Dan Harmon Slams Trolls Attacking Their Female Writers

He's talking about Sup Forums, right?

idk did you send rick & morty writers a pepe, user?

No one is criticized them because they are women, they are criticized because they were an obvious diversity hire and they are shit writers.

how do you assault someone with a frog?

ban assault frogs

When will it not be a diversity hire for you people? Isn't it a biased hire to only hire men? You make no sense.

it would be great if they revealed those episodes were directed by males and vice versa

no, i'm not assaulting them with a frog because i want to prove they're girly i'm assaulting them with a frog because it's fucking ridiculous to be afraid of a tiny frog

>they were an obvious diversity hire and they are shit writers
you think this because they're women though

They even said they hired those women because of diversity.

>No one is criticized them because they are women
Are you new to Sup Forums or something, you naive faggot?

They literally said "oh shit we don't have any female writers, better make our writing staff 50% women".

don't worry chief, we all believe that you're very tough and stoic and a real "old-school" "man's man"

When they are hired for their merit.

The fact of the matter is the episode written by the women this season have all been sub par compared to the ones written by men.

I'm sure you have a sauce.

Is that the TCAP jailbait?


Or maybe you retroactively think those episodes are "bad" because you assumed women wrote them.

Tbh, unless you are completely autistic, S3 has had one really had episode but is a stronger season than S2. I'm sure that will spin you out though.

Well yes, men don't get diversity hired unless they're black. They are shit writers to boot.

>every episode written by a woman sucks
>he doesn't understand how a writer's room works
>he criticizes writing on a tv show despite not knowing anything about it

>When will it not be a diversity hire for you people
When they hire actually accomplished writers, instead of writers with one or two credits for literally what shows.

>a reddit thread
So there harassing them on a thread that only people that would know about would be able to see? There not talking directly to the writers are they how is it harassing them?

Does Dan Harmon think that ridiculous male feminist faggots aren't just as ass blasted over lewd and rewd pepes?

Seems sexist to assume so.

>implying I kept watching after the first episode of season 1
You sure think highly of this show user

>any high-profile women get doxxed, they get harassed, they get threatened, they get slandered
yet to see an OUNCE of proof of this statement
don't all famous people get hate mail?

writers get hired based on writing packets

Even though American television is written collaboratively, the fact that those episodes were credited to the female writers suggests that they were the main creative force behind it. And those episodes were also mediocre.

Its not their fault they were hired though. So why attack them. Attack the Jew dumbass

nah its /reddit/. hahah yeah its all reddits fault, those nazi scums.

So at the end, he admits that feminism is bullshit and we need to take our toys and go home, because when we rub it in everyone's faces, it hurts their feelings?

Why can't you alt-right tards just admit women can be funny?!

>every episode written by a woman sucks
When will this meme die? Women wrote the premiere. Or, I should say, women also were writing the script to that episode. You people do understand that these women are AS writers, yeah? They have worked on other comedies before.

yup, that's literally exactly what he was saying.

>he doesn't understand how a writer's room works
He's been writing television for almost 20 years you retard.

The premiere was credited to Mike McMahan.

Like fellow numale Joss Whedon, Dan Harmon only makes garbage entertainment. No one should care about what these guys think about anything.

>I didn't look up the Rick and Morty writing staff.

Not true, the credited writer is usually the one who wrote the script, not the one who came up with idea. It's actually common for the credited writer to not be the person responsible for most of the ideas in the episode
>I have no reading comprehension: the posts

Salty holes in this thread. Or some white knight faggots. Embarrassing

...and the entire writing staff is credited as well.

>Felicia Day

How did it come to this?

>he's so mad about not getting laid that he buys into the arguingwithholes.jpg bullshit

M8 look at the head writers of each episode. These female writers did jack shit before being signed on.

>It's white knighting now not to sperg out about female writers existing.

>wahhh my shit pleb Nietzsche ripoff went from shit to shittier
No one fucking cares. I hate you and I hate this garbage ass show.

So, you didn't look up their past work?

>virgin shaming on Sup Forums
Typical normalfag. No different from a woman 2bh
No one is sperging out. You're having something called an argument. I know it's probably the first time you've ever had to think critically but try not to be so dramatic.

name three (3) funny women right now

So every writer gets credit for every episode?

Even if you want to play it that way, this season has had fewer good episodes than Seasons 1 and 2. There's no way to spin things where the addition of women to the writer's room improved the quality of the show.

I mean it's shitty work.
Pic related, she wrote the Mad Max one.

I think they mean people were tweeting harassment at the writer(s) and someone made a thread on reddit about it

Are you saying writing is hard work?

nothing wrong with being a virgin, there is something wrong with being the type of person who calls women "holes" though

I'm saying she's a crappy writer.

>look at the head writers of each episode
>head writers
lmao you know nothing about writing, there is only one head writer on the show aka the showrunner, the writers room comes up with premises, characters, jokes, ideas etc. and the writer credited in the episode is the one who did the dirty work (outlining, writing it all down in script format), just because their name is on the script doesn't mean they came up with everything or even most of the stuff in said script

Sup Forums SJWs don't want to actually think about the reality of a writer's room, they just want to sperg out and pretend they're victims.

you read her scripts?

