paulfags are still PISSED
previously on /bb/
Reminder shelbyfags are the ones making these zombie /bb/ threads.
>cdmaiThe beautiful @morganleighwillett . Can't wait to see you tonight!
maybe shelby will be there too!
>Hahaha I never cared guys
I made the last one and I don't like shelby
lol just came to post this
A snake, the devil, the puppet-master - well that's an interesting way to put it First off, I want to thank all the people that have supported me through & through the madness of this game & I want to thank @cbs_bigbrother for giving me another shot at insanity. Now to address a few things & speak on my own behalf - first & foremost it hurts my heart that people would EVER be under the impression that I would try to mock a houseguest with racism. I am absolutely shocked & appalled that this is immediately where a few people thought my intentions stood. Because I was referred to as a snake for an entire week, I decided to beat Dominique to ridiculing me during a ceremony speech (which she said she was going to do) by ridiculing myself & wearing a snake pattern dress, with snake pattern leggings, & painting a diamond on my head to imitate a black diamond snake. In the house I often used a Dead Sea black face-mask to exfoliate my skin, which is what I used to finish my snake outfit. To anyone who was offended by this ridiculous misconception, I apologize & hope this clears all the nonsense. Next, I absolutely love & support my country, & respect every single person who has/is serving my country. I did not disrespect Cody's service, in fact I thanked him personally on a few occasions for his time in the military. In the big brother house,
Cody admitted to lying not only about his age, but also the time he served & what branches he served in, for his game. This obviously caused the house, including myself, to question exactly who Cody was or what he actually did - he was not very social. The bullying comments also set me back a bit, sure I controlled a lot of the strategy in the season but I definitely did not control the mouths & actions of 15 adults. My intentions were purely strategic, & part of big brother is handling the pressure/mental warfare. Of course I had to make everyone feel like I was their ally - if they didn't feel like they could gain some sort of advantage from me, then they would immediately discard me. Hope you guys enjoyed the madness this season & don't waste your time talking shit because I literally never cared. #friendship #bb19
captcha: homo village
Don’t waste our time talking shit huh?
>crying the second time
Pre-vote tally:
> Did we just watch someone talk their way back into 500K?
> I'd put a lot of money on Cody not voting for Paul.....
> Well.... at least we gettin' #BBCAN6 ......let's see some GAME!! ( Also future HG's, Jury management isn't a thing anymore... enjoy
Post-vote tally:
> I retract my last tweet.... jury management is a MASSIVE part of North American Big Brother.... skid mark on Paul's great game
- Jon Pardy, BBCan2 winner
This is the explanation here. Pardy was a strong player and a deserving winner in his season. The fact of the matter is, Paul was a pussy the entire game when it came to owning up to shit and he also totally blew it during his final speech. Were the jury votes decided before those speeches? Probably, but his whole game he never once admitted to being anything less than a Saint. Josh was a fucking autist retard, but at least he did shit himself. Paul fucked up on jury management because he promised the world to everyone, they compared notes, Josh had his goodbye messages, and it ended up with an autist who pissed everyone off coming off better than a manlet who was too afraid to own up to shit.
anybody got pictures or links to matt, ravens, or pauls twitter? i wanna see if theres any heat being thrown at them and how they're handling being this season's most hated players.
where the Ika interviews
Ika has a vid out, and it seems she was cheering for the upset, but knowing Ika she knew Paul ought to have won.
i keked at that one too
raven's is private and matt is getting shit on hard
ika had even worse jury management than Paul, she is not the one to judge if Paul should or shouldn't have won
Literally all he had to do was own his gameplay in his goodbye messages and he would have 500k right now. Instead he tells Jason that "Christmas must have gone rogue" like the jurors are such drooling retards that they won't even compare notes in the jury house. And then he STILL lied through his teeth when answering jury questions. What a fucking idiot. To lose to Nicole and then a literal meatball... worst jury management ever.
