>Hurr Durr lets put emotions above logic
>Huuurr irresponsible trump amirite???
wtf happened to southpark...
>Hurr Durr lets put emotions above logic
>Huuurr irresponsible trump amirite???
wtf happened to southpark...
Trey Parker moved to California and lost touch with reality.
>it's a Sup Forums can't take a joke without throwing a hissyfit
Literally tumblr.
it wasn`t even funny, thats the point faggot
>it's a /reddit/ cant take criticism without whining about it
Good jokes make sense. Trump jokes are lazy. Know the difference.
Trump is a fucking irresponsible retard. They made fun of Clinton, they fun of Bush, they made fun of Obama, and Trump is basically a severely more retarded Bush, so fuck off butthurt magapede.
when did they make fun of obama
Yeah ok but could the jokes at least be funny then? These ones are written by unfunny Daily Show interns.
dude firstly i`m from UK, secondly didn`t they say they`ll put an end to this whole Le trumpee maymay
fuck me and to think i use to be a fan of this show too, now it feels like a cheap propaganda
basically, the channel gave them green light to make two more seasons, they decided to just relax for at least one season.
They'll never be funny to you because you like the guy and his stances
Everyone hates Trump for abusing Twitter but why do the people who treat the President as a Voice of God never get ridicule? So what if he blocked a cancer survivor or whatever that was, if shes an annoying bitch shes an annoying bitch, there isn't a first amendment rights issue, get off his dick. Its still just Twitter even if Trump is on it. Trump is trying to speak his feelings without the media filter and spin as you can see every time he opens his mouth on an issue.
The media only reported his UN speech as an unholy disaster because he mentioned he'd wipe out NK BUT never mentioned that in a similar situation, US Presidents have said similar tough words and still have not ruled out diplomacy.
The NK doesn't deserve to EVER be placed on a higher moral or ethical high ground than the USA even if Trump is our leader, South Park is getting close to being the bedwetting liberals they mock.
They aren't lazy per se, if you can come up with something new it could be good. But burger tv comedy has been going to town over trump since before the election, they've exploited every single joke you could think of, and South Park is simply late.
>Trump has orange skin and makes weird faces
it's been done
>Trump should stop tweeting
it's been done
>Trump acts like a cunt
it's been done
all of it has been done. They're just kicking a dead horse at this point. That's what pisses me off about Trump jokes, not the fact that they're making fun of Trump.
>if you don't find it funny it means you support Trump
Or, have you considered the possibility that you just have a shit sense of humor due to being underage?
Ok faggot, compare an episode from the last 3 seasons with an episode from season 10 or before. You just don't have a good sense of humor and you ONLY find it funny because it's making fun of a guy who triggers you.
I don't agree with that other user, but can we stop with the
>hurr after season 10 sp went to shite
meme please? If he's underage, you clearly have nostalgia goggles. The early seasons weren't THAT good, nor were the later season THAT bad. This whole discussion is becoming
>Remember when South Park was good?
South Park was always a shitshow, with hits and misses, that's the fun thing about it. Mainly the style has evolved so much and ep quality varies so widely within each season that it's hard to say which seasons are better. Quality has only started to vary significantly starting around S19 and S20 with the whole serialization thing.
t. been watching literally since season 1 when I was an underageb&
I'm glad they're triggering the Sup Forumstard snowflakes
>show uses a year-old meme as a joke
>"ugh... so cringy..."
>show uses a year-old Trump joke as a joke
Season 10 was a noticeable shift in quality when bad episodes started becoming way more frequent to the point where now almost every episode sucks. I rewatch a lot of the episodes on Hulu all the time. It's very apparent that season 10 is a turning point.
>South Park is still funny
more like they were too busy finishing their game that's been pushed back to a year because they were too busy to finish it last year when Trump won and they had to make up that whole episode.
Maybe pay attention to what you're watching next time
>South Parks golden age was S6-10
This. It looks and sounds like an episode made to placate "hollywood". And I mean the new pseudo-liberal hollywood, not the child-molesting one.
>criticizing a tv show is whining
Nu-pol everybody
I can take a joke, what I can't take is no jokes.
>still watching past 13
>people over 18 watch this shit
unless you arent 18, are you OP?
I don't care what they make fun of desu senpai
What I really really really really care about is the whole "over-arcing season plots" they are doing now. It's awful for a comedy show.
Not many jokes can be used an entire fucking season and still be funny. The whole member-berries thing I thought was kinda funny in the first episode. Then it wasn't funny at all the second because the punchline was the same thing. Then by the end of the season it just pissed me off.
They should drop this format immediately
>It's the conservative/libertarian "we're being logical, not emotional, even though we're the most sensitive and quick to anger faggots on the face of earth" meme
You know what was really funny?
Matt and Trey went on interviews saying they weren't going to talk about politics and Trump this season. Then they did a whole episode talking about politics and Trump. It was fucking hilarious. They were clearly trying to sucker the Trump crowd into watching the show so they could preach to them. What a scam.
>they made fun of Obama
they literally cocksucked him since almost a decade now.
What's even funnier is that they also said in interviews that they were literally shaking and their lives changed in november
The most cringy and tryhard thing was those Lorde episodes, it was never funny.
It's still Mr. Garrison as Trump, right?
Political parts are the least funny parts of the show, but with that said Cartman's suicidal cries for help really made the episode.
literally this
name like 1 time
It was funny though. You're just being a little sourpuss.
How about when they had Cartman sell his turds, marketed as "Free Obama Dolls"?
They made Obama Oceans 11. Mean burn right there.
The whole member berries thing would of made an awesome Halloween special especially with the whole pet cemetery paralel.
The joke is Cartman and people who share his deplorable views, Obama is not the target at all.
>new episode is more Heidi and Eric
Make it stop.
There was the one time he lost to Mitt Romney but had arranged with the Chinese to hide a bunch of ballots.
as a political episode, it was genuinely retarded because it blamed trump for what other did
as a romance episode, it hit the beats perfectly, tweek and craig have a realistic relationship and it's well written and much better than the average tv show treating a gay couple today
>inb4 they're not gay
that's literally the joke