Keep nitpicking. It's the people that wrote the first script and thought of the ideas of the episodes. That's why they credit Jane Becker for the Mad Max episode.

There is something wrong with adults who watch cartoons. Especially the adults who defend a reddit cartoon on Sup Forums

Pointing out that the writing is a collaborative effort done by a room full of people isn't "nitpicking," it's a basic, essential fact that you proves you wrong. You fat fucking retard.

Women are lesser than men. They can't even figure out how to mute people on twitter so they don't get harassed.

>Dan Harmon Slams

Please explain to me what exactly is meant by this?

He heard mister metokur say it and now it's his new word

What are you going on about? The proof is in her work.

Not even Sup Forums, just pointing out that these new writers are terrible.

Why are you so ignorant about this? Even Harmon himself said it in the interview that this is how their writers room works.

The fucking point is the she wrote the basic script of the episode. That's why it sucks. I don't give a shit about writers spitballing jokes, it's the core idea of the episode that makes it shitty.

>There is something wrong with adults who watch cartoons
lol i'd like to hear about your super mature and refined tastes

you need to have a really high iq to understand rick and mory

Her work is scripts, she doesn't edit the show, she doesn't do voice over in it, she doesn't animate it. Judge a writer by her writing, aka the scripts.

>Shit episode is shi
>"Why is this so shit?"
>Written by _________ (New Writer)
>(New Writer) = Woman

If the glove fits...

She literally wrote the basic script for the episode. Obviously other writers pitch jokes, but the core idea was hers. She's credited as the writer.

What do you think I'm doing?

REMINDER: this is the fat cuck who wrote this feminist piece of shit

>you aren't allowed to judge the writing of anything you've watched, you have to read the script!!!!!

What about all the jokes at the expense of women? The writers clearly aren't "feminist," they just aren't pandering to your ultra-MRA SJW sensibilities.

How will history remember this brave heroes?

Which frog is he talking about?

Ummm sweetie? She counts as 2, because she's so funny


>Felicia Day
come on, now. That's got to be a joke

It's like talking to a fucking wall here.
episode of a show =/= script
yeah, what a crazy idea, judging the abilities of a screenwriter based on their screenplays, you should judge them based on finished episodes, the production of which is not curated by them and they're most likely not very involved in what happens after the script is written

Sup Forums's top rated cartoons:
avatar the last airbender (childs show)
spongebob (childs show)
wakfu (childs show with blatant anime sex pandering for the manchildren)
gravity falls (disney childs show)

And a lot of your discussion is dedicated to character shipping.
You guys are fucked in the head

did she eat the third one?

i asked about your tastes, you fucking illiterate lol. also i don't browse Sup Forums or watch any of those so no idea why you're rambling on about them

You think I can't shit an episode that she thought of? It was her idea, they've said so in interviews. How dense are you?


>you have to judge by the script itself and not the episode

You're fucking retarded. It's an integral part of the episode. It's literally what moves it forward, and you're saying I can't judge her because I have to look at the exact script she typed up? It's her ideas that form the basis of the episode.

>he thinks just because something is written in the script it will be that way on the show and everything from the script gets replicated 1:1

how are you still speaking on writing when post after post you prove you know close to nothing about it?

>Sup Forums thread
>filled with Nazi's (Not-Sees)
Wow. much surprise. very misogyny

Daily reminder that Sup Forums culture is now mainstream culture and you do not have exclusive rights to pepe images and trolling idiots anymore

It is when they've literally said it was her idea. The core of it was hers. It was still mostly her doing and her name is attached to it. I never said it was 1:1, just that the basics of it was her idea.

You're the one who watches cartoons. You obviously don't care about taste at all.

Nobody is ever going to read the screenplay of something to judge the writing of something they've watched. Critics don't do that, you don't do that, I don't do that. It's a retarded defense of the shitty female writers, and its very transparent ("n-no you don't get to say they're bad unless you jump through all these hoops!").

Lol you cunts just blame everything on Sup Forums now. It's quite pathetic.

jesus lol if that joke is where your bar for comedy is you must watch some real garbage

>a couple of anons defend the creator of reddity a show like it was personal


>pepe accounts on twitter
>not le_reddit/pol/

The type of incoherence I would expect from a reddit and reddit watcher

>her idea, the core of it
her idea could have been "rick turns himself into a pickle to avoid going to therapy" or "rick turns himself into a pickle" or "rick avoids therapy" etc., you have no idea what that core idea was before other writers contributed to it and the only way to know is to be in that writers room, i'd be surprised if you ever read a script in your life, yet you speak on writing, especially with writing with such confidence
>you don't do that
I don't judge the abilities of the screenwriter based on movie I've watched because that would be retarded. I don't know how involved they were in the making in the show, what got cut, what got improvised, what got re-written by someone else. It's not jumping over hoops, it's basic fucking logic. You judge the abilities of a person based on their output, the output of a screenwriter is a script, not a movie.

that's what you think with your simple minded reasoning. you fucks still cant stop judging people by their gender or race that's why you project racism and sexism onto everyone else.

>XD le so detached and apathetic meme
don't worry, eventually you'll shed the teenage insecurity that makes you afraid to have a personality
it's pretty straightforward, just read it a few more times and it'll become less "incoherent". i know it must be hard to have a learning disability, but you can't blame other people for it

>fun not allowed