Why do we reward Hollywood for 8/10s or 9/10s?
Why do you give money for anything that isn't a 10 out of 10?
Why do we reward Hollywood for 8/10s or 9/10s?
Why do you give money for anything that isn't a 10 out of 10?
why are poles the most attractive slavs
>implying that is a 10/10
now that's what I'm talking about
she's half Irish-Australian
maybe you should post someone that is an actual 10/10
she was that gold booty in GotG2
and the pin up for House in Night Manager with Loki Hiddleston
How tall is she?
I mean elizabeth debicki and not this girl in these pics.
she 27
How tall is Debicki?
Why did you post a 3/10?
While guys will look up to perfect men and mire and strive to emulate them, women get too jealous and feel threatened by 10/10 women.
Post her hairy arms
>Never show tits, probably because they're horrible
10/10? more like a 7/10.
The ceiling. I have posted it. No woman can defeat Maggie Q aesthetically.
young jjl was a 10/10
>that face
She looks like a fat kid in middle school that likely plays catcher/goalie in little league.
stop being mean to her