Is Steven Universe any good? I could never get past that shrieking little boy.
Is Steven Universe any good? I could never get past that shrieking little boy
Do you like communist propaganda?
gay ass show
It's gay af but personally I think it's amazing despite its highs and lows in quality
good until season 4 and now it's tumblr tier garbage
Fuck, now I'm glad they cancelled Dark Matter.
It's pretty good
how so? It feels less tumblr now more than ever
now it just feels anime
it feels the most tumblr now.
steven is crying now ALL of the time, the lesbian shit is more prevalent then ever and the plot is PPG tier pants on head stupid
as is the art
It has its moments but as a whole isn't that great. Steven stops being so loud.
>hating Jodelle
She is the regulating spirit of cost-effective Canadian sci-fi.
no, it's fucking awful. worse than adventure time.
cool cn cartoons are gumball, regular show, teen titans go, an ok ko
And rick and morty!
The concepts are cool, but the feminism and lesbo shit is annoying..there is also this strange aspect of the women in the show pressuring steven into being how they want him to act like.. and he has a female friend that blatantly uses him.
I may be projecting, but theree was an episode where she feverishly pressures him to fuse with her so she can date a boy, and when they separated he was kinda gay for the boy..
the same character also demands he gives her magic artifacts and lets her hang around his magic temple and when I get curious as to what she does for him..."power of friendship?"
It's unironicly an inferior version of ms kobiachis dragon maid
I wish Jodelle was sitting on my face
It's a show about some fat retarded kid with learning difficulties, No wonder why she loves it.
goddamn she gets cuter everyday.
Nothing in the show makes any sense. They can't even keep character models the same. It's a terrible show for an adult
>Those retarded legs
What's wrong with them?
Theres some high points but its not worth it at all, its 150+ episodes of wait for only 20 that are great, the rest is mediocre or really bad, as for why its annoying many people already gave a few clues but here's mine: The story demands that everyone has to be MORE retarded than the already really fucking retarded Steven so he can be the voice of reason and jesus figure, its that fucking stupid and it never stops, don't bother
I'm not licking them.