
Oh thanks OP, i had almost forget about this, now I'm reminded of how horrible WW1 was.

Other urls found in this thread:


don't forget male privilege

Johnny Got His Gun

Come and See

The Tin Drum

This is scarier than every single horror movie i've seen in the latest 30 years.

near the end of Second Renaissance when humanity is getting completely annihilated and enslaved

>those ambient sounds and music in the background

Is there unironically a worse war to have been in?

Come and see.

Belorussia and the surroundings in 43-44 were some of the worst places to be in history

Iran-Iraq war. By war's end they were sending in kids as meat shields hoping the enemy would not shot at kids. They were wrong.

Not as awful as WW1 but many of us were alive when it happened.

the Iran-Iraq war was similar to WW1 with trench warfare, chemical weapons along with crazy shit like wave attacks with masses of unarmed child soldiers

Whoever runs this channel is a genius of horror editing
some of those videos are not only scary but the music is coherently fitting too.

No ww1 was the worse because all those farm boys weren't used to cinema gore nor videogame gore nor most of them have ever seen a dead body in their lives, this is their first time experiencing it and it shows, half of them are mentally broken and those who can take it will go mental on chemichals.

>the guy who flips his shit once he sees the hat
what the fuck

get out of here nigger I see you posting the same videos on /his/ it's not clever or funny you little cuck

This video is pretty old. I've seen in on Sup Forums many times. A lot of people have seen it and thought it was horrifying.

>be girl
>never go to war

Get cucked boys ;-p

i'd rather shoot a kid than breath in mustard gas

men are fragile

I didn't post it on /his/ friend

>A party of A Company men passing up to the front line found a man bogged to above the knees. The united efforts of four of them, with rifles beneath his armpits, made not the slightest impression, and to dig, even if shovels had been available, would be impossible, for there was no foothold. Duty compelled them to move on up to the line, and when two days later they passed down that way the wretched fellow was still there; but only his head was now visible and he was raving mad.

The fuck is going on there? Every time i try to process it my mind bugs.


>get drafted and shipped off to jungle
>CIA secretley uses you as a lab rat for LSD
>Fall into a pit of poop spikes and die
>hippies spit on your coffin



well they used poison gas there too.

not sure if they specifically used mustard gas though

What are you nuts? Bullseyeing gooks from a huey was amazing fun, not to mention all the gook poon you can handle.

They swapped the heads around in photoshop you dingus

Yeah I heard the Iran Iraq war was a fucking bloodbath. In fact, in iran they have a fountain dedicated to the war that only spews red water.

Nam wasn't that bad to be in. It wasn't wall to wall it ain't me like movies would have you believe.


>tfw we sold weapons to both sides

>be in trumps America
>draft comes
>leader graciously gave out get out of draft free cards
>claim to be transgender
>never go to war

Why the heck wouldn't they just shoot the poor bastard??

>Dude, war is BAD.
What a revolutionary observation you got there. Truly almond activating.

Found the beta raised by a single mum

When can we expect a movie showing how great war is?

This user has his shit wired tight and is correct.


Scared to click, what's the vid?

dark ambient music played over footage of WW1. Quite a humbling and horrifying experience.


I don't have a reaction image terrified enough for this

Oh it gets better. The aftermath of the war is just eerie. youtube.com/watch?v=BQSLrmnqaX4

>weren't used to cinema gore nor videogame gore
Even your edgy fucking gore threads don't do anything to actually prepare you for people getting fucked up in front of you.
I worked in an ER for a while and nothing really prepares you for seeing someone with the guts on the outside. And really, it's the smell that gets to you.

Your post is hella gay my guy, those little faggots in WWI would've been pusy bois even if they browsed wack ass gore threads

Just watched the first 10 seconds of the vid i was scared of and had to pause it.


>Monarchies are a good thing.

You know I gota say, I like that mans craftmanship. He was helping disfigured soldiers regain something of their lives.

Primitive aerial combat in WW1 is a fascinating subject. While all the horror of industrialized manslaughter was happening on the ground, pilots had developed almost the mindset of medieval knights dueling each other.

Tried Rise of Flight years ago. The fact the aircraft are liable to fall apart after getting hit terrifies me.

The Great War kicked corrective plastic surgery and prosthetics forward by decades.

