>dagger against plate armour
>sword reaches her face long before she starts her stab
>cgi face
they should apologize to us
that knife flip looks really neat
thats what daggers are for tho
wish I could do that in Skyrim
Are you fucking retarded or something?
so if i were to try and rape Maisie, i need to make sure i watch the switch over. got it.
imagine if the books hadn't come out before season 1, the show would've been filled with moments like this from that start. We probably woudlve seen littlefinger and varys duel or some shit like that
Brianne still would've won because
a) She was wielding a big ass sword and
b) Aryan being a womanlet wasn't anywhere near Brianne's neck to do some actual damage.
But whatever yasss queen slay and shit
the editing in the actual fight made me miss that part
>We probably woudlve seen littlefinger and varys duel or some shit like that
i bursted out laughing until I realized you're probably right.
yeah the editing is very sloppy. they chop up like every fight scene and make it a mess.
Brienne's first swing is so high that goblin doesn't even need to duck
brienne would win without a sword she was in full plate iirc
Why do all you faggots get so butthurt over Aryas progression? She has been learning to fight from a range of the best killers in Westeros and Essos since season 1.... Is it because she a girl that threatens your thinly veiled masculinity?
>woman fights a woman
>you attribute the winner to feminism
Just stay off Sup Forums for a few days and clear your mind.
>train for weeks getting movements authentic
>get good enough to do some cool looking practical stunts
>editors chop your performance to shit to appease attention deficient audience.
Those bastards.
she's an assassin not a warrior, they made it look like she could take out Brienne. Someone like Jaqen uses stealth and tricks to kill people in the books, he even gets captured. The faceless men are not warriors.
It's probably because she's an 80 pound 12 year old beating proven knights on her first try
Are short lesbians attracted to tall women like short straight women are attracted to tall men?
That dagger flip was the only cool part of the entire scene. Even cooler seeing that she can actually do it in real life
GRRM is a fucking cuck, he doesnt dare to hurt Arya because its his wife's favourite char. She is a Mary Sue who will survive until end of the series.
Oh what could've been...
Her storyline would've been far better had they spent 4-5 episodes developing a plan for her to kill all the Freys. Instead we just see her at the beginning accomplishing this massive feat and spending the next 5 episodes doing basically nothing then killing littlefinger.
>Jaqen uses stealth and tricks to kill people in the books, he even gets captured
Implying he didn't get "caught" on purpose
>Is it because she a girl that threatens your thinly veiled masculinity?
there's two women fighting user...
Was getting caught part of his plan?
Because we saw her take 2 dance lessons and then go blind for a while before turning into fucking Kenshiro
for one she was training with assassins. if you're getting into duels as an assassin you're probably not very good at your job, so I don't get why they'd teach her that.
jaqen killed people using poison darts and shit, not swordplay.
two we never even saw them train her with swords, the only sword training we saw her do was with syrio for a few months several years ago.
and we're supposed to believe she can take on an experienced brienne?
God, I want Brianne to sit on my face with her big, meaty butt
giv goblin gf sugar momma, i will be loving frog i cook 4 her she make movie and tv i giv cummies and luv
Are you under 6'0, user?
how has arya not been raped yet?
Why is she embarrassing him by drawing attention to his height? What a fucking cunt. Hate women who do that.
>rubs him under the arm
>Taps his shoulders
How is that drawing attention to his height?
when will they learn?
oh man she wants the dick so bad
By standing near him, thus showing to the wider world that there's a height difference.
Me too, I found the best way to stop bitches from pulling shit like that is stop being a manlet
she isn't, stop browsing r9k user
I'm 5'6, which only makes it 1000x better
Maybe don't be a fucking manlet next time, loser
>woman with the build of a man, using traditionally male weapons and armor
>vs womanlet pushing the dex>str meme and trying to disprove size+strength
What part of that disconnects for your autism?
holy fuck you're right
user you know there are other reasons for close proximity and touching right?
>every woman in that room is taller than him
holy shit kit
why is she so assertive bros
they definitely fucked later that night
>t. manlet
This is too fucking hot ... i wanna see a black fuck a giraffe
how the fuck are they even in the same weight category?
Holy shit that's hilarious
t. Nasty Woman
He's short but all women have heels.
tfw this quickly turned into a manlet bashing thread
tfw jon snow is a baby tampon boy
thats from Winter Soldier
i want her to rape me
I don't care if she wasn't being serious, she still demolished his masculinity. Women like Gwendoline need to show some fucking respect.
No, women don't fuck guys at the same height or shorter.
t. virgin
jesus, all that blood on the floor
it's like an infection breeding grounds
literally a hobbit
also, I didnt find this out until recently, but there is actually a difference between midgets and dwarves, and dwarves have a regular body and head, its just their arms and legs that are really short
>terrible swing that would barely have hit her even if she didn't dodge
What are they featherweights? Your average 6'2 neckbeard living in his moms basement with no fight experience could take out these pint sized boys.
Why do people pay to watch this.
This is cute. I'm jealous of the camaraderie of the people on this show.
can someone tell me why Sup Forums is suddenly all over maisie williams?
where were you 10 years ago when she was hot af and appearing on teens react with her qt backwards black snapback with lia marie johnson who was also still in her prime (pre large breasts)
UFC fighters and athletes in general have the cleanest blood when it comes to infections. They get tested randomly and frequently, so if they had an STD they'd find out pretty quick. No one gets to fight if their blood isn't clean of disease.
top kek
This the actors are always enjoying. Makes me wish I was one of them.
Both of them are actually men just like all the actresses in GoT
This is how you know "official" height stats are bullshit. IIRC this guy is claimed to be like 5'9. Bullshit. He must be 5'5 or 5'6
Would you shitpost about your character on Sup Forums and talk about your a terrible actor?
Bros. Imagine if Brienne was your mom.
when did Arya get training?
She fucked up both assassinations and got her ass kicked by the Waif, and won by a fluke off screen after being stabbed several times, before that she was mopping floors and doing chores, then all of a sudden she was the shit...
but what if Arya died and the Waif took her face and is now "a girl" called Arya Stark who is going home.
thatd make more sense than this shite, and be more satisfying
>that reaction time
For fuck's sake
What the hell is she doing?
Those feet are absolute shit tier. Into the trash she goes.
Fuck that little goblin
God, I wish that were me.
They don't get good enough to do them so their doubles get cut into the final scene. The actors only train to make the cuts look convincing.
You are not initiated in medieval combat are you?
Wish I could do that in Skyrim
is this a prono?
>tfw no lightskin Amazon gf to emasculate me
Rewatch the webm.
A full second passes before she does the epic knife flip xD while Brienne of Teleporting already has the sword at her throat.
This only confirmed how terrible the fight choreography has become.
How we went from Mountain vs. Viper to this shit and Arthur "Dual-Wielding like in my Animes" Dayne is beyond me.
there's more arteries around the body you turbo autist
Uhh you're supposed to insert Brienne there buddy
in real life height doesn't matter as much as you guys think
>inb4 manlet
i've witnessed manlets hooking up with amazons
just don't be fat
you're subhuman
Yes. Same goes for gay dudes.
is this fucking real?
dan schneider
give all my bitches back