Also speaking of that, what is with BBCan having much better houseguests than BB? BBCan5, off the top of my head, had Ika, Demetry, Kevin, Neta.. Any 4 of those were better than all BB players except Paul and maybe Jess
as much as a retard josh was, I'm glad he won. the manchild was entertaining all the way through.
It's because BBUS is on it's 19 season and in America there are countless reality shows you can also apply for, so while there are people applying they might not be great as early seasons
Whereas BBCan is still in its infancy and Canada doesn't have that many reality shows so they're getting great casting
Agreed, but she was a strong player in a season where it was obvious players voted for the game rather than feefees. This season had FEW players who would respect game over their own feefees. Martin won 9-0 with the only feefee votes being Bruno, french guy and french guy's friend Dre. The rest gave it to him because they were the "respect the game" types of players. This season had a LOT of fucking feefee types and Paul underestimated that.
i second this request. i havent been able to find them yet
im really worried he's actually going to kill himself
not really, why am i quoting myself?
Disagree. US has 10x the population and I'm sure more applicants. The producers just sucked more for BB. Even the token SJW choices in BBCan (french guy and eyebrow tranny) were at worst mediocre players, not altogether bad like Ramses.
This fucking Jew thinks he's a hot model or something.
He was actually very annoying in the middle, but became a little more endearing when he started to wake up from Paul's mind control to try to beat him.
He still sucks ass
BBUS and BBCAN have the same casting director. Robyn Kass
ITT: we wait for /bbc/
It all goes out the window when you're a 5'3" rat. All the clothes, tats and jewelry are compensation.
Well the only other possibility is Canada is just BETTER than the US. To add on, even our token black woman was far better (Ika kicks the shit out of Dominique)
jason with kevin and sons
looks like they got over the rape joke LOL
uh, we're waiting for survivor next week sweetie
>Canada is just BETTER than the US
When will you BBCANfags give it up
hah thats funny
>>cigarettes and Adderall
That's what's up
Let's be real.
Josh didn't win, Paul just lost
"Big Brother" host Julie Chen talked to Entertainment Weekly after the finale, answering whether she thought the jury made the right decision:
>"I think the jury made the wrong choice. Paul was robbed. But Josh was no slouch. He won competitions, had a conscience and didn't mislead people in the same slick way that Paul did. [...] More than stunned, I think Paul was embarrassed and upset. But more embarrassed than anything. You could feel his frustration with himself for miscalculating how the jury would ultimately vote. He should have shown more remorse in his final plea to the jury. And he shouldn't have been making faces during Josh's speech to the jury."
EW also asked Julie about Cody Nickson winning America's Favorite Houseguest/Player. To EW,
>it was surprising, since Cody was out of the house pretty early -- twice -- and was the first juror. Here's Julie's response:
"Cody not only won America's Favorite Houseguest, but he won by A LOT! Wow. I guess people responded to him suddenly being the underdog and being persona non grata in the house. He was also not a phony. He was straightforward with people — if he didn't like you, he told you to your face... for better or worse. People responded to his honesty if you will."
any news on #ravenexposedparty?
anybody would beat Karen in 9-0 vote, she is the biggest goat in any of BBUS or BBCAN seasons
i honestly respect Josh's win more than Kevin's, Kevin might be a nice guy irl, but all he did was winning comps and then taking somebody to the end that anyone would beat
could have been impressive on first try, felt really underwhelming for a vet with multiple pregame alliances and time and resources to prepare for competitions
Read the thread. She's gone out of her way to create a bubble for herself.
Paul actually literally never even cared lmao are you gumpy? He has a unique clothing brand which he helms and is a famous rockstar. He'll move on. He'll be boys. What does Cody have? I noticed you keep bringing him up why are you so obsessed with Cody? Remember how Cody wouldn't respect the game? How Cody just flirted with Jessica to try to get back at me? Because I don't care about that either. Poor kid wasn't smart enough to run a business like me so he went to kill people in some sand country. So next time you're thinking of Cody, just realize that I'm not thinking of Cody, because he isn't even a blip on my radar.
