Smugpaldi edition.
Smugpaldi edition.
Doctor Who is live.
Doctor Who might change, but won't ever die.
this show wont survive a female lead
Yeah, because BBC shows like Call the Midwife sure bombed, right?
>implying the show hasn't been female-led since Rose's first episode
Now that we're getting a BF audio where 6 deals with slavery, when will we get an audio about the Rape of Nanking?
How much money would /who/ need to get Jim Mortimore to write a tupperware short story?
>Slave level dark
>tfw no Unit 731 audio
>I want more daring audios, Big Finish!
>gets slavery audio
>Jesus, Briggs. I didn't mean that.
Do you think they'd actually get away with putting slurs (historically correct) into it?
Doctor Who historicals regularly have the characters encounter (non-graphic versions of) various historical atrocities, massacres, injustices, etc., the slave trade is no different and I think the only ones making a fuss must just be really allergic to black people.
Fun fact: RTD wanted a reference to Ten Little Niggers in Unicorn and the Wasp, but it was cut out.
When was the last time we got an audio where the Doctor witnesses a historical atrocity, massacre, or injustice?
Reminder that this scene
Literally last year
There was some historical truth to that episode wasn't there? The whole ice part. Didn't that actually happen in London's history? Right down to the elephants?
is honestly excessive and I say this as someone who can't stand Sup Forums
It's just so fucking dull. What more can be added to the history of the slave trade by putting the Doctor in it?
Is this any good? I stayed away from it because everything I heard made it sound like reheated Dickens with a pinch of edge, and I have a very low tolerance for Dickens.
It was fine, but nothing amazing. I'm just glad the MR is doing pure historicals again.
He was my first Doctor.
unless chibnall era is GOAT, it will still get cancelled within 2-3 series regardless of the doctor's gender.
That said, how many doctors after jodie do you think will be female? (if the show doesn't get cancelled)
Or will they try and up the ante with a trans/genderfluid/non-gengered etc. doctor?
>scifi show aimed at males traditionally with a male lead
>call the midwife
Shitty bait.
>aimed at males
What's making him so happy, /who/?
Victoria's buffers
Doctor Who is dead.
This is my reaction to Steven Moffat’s “swaggering bully” version of the Doctor. Handles is a beheaded Cyberman, reduced to a pet. Strax is an emasculated Sontaran commander. My fellow Whovians wouldn’t think these humiliations were so cute if his Vlad the Impaler tactics were reversed.
Let’s start with “Stepin Fetchit” Strax. Once a highly-respected commander of the Sontaran Empire, he serves as a nurse (“When a Good Man Goes to War“) and butler (most of Season 7, “Name of the Doctor“). Voluntarily joining the Doctor’s pet collection — result of “The Battle of Moffat’s Run” — makes his conversion even more offensive. Once a decorated war criminal, now a buffoon.
Handles is even worse, a murderous cyborg reduced to household pet in “Time of the Doctor“. As the Doctor’s powerless confidant, he serves and banters with his master like Tony Stark’s JARVIS. Considering how the he subjugated Handles for at least 1,000 years, the Doctor’s grief seems delusional at best.
These portrayals reminded me of abducted African slaves. They smiled and obeyed, but those unaffected by Stockholm Syndrome hid their rage. They drempt about — and plotted against — their oppressors every waking moment. This illustration is Field Captive’s Rage.
Polluting a kid’s sci-fi show with slave rebellion politics is probably a mistake, but Doctor Who has a pretty smart adult demographic. Does it work for you?
Who's responsible for this?
I had a weird dream about Doctor Who. All 14 Doctor's were in it in their prime state and Jodie actually sold me on her performance. I wonder if she's going to be that good in reality.
>one hundred percent rebel time lord
I remember when they toyed with that tagline.
Please tell me this guy did something about 12 stealing Davros' wheelchair.
In colour.
No, just these
and pic related.
>smug little faces going over imagined responses to the comic in the corner
Is this the Doctor Who equivalent of the political cartoon?
Is this what RTDchads actually believe?
I don't care that the new Doctor is a woman but this image is ridiculous.
>new Doctor should wander around with no particular intent in mind, even on-planet, not really pay much attention to what's going on, and generally have no active role in the show whatsoever
Yes, this seems like a good idea.
Absolutely based
You know that's not really what they mean, they just want her to be more of a bookish and weird nerd than an all-action superhero. So in terms of past Doctors, more 7 in his lighter moments than 3 getting into swordfights.
If they go more like 7, and also make her more bookish, can we get the Old Ones as villains back too?
Luna Lovegood was my waifu back in middle school, and even I don't want 13 to emulate her.
But Greatest Show in the Galaxy wasn't even that good.
Is there actually a secret trip discord or is it just a meme
Maybe if you become a trip you'll find out!
Is there any place to download DWM? I'm looking for issue 484
It should be on vk.
someone posted this the other day
>only first 9 seasons free with Amazon Prime
>apparently Kodi's gone all to shit
>don't have a VPN so I don't want to torrent
Guess I'm waiting to watch season 10.
You can literally find the episodes uploaded to vk
Thank you anons
Whatever happened to Ian Briggs?
Is that the lovechild of Ian Levine and Nick Briggs?
The Hybriggs
/who/ rn
So why does Clara need a motorcycle?
>Pardon my sci-fi
Cheaper than a car, I guess.
Are there any really creepy/scary episodes in season 10?
Extremis, in a psychological way.
Which season 10? NuWho or Classic Who?
Are there any good 6th Doctor novels?
The only canon piece of DW media.
>two years since series 9
>still no soundtrack
Scaroth reporting in.
idk about you but we had a female lead for atleast 3 series
>the companions shouldn't be the Doctor's conscience!
>it's Doctor Who, not Ian Who!
haha dr who got titties now
Is 7 the only particularly "dark" classic Doctor?
If so, what episodes of his do you recommend, and if not, what episodes of his do you recommend, what other incarnations do you recommend on that front, and what episodes of theirs should I watch?
Well, yeah. We've known about Colin Baker's manboobs for a while now.
Remembrance of the Daleks
Curse of Fenric
Ghost Light
Then you've got a bunch of books that take it even further (Timewyrm Revelation, Love and War, Left-Handed Hummingbird, etc).
The only one I've read was Synthespians, which was alright in a Target novelisation sort of way.
Watching the latest season. What episode do you find out what's in the vault?
It's the First Doctor, as played by David Bradley
1st episode if u arent a newfag
David Bradley playing the 1st Doctor eventually breaks out dancing to Queen's 'I Want to Break Free'
>look up 6th Doctor novels
>see this
Jesus Christ...
*breathes in*
*breathes in*
*breathes out*
mr president mauricio macri
What the fuck was his problem?
What's he saying, /who/?
"I'm canonically the most over-rated Doctor"
*breathes in*
The Caretaker is so COMFY
The Orville is GOAT, if you want another sci-fi show besides Who, skip STD and go to Orville
Apparently test audiences are digging the fuck out of Discovery. I'm still skeptical but cautiously more optimistic than I was.
Your reaction is exactly what the studio was after in very carefully selecting who would be at those test audiences. It's the same reason plenty of bombs get loads of Twitter buzz at first, because studios intentionally pick people for the early test audiences who will already like it.
The studio is hoping for me to pirate two episodes and then decide whether to purchase a subscription to their service just during the show's season? I doubt it.