My sociology professor spent the entire first day of class showing us photos of sad third world people and haranguing white people for how racist they are. He spent about five minutes apologizing for being a white cis man and went on to talk about how horrible and racist Canada and America are. At one point he literally pointed at a picture of Donald Trump and said "THIS is the enemy." He spent so much time wallowing in white guilt, he didn't even have time to get into the course outline.
Tell them to shut the fuck up or you're taking your tuition back and getting a trade. Bonus points for calling him a cocksucking race traitor globalist faggot.
Nicholas Cooper
>paying to have your mind shat upon why u do that?
Jaxon Bennett
>first day of intermediate collegiate Italian
>When you're all famous, I can look back and see how you did. Look, Hillary got an A! Donald got a D. Oops. Did I say that out loud?
>mfw i'm censored at my own university for literally disagreeing with Democrats.
It literally doesn't have to have anything to do with coursework or related materials.
These people feel like they are so morally righteous that there is no possible way their opinions could / should be met with even relative opposition.
Hence why the silent majority is silent.
Kek will deliver us from this evil.
He must. Our fate relies on it.
Ayden Diaz
What's his name?
Colton Davis
Indoctrination. you have been fooled into thinking that becoming a slave mind in knowing all the different gender types that you will get a job.
Aiden Rodriguez
My 2nd grader came home saying "Did you know Donald Trump did so and so?".
I set up conference with the principal and teacher and promised to bring in an attorney and the district if it was no addressed immediately.
pic unrelated
Brandon Campbell
I want to be a history teacher so one of the required courses is an African American history course. I actually expected an academic class but we have a kike professor who keeps putting Trump videos in a negative light and showed literal anti-white race mixing propaganda from Comedy Central on the second day of class. I actually said out loud "Sup Forums was right again" i want to exposed this kike for the hypocrite he is by showing the class how Jews were major players in slavery