i just finished finale of season 3
fuck this fucking bitch and that rat faced henry francis
I just finished finale of season 3
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I'd fuck her
hatefuck her*
Objectively more handsum than Donald draper
based henry still triggering the Drapercucks all these years later
smug looking typical rich prick
first time im watching so
>implying draper didnt cheat 100 times more than betty
whos the cuck now
>took Don's second-hand scraps of a wife off of him like a lesser man would, after she's already had multiple children
>Don ends up fucking (and even marrying) a myriad of more attractive and more likeable women while still having a healthy relationship with his children
>ends up fucking Betty again anyway iirc, effectively double reverse cucking Henry
>Betty goes insane, becomes obese, and dies of cancer
yeah based henry showed those drapercucks lmao
The show and Don's life improved massively because of what Henry did, and Henry's got worse, becoming a glorified baby-sitter to a superior man's kids while that man regularly wine's and dines better women than the neurotic bloated woman that Henry is left with
Considering that Don cheated on Betty countless amounts more than she ever cheated on him, and she stayed with him when he was cheating on her, and they broke up the one time she cheated on him, I'd say Henry and Betty ultimately became the most cucked couple in the show. They become the Ageing, Bored, Sad Child-Minders for Don, and that's their entire role for the rest of the show.
thanks for the spoilers breh
i bet you really showed him but i wont read dont wanna get spoiled
i want to live in her uterus
>he wrote this much shit in response to obvious bait
good going you cuck
>Getting mad at the word count of just a few brief sentences
t-the daughter grew quite nicely ;3
fucking this
Henry was pretty cool sometimes but its mainly Betty that was a bimbo
You're supposed to hate don but I sympathize and like him, as well as sterling
Its impossible to hate Don as a man. The only times where you can hate him is where hes fucking it all up being a drunk in the meetings because you know he can do better.
Even then I don't really blame him cuz I'd be doing the same or a lot worse
>i just finished finale of season 3
>fuck this fucking bitch and that rat faced henry francis
Don cheating gooood
Betty cheating baaaad
no its her acting like shes an angel and being an annoying bitch to him all year long while shes doing the same mistake
She was faithful, loving and attentive to him for years while he made a mockery of their marriage, fucking any pretty face that gave his broken ego attention.
Don is dumb
My biggest problem with this show was how they forced us to hate Betty when truthfully it should had been ambiguous. Don was an awful husband. He cheated multiple times and didn't even grant Betty privacy at her therapy sessions. When they spilt up,the writers made Betty's character insufferable and spiteful when she wasn't this person at all (her kindness to Helen Bishop despite the other bitchy housewives is proof of this). This was poor writing since they forced Betty to become a new character just so the fans would forcefully sympathise and like Don when he was clearly in the wrong.
>brown nips
what the fuck was the point of this line of dialog anyway
>My biggest problem with this show was how they forced us to hate Betty
They did not
>This was poor writing
This was poor viewing, family.
I think they were trying to poison the character because the actress is a massive bitch IRL on set
Everything Betty does is to make herself feel superior to others. She was kind to Helen Bishop so she could be seen as the graceful and caring woman, to rise above the others. Don was right about her, she wouldn't love him if she knew about the real him and when she found out she divorced him. Don was awful yes, but Betty was bad too.
Did you cry anons?
>the actress is a massive bitch IRL on set
Oh really? Do dish, pls
>Betty has issues with parenting coming from her parents
>Don is a piece of shit that doesn't give his brother the time of day when he finally tracks him down
>that hallucination scene with Adam where he's the dentist
I can somewhat understand leaving Adam behind to cover for his new lifestyle but when Pete revealed it anyway it didn't matter in the slightest. Adam didn't deserve that shit and I hope Uncle Mac at least let him fuck some hooker pussy.
"You don't have any character! You're just handsome!"
>She was kind to Helen Bishop so she could be seen as the graceful and caring woman, to rise above the others.
What proof do you have of this? Even after their fight,Betty still consoled with Helen regarding her divorce with Don. She did this in private as well not trying to show off.
>"That's really funny," he said. "Because, if I remember correctly, she and I were very rude to each other."
>He continued: "I was at a party -- I'd never met her -- and she was like, 'Come sit down.' So I sit at her table and talk for 10 minutes, and she goes, 'I think it's time for you to leave now.' So I say, 'January, you are an actress in a show and everybody's going to forget about you in a few years, so f**king be nice,' and I got up and left."
It also.talks about how Lindelof slammed her in First Class
>I hope Uncle Mac at least let him fuck some hooker pussy.
I imagine that Adam died a virgin like Ginsburg.
