He's a fucking moron holy shit. He's not even answering these questions

He's a fucking moron holy shit. He's not even answering these questions.
He's going to get obliterated in the debates.

'Sup CTR. Suck my brown cock, you dumb faggot shill.

he answered those questions very well and diplomatically.


He literally said nothing, it was all double talk.

I just want the election to be now so I can stop seeing Trump generals every fucking time I refresh

What he said.

CTR you don't speak for any minority. Go fuck yourselves you dumb white racist pieces of shit.


yes, that's right. very diplomatic

Here is your (you)

End your life, you cock-smoking imbecile.

Truth hurts, dont it, queer?

That is not the fucking point. I am a Trump supporter and he made himself look like an idiot. His response to every question was basically
>bad things are bad and we are gonna do good things because i do good things and they are good.


Honestly his performance was hardly better than Hillary's nobody's mind got changed tonight

You should be worried about how hillary lied about the c) on the emails again pretending that she did the right thing.

Wtf I hate trump supporters now

Typical libtard projection. Hitlary was talking but she wasn't saying anything. Trump reiterated his core message, proved he is up to date on current events, has experience dealing with foreign nations, and can appeal as a President to both Democrats and Republicans.

>I am a Trump supporter

And I'm Nigel Farage

Good morning!

Why did she seem so frail and weak two days ago, but she just went 30 minutes without coughing?

Well it's the Hag bitch that doesn't want a face to face

ITT: Faggots who jerked off so much to Trump that they can't handle their precious little emperor being insulted

I support Trump all the way, and will still vote for him, but for fuck's sake he needs to at least act smart, otherwise his support might go down after the debate if he keeps up his retarded ambiguous short-sentence act.

welcome to politics dumby, debates aren't about answering questions, it's about getting your message out to the people who are going to vote for you

No, hilary actually answered the fucking questions. She may have lied, but she still answered them.
Hello Nigel congratz on Brexit.

Unless one of the people in the debate use questions to corner the other person. Have you never watched a debate?

Trump has no idea how the world works and was born with a racist golden spoon in his mouth.

Fuck Trump.

$0.05 cents has been deposited to your account

Just got in, whats he on right now? Anyone got a link i can watch now or later?

>im with trump BUT.....

$0.05 has been deposited into your account


>She may have lied, but she still answered them

Well isn't that just swell.

Yeah I was going to vote for Trump but after tonight I gotta say Hillary won me over. #Iamwithher

Why does trump worship putin's cock so much? It's bizarre.

They probably drug her up heavily before any of these big events.

Yes, but that is the fucking point. She lied, but the lies sounded intelligent. Trump said jack shit with a lot of words and that one guy started laughing at him when he answerd his question.

If you cocksuckers aren't going to contribute anything to the discussion, feel free to leave anytime and continue stroking each other's chodes

And Clinton is going to slither small things into the debate to see if she could get Trump to say something controversial, or make him look dumb by not answering her own loaded questions. Unless Trump does his research and has a huge personality change to someone well-spoken and able to call out BS on the spot, Clinton is going to go all out between her coughing fits on Trump

>She lied, but the lies sounded intelligent

That's even worse, you pathetic faggot.

Jesus fuck, what's wrong with you?

What is wrong with me is that i want Trump to win the fucking election and he wont do that with the shit performance he gave tonight.

Look at how bad his opponent is though. Just started watching this and Clinton is getting destroyed.


Trump actually makes Bush Jr. look smart by comparison. Yikes.

You peons. You were just pawns in KEK's plan to get Trump elected, just as Trump is a pawn in KEK's greater goals.


Wow thanks for correcting the record

Who the fuck care no one watches this shit except faggots like us

that really doesn't sound like it'll happen.

I care because now they are gonna shit on him because it looked like he tried to weasal out of every question. He just had to answer the damn questions.

No you're not. Hillary was 100x worse, going on and filibustering to get through it. Matt raped her asshole with the emails and she lied right into the eyes of a military man.

Sickening. Trump shit on her tonight

You fucking liberal snakes worshipped Bill Clinton dodging the arrows shot at him during the impeachment hearing.

what a bunch of cheesedicks.

people like you always say things like this. It's always you're "Worried about the performance the candidate gave tonight because you want them to win"

Well guess what, Trump did fine. He got to answer a lot of questions, and he answered them in a way that was satfisfactory for anyone not already voting for Hillary, or was a pants on head retarded undecided voter that is always "unhappy with the performance given tonight by the candidate" because they don't actually fucking know what works in these environments. Straight answers don't win you debates in a political environment. That's where your confusion is coming from.

I was #withher but after trumps performance I'm now a #cruzmissile

The speech he made today was one of the best he made in some while CTR-kun.

You didn't expect this?

>1 post by this ID

Fuck off Sup Forums