Big style.
>>turn on bb canada live feeds mid-season
>>two homos rubbing each other's feet
>>turn off bb canada never to return
Now, I actually won 300 (and 100 I don't have to give to someone else on top) with Josh winning because we did a BB snake draft and Josh was the last overall pick. For the record, my team was Cody, Christmas, Dominique, Josh. Josh was the last overall pick in the snake draft. Obviously I'm I like that.
This being said, this was the worst cast I've ever seen. Even with winning, in a way it isnt worth it because we were all too pissed at the season and Paulfags in the house that we didn't even discuss the show socially. BBCan however, has always been solid. BBCan5 was one of the best season of any BB.
> Not again, not again, not again.
I could have watched it on loop for the two hours. If only they didn't pan away from Paul when AFHG was announced.
>Big style.
He says this despite being small. Why?
Nonsense. Kevin had it all. He made good social alliances and won competitions when he had to. Karen and Josh comparable in GOAT status, and there are arguments Josh was a worse goat than Karen.
I am just catching up now that the stream is available
What the fuck is with Dr. Will shilling for Paul during the jury discussion? Is he always like "you're a bunch of sore losers, (CBS shill player) was the best ever!" I don't really like that CBS sets up a """counseling session"""" with a previous winner to discuss who deserves to win.
>mfw Raven still claiming to be a genius mastermind and Matt bursting out in a weak attempt at defense
Is it possible Matt is equally as dumb as Raven?
Cody was very upfront about not liking Paul's play style early on and made a game decision to try and get him out. After it failed because of the hex, it was open season on Cody. Paul played a bigger role in getting AFHG than Cody did. If he didn't terrorize him from the get go, people wouldn't have identified with Cody as easily.
what do you think Cody and Jess are doing right now?
>I-I never cared guise seriously please stop laughing at me
breaking another condom
cum play
Shitposting on Sup Forums
excellent fucking bait 10/10, here's your (you), you gumpy bitch
Fug, the first thing my eyes went to is Marky's bulge.
oh yeah?
Christmas also went tunnel vision on Cody after he put her up on the block along with 3 others.
Damn, so that's what Cody meant by "hold that thought."
Absolute kino.
If paul never cared paul would have refused to come back for 500k.
the long con
He actually said in his Mark interview that he has an earpiece and producers basically tell him what to say.
Was surprisingly candid unless he was lying.
as i posted at approx. 9:50 last night
Paul is no longer holding that thought
and as someone else said earlier, cody no longer lives rent free in pauls head, he now made him pay $450K for the privilege
I know it's a long shot but is there an archive with /bb/ threads from other finals? If so, how far back does it go?
Does anyone know pandas snapchat?
Ask /pandafag/
that is pandafag
Sup Forums - Ianbowl
Sup Forums - BB15 and onwards
I literally never cared
the round table is 4 hours long. he likely vocalized every angle about the F3 HGs but we get what production wants us to see
cheers user
It's really just upsetting his rich parents won't have enough money to afford another royce.
Literally Paul
I want to but he's a neetowl
Someone besides that one pandafag surely must know pandas snapchat
rob really went easy on paul in the rhap interview
i know it but i will never post it here
Josh's win redeemed the season. It was painful to watch for weeks. Ever since cody left for the last time, but that ending did it. Wow. Paul must be on suicide watch.
So you don't know. It's fine ill keep asking around.
>redeemed the season
stop saying this because its not even close to being true
>Rob: "Hey don't use those words, there is nothing wrong with you Raven."
>Raven: "Thank you, Thank you!"
*looks into camera*
i absolutely know and if there wasnt so much pandafaggotry in the threads this season i wouldve posted it for you
who's the nig
sad eyes don't lie
You don't know quit pretending like your punishing pandafags. I don't like the one either he made it such a thing to like her.
>quit pretending like your punishing pandafags
im not pretending
the xmas killed people with kindness meme that was spammed after the show is ridiculous