
Can anyone explain me this whole scene for me? Who is the Architect and what does he mean that Zion has been destroyed 5 times already?
sorry for being retarded

You remember that Rick and Morty season 1 episode where the dad is inside a simulation on a spaceship which is actually a simulation inside a simulation inside a simulation etc
The matrix is one level of the simulation, Zion is the next level up

Neo is just another Chosen One in a line of Chosen Ones. The events of The Matrix have all happened before, and will happen again. A One is born, he's set free, he gains his powers, he gets back to the source, if he can survive that long. A c

The machines always win. They always invade Zion, but leave just enough for humanity to survive. He says it's another form of control.

But why machines allow this to happen? Why not just kill humans off permanently?

Because in the movie they use humans as batteries/power source. Also they don't as a whole hate humans. They consider them something to be incorporated.

The matrix had many iterations, some were like a perfect heaven but that didn't work and failed because humans need conflict. So they designed it to be imperfect with a release valve (the one) that they just deal with the way you see in the series.

Well, turns out Humans still have somewhat of a purpose. When the machines and humankind fought against each other and the machines slowly gaining the upperhand, in a desperate bid to stop the machines from getting their power from the sun, they (humanity) blanketed the world with a thick, dark, electromagnetic cloud layer that blocks out sunlight and disables anything electronicaly through some kind of EMP-like effect.

To solve this they (machines) wanted to use humans as supercomputers to figure out a solution and to keep the humans occupied, built the matrix.

But i also guess there is still some form of love/affection/respect for the species that was their ancestor but from their point of view they just didnt (and couldnt) trust us and therefor, they wanted to controll us and the matrix is one hell of a controll mechanism.

correct answers

great question. never adequately answered on screen since machines apparrently can "love" as suggested in the second film,

why didnt 2 and 3 match the quality of 1??

female writers

I never understood why people dislike 2nd and 3rd one. I think they all share same quality

I loved the first 2 movies and saw them in theaters.

I never watched the third because Trinity was my waifu and I heard she dies.

Why was the first movie and the animatrix the only good things to come out of this whole series?

It was never meant to be a trilogy.



They also can't need the very weak bio-electricity generated by a human. The human farm is a net energy loss. You can't feed a population of animals their own dead with no other energy input. It's perpetual motion.

Kinda scary how machines went from this

To this

forgot pic lel. And considering how shit the machines were treated in the second rennacaince did humans deserve their fate?

The second is great, you pleb!

They weren't """"females"""" yet that time, underage

They were created to serve, to please humans. They shouldn't have feelings.

They shouldn't have AI in the first place though.

But stupid IRL scientists don't learn from these kind of sci-fis and still work on AIs.

It was the same quality, and that's why people were dissatisfied. People wanted to get wowed the same way viewing the first did.