I'd like to congratulate the Rick and Morty fanbase into being the first fandom to pressure THEMSELVES into suicide.
I'd like to congratulate the Rick and Morty fanbase into being the first fandom to pressure THEMSELVES into suicide
>tfw too intelligent to not cause myself physical harm
Please god let this be a troll post, i cannot allow this kind of people to exist.
>people consider themselves to be "ricks"
>Mass suicide
I dont see a problem here.
boom i turned myself into a corpse reddit i'm corpse rick haha
>hahahahaha very funny >D
im already here ?_?
Sounds like they can't allow themselves to exist either.
>it's a Sup Forums finds a super low bar to clear so they can jerk themselves off about it episode
>it's a triggered faggot makes a whiny bitch post
To be fair a lot of atheists do try to rationalize away the meaninglessness of their existence and moral relativism. The ones who don't are the only honest atheists.
>we re not all like this i swear.
Why are you defending them? oh i get it
Suicide is a funny solution to an unfunny problem
suicide is dumb tho, especially because if you have internet and a TV you are already living better than 95% of the planet
maybe you should learn to read so you can understand the posts
lol am i wrong? you people routinely have to go to the bottom of the barrel for something to feel superior to
boo hoo faggot
Full comment
No you don't understand I FEEL sad though!
yes, you certainly sound like the one of us who is not being emotional
nice quotes idioot hahah
Add on indoor plumbing and you're living exponentially better than every past civilization.
Why the fuck am I getting the same Hump 70 yds captcha?
I can not even grasp how stupid you would have to be to use a cartoon to justify harming yourself.
>you couldn't even clear this super low bar and need to bitch about it
sad thing is I bet this guy and all the people upvoting him are older than 21.
>Believing a copypasta
>too smart for own good
pick one, brainlet.
was that supposed to be a response to something in my post?
>n-no u
lol you guys really have nothing but "UR MAD FOR POINTING OUT WE'RE MAD!!!1"
stop posting loser
ehhhh this post actually reeks of teenage angst, babbies first philosophical worldview.
why are you defending what you yourself called a "super low bar"?
you know one of the best parts of communicating on a forum instead of in real time is that you can take an extra minute to think of a response instead of just farting out the first thought you have like you would have to do in real life
it is, and I still bet they are older than 21.
>Sup Forums
you are such a nerd lmao
why can't you read words and extract the meaning from them? nothing i said was in defense of the op pic, i'm making fun of you people for collecting this and other of the most autistic rick and morty fans you can find and jerking yourselves off for clearing that bar
it will be when you kys
where as you are a badass cool guy who just decided to check Sup Forums in between doing sex to girls and drinking cold beer ones
jesus christ I can tell you'd keep replying for hours if I was pathetic enough to do the same. see ya soy boy
>im so much better than you absolute losers who have to compare yourself to absolute losers to feel better
>tfw too smart
>trail of thought
retards like this are a diamond dozen
suicide is not coo you guys
well i guess that problem solved itself lol
>it's only okay when we do it about rick and morty fans, doing it to us about when we do it to rick and morty is the highest form of logical fallacy, libcuck!
just admit you're a buttblasted "Rick" and stop pretending to be an aloof outsider because no one is falling for it
Are you guys being obtuse? That's not how depression works, jesus
>wants me to be one of the stereotypes he can jerk himself off about being better than instead of somebody pointing out that his source of self worth is laughable
i would post a reaction maymay too if i bothered to save any
do normies really think Family Guy in Space is a smart show?
>honestly, as an attention seeker
ftfy. Same as any fucking "suicide attemptor"
yes, they don't watch REAL smart shows like us channers
Big reveal
yeah, you're right.
keep being insecure about your stoner sci-fi show newfag
>Sup Forums
>watching television
lol you were probably in grade school when i started coming here, you obvious teenager
>Too smart
why does this show attract these kind of people?
not even fucking the bazpingo show attracted this many delusional pseudo intellectuals with no self awareness
big bang theory was for facebook normies
R&M is for reddit pseuds, the type of person who would sit around complaining about big bang theory's inaccuracies.
Rigor and Mortis fan
formerly Rick and Morty fan.
If this retard actually listened to science, he'd know that his depression is due to a chemical imbalance in his brain and that the medications are trying to counterract just that. Its not just some numbing agent like codeine.
>REAL intellectuals call rick and morty fans pseudo-intellectuals
link to video
>hurfff my DAD is trying to NORMALIZE me but I'm too SMART for that!
Jesus Christ this person has got to be 16. I seriously hope they're 16.
dan is that you
what did he mean by this?
Does Rick and Morty have the most pretentious fanbase ever?
great post
Boom my sides turned themselves into corpses
>Tfw too smart to not be a shithead nihilist
Sad thing is there are people like you under 21 on this board that don't know this is copypasta
>I can rationalize everything with science
>I have a lot of theories about how I could be dead or/and in a coma
back to fuccboi
>bullies and my dad
Jesus, this is the sort of kid who would've made Coldsteel on deviantart 10 years ago
Can we post more of these?
it's not
I just don't don't give a fuck about my existence in Universe at all. What does that make me?
such a shame it didnt turn out that way
a pleb
>the universe is indifferent to my existence
>better off myself
wow, so smart.
>too smart for my own good
>"the bullies and my dad"
This has to be expertly crafted b8
got a source for that, user?
see, your claim, without a source is what people would call "a fat fucking load of bullshit".
No, fag. I mean me, not you. What am I?
a jolly faggot
Justin, if you're reading this, DO SOMETHING! I want to watch crazy sci-fi stuff, not hear about some mythical gender pay gap or hear Dan tweet that everyone's a Nazi.
a gay pleb
>I refuse to take depression drugs because I want to solve my problems
Also "deep" stuff is fine as long as it's not "le smarter than thee".
he should just get the network to cancel the show while it's still good :^)
Can I also be a cuck?
unless it's a clown
you already are