what the fuck happened to this show
what the fuck happened to this show
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The show can't continue without an audience, so they decided to appeal to the masses. Just finished watching this episode and it was just about as wild as porn in Saudi-Arabia. No more edgy commentary, no more going against the grain and most importantly no more "no one learned anything".
Can we try and get South Park cancelled with meme magic?
>commentary on South Park
>you know, i learned something today, both extremes are bad, and the truth is sitting comfortably in the middle, conveniently where the uneducated opinions of the general audience happen to lie
Why cancel something we can weaponize?
You know what will we worse? when The Simpsons inevitably do a Spinner episode when kids already don't give a crap about them.
Apparently their audience has shifted to the left. Not that some people on the right aren't complete idiots but I bet we won't see much jokes about the left in the future.
They are beyond redemption now
trump broke their minds
they rely on current events instead of original ideas of kids doing stupid shit like the first 4 seasons
They already did it.
South Park has always had stuff kids are into as plot devices.
Nothing happened, the show is pretty much the same, you just think you're better than it now. Like, for some reason you associate liking South Park with being a child, and you can't fathom enjoying the show without pretending to be a baby or something? Your brain is fucked up and you can't enjoy things anymore because you've developed all these ridiculous ideals and standards that you don't even really agree with but you uphold because they allow you to fit in better with the people around you. It's fine, I get it. It's not "cool" to like or understand South Park anymore and you just really want to be cool. You don't actually give a shit about writing or animation or voice acting or any of the many aspects of creativity that go into making this show every week, all you care about is how people think about you. Your life is a joke, faggotronic nigger bitch.
I guess they're still salty that Trump fucked up season 20 by curb-stomping Hillary just before a new episode was supposed to be released, so they had to stitch up a new one and the continuity of the season was trashed.
For anyone wanting to feel both mental and physical discomfort:
dude, we fucking made trump as the fucking president of the usa. we can do anything.
The musical at the end was pandering as fuck and pretty forced.
They're trying to force memes, i thought they would do something cool with fidget spinners but fuck it right
>trey promises a return to random shit again and no trump
>cartman still has a girlfriend and garrison is still trump
ugh I lost faith in trey and matt.
ITT: triggered Sup Forumscucks
sorry that south park isn't the safe space you were looking for :^)
Can you maybe not be such a massive faggot?
For as many of them that are mad the show is making fun of their meme president it has gotten pretty stale. South park has used pop culture for their content for years now (largely because each episode is made from start to finish in a 7 day span) but they've been milking this same shit for the last 3 seasons. This season has had a weak as fuck start and the only decent part of episode two was at Hillary's expense.
They just need to go back to contained episodes or some two or three part episodes here and there. The show is a lot stronger when it has social commentary/pokes fun at archetypes without being political.
I'm not even Sup Forums but the current event stuff and Garrison as Trump are becoming tired
The episode was better than last week but it's still all over the place. I hate the interseason continuity, I hate how Cartmans arc this season is just going to be him and Heidi, I hate how everything needs to be a current event and in five years the episodes will seem extremely dated
If you don't like it leave.
Not up to to their best overall. However its far far better than last weeks. The absolutely ridiculous child deaths from distracted drivers cracked me up.
Didn't really care about the rest of the episode, cartman is not nearly being cartman enough anymore. Old cartman would have been written as simply going further and further for his attention whoring the longer it went on.
Tweek/Craig was somewhat amusing but not all that interesting.
It's been shit for seven years
>muh bring back MDE
You fucks are the worst
homer invented fidget cube 20 years ago.
Over all both episodes were great. Good season so far.
right back at you, Jose.
i cant even read this because you are so low iq you cant type proper sentences.
Holy shit. Another conservacuck rustled jimmies thread
The only funny part was with the korean lady news broadcaster and the music that played when pyongyang was shown
Given Sup Forumss track record this Summer your attempt will probably triple the ratings and somehow get it about 30 Emmys next year.
This. I used to be a Conservative, but then I saw how many people whined about South Park.
Like, dude, get with the program. I've switched back to being a Liberal and South Park has never been better.
Imagine having this brain, Christ
So are those two gay or what?
>we can do anything
>Hillary isn't in jail
>no more wall
>no ban on Muslims
>amnesty to 800k illegals
>itt triggered trumpfags
lmao what is wrong with these turds
Please be memeing.
Imagine being such a brainlet that you start unconditionally supporting a corny tv personality because a few people on tumblr said mean things to you.