What a coincidence OP, I too finished the finale of season 3 today. I never tought I'd get so hyped up watching some men start a new agency
She most likely is a bitch but that's still funny coming from the guy who's only known for being the autist in hangover
Here's another
>At an Oscars party earlier this year, Ms. Jones was seen in the company of the actor Liam Hemsworth, who was engaged to Miley Cyrus, America’s on-again-off-again sweetheart. She has been linked as well with Matthew Vaughn, her “X-Men” director, who is married to the model Claudia Schiffer, and Noah Miller, the director of her latest film, “Sweetwater,” a Western. The celebrity press has branded her as a coldblooded temptress, a homewrecker. Brian Moylan called her “a human ice luge” on Gawker.
>In person Ms. Jones did little to counter these impressions. She shook a reporter’s hand wanly. In conversation, she studiously averted her eyes.
Ginsburg didn't die though.
I dunno. I think this stuff is way overblown. One bad word and it's suddenly gospel. It's easy to conflate her icy, nordic character w/ the actress. She got on great w/ the Mad Men cast at least.
>implying he survived the mad house
He's fucking dead. Get over it.
From most reports, especially the ones I've posted, she's completely full of herself with an undeserved air of entitlement while not being very good in her profession
>In conversation, she studiously averted her eyes.
is january our girl?
Wow, it's nothing. She was seen talking to a man and didnt feign enough interest in some random reporter? Who cares?
She's a homewrecker, and the interviewer for the New York Times was observant of her cold demeanor and and her abrupt attitude towards people i.e. he being a bitch
So Alexis Bledel died there too by that line of thinking?
*her being a bitch
This is some plebeian, hick thinking all around.
>Sh-she's intimidating and doesnt act with hyperbolic humility at all times.
I saw the cast live at a small panel and they couldnt have been more jovial or warm, finishing each others sentences and cracking each other up. Her performance as well was stellar, and again easy to dismiss as 'oh thats just her,' when in reality it's pretty involved and she just makes it look easy.
Her being so disarmingly beautiful and maybe white intimidated the stupid.
>that look in her eyes
You just know
>spelling errors all over the place
>has the audacity to call people stupid
These people were other actors and observations from a journalist from New York, they are used to cold demeanors just not from celebrities who have to sell themselves as much as the product they worked on
any nudes?
wh-why do they all look like shit in that p-picture??
Someone make that gay dude's face a reaction image because he looks like he's about to cry while Pete, Betty, and Don's actor's are about to have a gangbang.
>>spelling errors all over the place
Oh wow, i concede. I'm so embarrassed rn. And a journalist from New York, you say? Damn.
Because the only way you can make January Jones to act human is to get her drunk, the others just wanted to get tipsy
More compelling than your retort, pleb
>Someone make that gay dude's face a reaction image
>being this fucking retarded that saving a picture, opening it in paint, and cropping it is too fucking difficult
fucking kill yourself
Will do after I see that faggot Sal's face as a reaction image.
Make one of the sad gay man on the right.
How about you fuck off.
to give you a boner
I'll love you forever!
Why is Sal about to cry?
Well, it worked.
Did she get fat for the show, or was that just a real life thing?
Also the jewess was best girl.
For the show
Real life thing.
>or was that just a real life thing?
She got pregnant irl so they made her character fat for the show.
It was actually a fat suit and the pictures of her pregnant aren't that fat.
>smokes while pregnant
>eats the placenta
Truly /ourlizard/
I miss pregnant JJ
How come the six starring actors are never seen in the same picture?
She has borderline personality disorder.
Because January Jones is a bitch
>hide in a corner
>start fapping
>run to them and blow your load on jj and cowtits
>go to prison happy
why were they all crying when kennedy was shot?
i thought they were democracy not some fascist country
why does anybody cry when anybody dies desu
Does she have a problem with Pete or something? But they're both in the same pic here. The only variables are Peggy, Pete and Joan
No, she has a problem with anyone not named January Jones
this is gay as fuck
How did you even wander into a Mad Men thread bro? Breaking Bad is thattaway.
The second girl was hot as fuck but there is definitely something off about it.
because the show is good, not whatever the fuck that is that you linked
Whenever I see something from Mad Men's set time I always try to mentally interject the characters into the look of the actual 60's thing in question and imagine how they'd fit in that aesthetic.
Right, I'm sure you're a big fan.
I know what you mean. Weiner talks about casting people that looked as if they belonged in that period.
I only just saw How to Succeed in Business w a young Robert Morse and it's really interesting in that way. Set feels and looks like SCDP. The songs are weak but Morse is charming.
>y-you're not a r-r-real fan unl-less you like wh-what I l-l-l-like!!!!
my fucking sides
jesus did people actually like this ? her voice is like a dying cat.
I'm just not sure how you got through the series if that of all things, an innocuous video of the cast having fun singing one of the series' best musical numbers is 'gay as fuck.' It's not really a series for alpha male bro shit. It's often fanciful and leans into colorful musicals and aesthetics, anyway great input today.
Why are Mad Men fans so pretentious? Jesus Christ
This is one of those shows that people here claim to watch to fit in but you'll never meet anyone that does in rea life