>for the things I've done, I know I will go to hell

The only thing really bothering me is that the opening scene with the exploding battleship is from the Second World War, not the first. HMS Barham

It was and is like this to this day. Infantry honor varies but airmen will always have respect towards their enemy. This is only reinforced further with stuff like Franz Stigler incident and the idea that pilots don't shoot other pilots that bail out.

this 100 times. animatrix is literally a masterpiece

My great grandfather supposedly had a tremendous thousand yard stare, he didn't talk much but when he did nobody could bare to look him in the eye, he'd almost completely gone.

Apparently he often made the children cry.

My grandfather killed 15 commies during the finnish winter war. Five of them from an ambush where they had a soviet POW whom they had tortured and layed naked in the snow, they literally lit up 30 commie fucks. He said that this was the best moment of his life, slaying the commie filth to protect Finland

>a bunch of starving conscripts
>commie filth

Your grandfather is a hero.

They made their choice.

the objective of the thread is not to push anti war narratives but to explore the dread feeling of its inevitability on those who participate on it, to imagine yourself in a position far beyond the possibility of 'going back' the intense feeling that something bad will happen unless you do something bad first, not many movies explore this correctly and by watching real war footage its easy to feel.

War is bad but war is also necessary, because not everything is solved through bureocracy ...

My uncle had one. It was weird because he was a very friendly, had a good smile, and was gregarious. But when he looked at you something about the way he held your gaze said "killer".

He was, died a couple of years ago. He told me to never trust a russian or anybody who surrenders to bolshevisms.


Remember you inbred bastard, commies are not human beings.

Watch it entirely you queer, war is not supposed to be a spilbergian confy adventure, its physical and mental hell that unfolds humans biggest farse, the notion that they are not another animal.



this fucking guy makes some great videos

T. "Gamer"


I love Viz.


Has anyone seen this? It was made with the war still pretty fresh in everyone's minds, and the battle scenes are unbelievably intense for such an old production.

>fucking the quote up this bad

Can't you do anything right?

World War I is easily one of the most interesting periods in history. Or at least this dude makes it so

Being a peasant in the Thirty Years War would have sucked.

One of my favorite things in life is listening to soft, duoghy manbabbies who play too many videogames talk about war like they know.

It's the little things, ya know?

wasn't it mostly fought by mercenaries though?

Yes user, you're the only person on Sup Forums who isn't a doughy manchild.

They had flamethrowers in WW1?


Maybe not but jungles terrify me as it is let alone when some Vietnam fucking shit might sneak into camp and kill me in my sleep or blow me up with a satchel charge while I'm on watch, get doused in Agent Orange, friendly fired with fucking napalm, or worst of all get captured and endure one of their POW camps for Christ knows how long.

>call it the 30 years war
>it only lasted for 29 years and 11 months

>watching documentary on torturers
>John Carpenter looking motherfucker pops up and talks about electrocuting captured VC to get information
>"He was my enemy. Unless you've been in that position, don't judge me."
ice cold.

Better yet is to listen to occasional overweight roastie who reads too many teen novels detach herself from locals to look superior.

Its the heavier things, ya know?

Well, it's true. It was the first industrialized war. World War 2 is also very interesting, as it similarly occured on a forefront of technology, but World War 1 was the first and where the most change occured.


Gets very tiring hearing people going MUH WAR IS HELL over and over desu

You will never witness a cavalry charge on a machine gun position and witness well trained men, dressed in beautiful finery, get torn to pieces before they made it half way across the field of battle.

Holy shit.
Does your fear of women control every aspect of your life.

>I get tired of hearing people accurately describe a negative thing as being negative

Yeah. I can see how that would make your life hard.

>I think the bible says something about it
>What does it say?
>I don't know...

I don't know where you were going with that post at all.

oh snap i'm listening to this track right now. fucking creepy. That beast howling.

that got under my skin, so scary.


I thought this was pretty good, a short film on shellshock in WWI in perfect quality.

1st Chechen War

The part where they have the human prisoners and they're experimenting on exciting parts of the brain with electricity. The one guy going from tears to laughter next to a guy who'd had the whole front of his skull removed like a MRI cross section.
Its the existential stuff that really fucks with me. Gore, violence, spooky monsters, whatever. But fucking with someone's basic conception of reality just makes my skin crawl and sticks with me more than anything.

based frog poster

> /x/ shitposting

I agree with you user, same here.