I joined the bottom of one page with the top of the next one, and the chapter is written at the top of every page.

This will never not be retarded.
Harry should have called Dumbledore out on having a time travel device but doing nothing to save his parents from Voldemort.

how big is the entirely population of wizard around the world to even consider keep the pure blood forever? what about wizard but different ethnicity like harry wanted to bang that cho chang

whoop, there it is!

It's pure book tier shit. Not literature at all.

i thought it can only go back as far as 3 hours?

>I mean ffs, the 3rd book introduced literal time travel that was apparently so accessible, a 13-year old that promised to be good was allowed to use it just to make it to all her classes. That's a gaping hole of questions that's impossible to answer for.
Why do people like Prisoner of Azkaban so much? It's probably the least interesting story of all the books, but everyone seems to love it.