Nathan For You Returns!

Comedy Kino is back on the menu boys!

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gettin' hyped for big guy Nathan to finally take a stand and stick it to Uber


nigger :D

anyone know the air time?

truly the patrician's comedy

10pm senpai


That's a big Nathan


Why such a shit timeslot for an extremely popular and well-rated show?

is that you Nathan?


10pm Thursday seems to actually be a pretty big/popular/common time slot for comedies these days, but agreed I dont want to have to wait till 11 for someone to upload it


Nathan for You and South Park is all that network has. NFY should have the 8pm-9pm timeslot as well.

Dubs of truth

Is Tosh still a thing? He was pretty much the face of Comedy Central for a few years but now I'm not sure if he even does anything anymore.

Reminder that if you don't own a Summit Ice jacket you are not a true fan.

Nathan actually got me laid - I was wearing my jacket on a cruise from Vancouver to Alaska and a qt at the bar recognized it which started a conversation that led to drinking a ton of scotch and banging

I actually need a new jacket and forgot about this will be purchasing one tonight