Are you still into Walking Dead? Are you going to watch season 8 knowing it's just going to be the same boring bullshit and filler?
Are you still into Walking Dead...
its pretty much the "end" of all their ""struggles" for two seasons after this one
Watched religiously since S1, one of the only shows I did. Dropped it after ep 3 or 4 of S7. Killing Abe was a mistake. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is cool n all but its really just seems like all out war is a rehash of rick vs. The Governor, who was the best actor on the show. I'm tired of Alexandria, even the fucking road episodes were better.
it's fun to hate watch so yes
>ITT OP talks shit about something popular in an attempt to make himself seem smarter than everyone but in reality the popular thing is objectively good so it ends up making OP look like an uneducated inbred hillbilly with shit taste.
Yes, and I hate myself for it.
Only Chandler keeps me watching
imagine being this new. people have been talking shit about this garbage since the first season and it all boils down to
I stopped watching a few years ago.
But I began watching Fear the Walking Dead last night, and the first season was great. Second, not so much. I'll give it about halfway through season 2 to see if I want to see the rest.
I've gotten this far. And watching this alongside Sup Forums for shitposts is pretty fun.
>group meets another band of survivors
>are they good or bad?
>surprise, they're bad
literally the first 2 groups the main character meets is friendly
I'll watch the debut and the finale of each part. As I have for the last 3 years
it's not a zombie show. it's an ordinary drama where zombies sometimes walk past in the background as the characters do their drama. that promo pic with no zombies in it proves it's not a zombie show.
I dropped it after they killed the Governor. It had dragged from season 2 anyway.
I doubt I'll get back into it, it's not a great show.
It doesn't get much better.
excuse me? its about to get real lit soon
lol, can't believe i bought 12 volumes of this
Kirkman confirmed hack
lmao i always knew this was garbage
thank you for confirming
That CGI Tiger looks silly and out of place. No way does this show deserve 8 seasons.
Will the show actually be adequately portray Negan's turn to babyface and a DBZ-tier power level? Will he get a flashback episode where it shows he's literally the most moral person left on the planet now like his prequel comic?
They're really fucking Negan and the Saviors up so far as generic badguys, and not a good foil for "wow, Rick's group is kind of really, really fucked up and not as good as the reader has been conditioned to think" like they should be.
You think this is objectively good? Everybody I know who watches it at least acknowledges that its dogshit
What's good about this lazy stretched out badly written snoozefest