Sup Forums has made me suicidal. Anyone else? How do I snap out of this?
Sup Forums has made me suicidal. Anyone else? How do I snap out of this?
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Don't do this finnbro.
Haven't found a way out of it so far, but just think about this: If you kill yourself, there'll be one less person fighting the good fight, and the globalists and leftists and jews that much stronger.
We aren't in the majority, we can't afford to lose more people to pointless defeatism.
And, in the end, don't you want to die having at least tried? Isn't it better to die knowing you did your best to stop all this degeneracy instead of giving up?
Accept nihilism or take the indigo pill
Find a life goal. Spend every day working toward that goal, even if just a little bit.
Or even better, a find a higher power to serve
take lsd
The only thing I want to do is make (((movies))). I will get some inheritance money soon, blow that on one (((film))) and if it doesn't go anywhere, I'll blow my brains out.
Where could I acquire LSD?
Whoever drew this is either a faggot or seriously baiting.
What about Sup Forums that made you suicidal?