The Leftovers
What are some similar shows that arent Lost?
beginning of S3 was essential comfy core
S1 is the comfiest for me, the suburban mapleton setting is great
Seriously, this show is one of the greatest I've ever seen, top tier music too. Why wqs was it snubbed at all the awards? Christopher Eccleston deserved somethinf at least.
because it didn't have that mainstream media attention, the marketing budget and shit and that's great. It can be our show, like The Wire for example.
S1 > S3 > S2
S2 finale > S3 finale > S1 finale
3 > 2 >> 1
What is this about?
S2 > S3 > S1
Shit show. It's a pseudo-Patrician show, for idiots pretending to be smart. It's Rick and Morty from Sup Forums
First half of S2 is meh, second is elder god tier
The "rapture", the supernatural and the spiritual.
Pleb filter at its finest. Only cunts bring up reddit and rick and morty out of the blue. Be gone faggot.
Agreed, but that S3 intro tho...
Nihilism, depression, cuckoldry. Lots of cuckoldry
Fuuuuuuck that final scene of S2. I never liked John either, was pissed at what he did to kev
Wilfred maybe
>its a matt episode
Truly the best
t. "patrician"
s3 started off slowly but then it had some goat scenes
>nora&kevin in hotel/future
>kevin&laurie on ranch
>kevin&kevin&patty in identical twin brother
Nigga are you serious?
>myster thriller
>comedy with man dog
The hotel was kino man, but nothing beats that first trip after meeting virgil and drinking the poison. S3 was great as well. The scene where Kevin chases and confronts Evie was fantastic.
So can someone clarify holy wayne? Was he the real deal? Dod he take Nora's pain away and give Kevin his "ability"?
None of it matters user, that's just the gimmick they used to pull you in. Just a red-herring to distract you from the fact that you got memed into watching a show about nothing.
So this is the best way to spend your time
so...I guess I have to watch this show now?
Only if you want to enjoy some of the finest programming ayndicated television has to offer
you'd think this event would incentivize all people to seek refuge and understanding from the abrahamic scriptures but the show creators play it a different way. Just one of many flaws this overrated show blatantly carried with it.
It was canned in 3 seasons for a reason. watch at your own discretion.
I would just watch season 1, the other two seasons get lost in the weeds and never actually go anywhere.
>it's a Matt episode
Do not fall for it. It's pretentious, typical HIGH STANDARD HBO for intellectuals and with a bad ending.
It was fucking good. All of it.
Though be warned, it is a pleb filter
it's overrated trash. the first season is the only tolerable season. 2 and 3 is pure lindelof retardation that is impressive to 20 year old morons
Actually yes.
Are there any other shows that manage to be as good throughout while also being totally different from each other?
Plebfilter in action
The show is amazing, the first season is dark and gritty. The other seasons afterwards are amazing and the third season is the best television out there.
Only problem is that you either Love the show or hate it. There seems to be no middle ground
Easily the second (TwinPeaks is first) best show on tv in the past few years.
It's so funny the plebs LARPing as patricians. Watch and love any overrated shit. Go watch IT, Rick and Morty and anything else that plebs like you love.
nah, that would be quarry
I'm a twin peaks regular so pleb filters shouldn't be an issue
Human nature and religion.
I don't mind that the world spun off the rails as it did and that most people spiralled off into nihilism, what bugged me is that somehow the world managed to carry on like normal somehow in that state.
>teenagers play creepy Russian roulette spin the bottle games
>the government has an agency that goes around blatantly death squadding cults
>fucking deranged French-men are launching nuclear missiles at random volcanic islands
>somehow the world endures in this state for like another twenty years without going full Mad Max
>being this butthurt over getting filtered
How else would the world carry on? I think that is how the world would actually react. It was only like 2% of the population.
>hurr it doesn't matter what happened what matters is how people deal with it LMAO
I mean I like it and everything but's it's far from being deep and you can tell they made the Jesus stuff up halfway.
Quarry was very conventional but it was so much goddman craftmanship on that show. Really enjoyed + it didn't treat it's audience like retards (neither did the leftovers though).
The best show as pic related though and only ameriplebs who haven't seen disagree.
Did you miss one of the major themes of the show?
The world went on mostly as it was because most people didn't want it to change. So they tried very hard to ignore the things that had changed.
People just want to live their boring regular lives.
Everyone was fucked up inside but everyone also just wanted things to go back to the way things were before. So they kept living the lives they had. A lot of people didn't do that, but not enough to make America go full Mad Max
Matt episodes best episodes
>having nothing better to do on a thursday than samefag and shitpost because people like something you don't
>you can tell they made the Jesus stuff up halfway.
>missing the point this hard
He was a good gecko in the end
the frasier and casino episodes are fucking GOAT
The Leftovers fanbase is almost as bad as some cartoons...
Literally every belief system humans have was fundamentally undermined. They can't even cling to "muh science" because the event had no scientific explanation either.
It doesn't matter if only 2% of the population vanished, because they took the entire bedrock all our contemporary civilizations are built on with them. The world should have gone full Children of Men tier at a minimum.
kek, anyone who uses the terms kino and patrician seriously need a fucking reality check and a week long vacation away from this place and all electronic devices
You overestimate how much people notice and care about real world events.
There's already plenty of shit that already undermines most human belief systems. And people get by fine.
For most people, if you come across something that contradicts your worldview, you just ignore it.
Children of Men's world went to shit because you couldn't ignore the lack of children.
The Leftover's world didn't have anything tangible change. It'd fuck up the people who bothered to really think it through, but that's always been a minority anyways
>A lot of people didn't do that, but not enough to make America go full Mad Max
It doesn't take a lot of people to make the world go full Mad Max. You see repeatedly in the series that the general population is a cunt-hair away from rioting over practically nothing at all times.
I'm the OP, dude.
"Kino" and redditors shows are a disease on this board
The two dreamworld episodes were pure Kino
>every belief system humans have was fundamentally undermined
That is the thing. It depends on who you ask. Some people would see it as a confirmation. Scientists would see it as challenge. It depends on where individuals rest their faith on. I think that you underestimate how much faith people can have on ideas and beliefs.
You have the option between doing what you normally do and eat pizza drink beer, watch tv, and all the good stuff
Or you can riot and bring down the system that made you happy.
Some will take the latter. Most will take the former.
I'm not saying that everyone is OK. Obviously since the ATF had corpse burning factories, there were a LOT of people who rejected society and wanted to tear it all down in an existential hissy fit.
But enough people just wanted to forget what happened
Is International Assassin the best episode of the show?
Basically what he said. >IT'S ABOUT THE CHARACTERS DUUUDE.
Also Nora is a lying bitch.
>The Leftover's world didn't have anything tangible change.
You mean aside from all the violence and orgies becoming normal?
When Nora told that hippy bitch to shut the fuck up in the camp when she kept talking about lily not being hers my boner grew 10 feet. i haven't seen a sexy woman who's a tough bitch in television or film for years, just forced muh stronk womyn memes.
One of the best, without a doubt, but I can't really say which episodes are best.
The Matt episodes are all very good.
So are the finales.
The Identical Twin brothers was really good too.
dude its all about the characters lmao
How is that different from the world we live in now?
If you want to ignore it, you can
These are the only episodes worth watching. It's really a shame that they basically dismiss his character at the end.
>Takes care of his wife in her vegetative state for 10 years without a single complaint.
>She shortly leaves him after regaining her abilities.
Makes me want to REEEEEEEEEE
>still samefagging
neck yourself bruh
Nora was a hateful bitch though
She took what happened to her family as an excuse to be a total bitch
for real. so he just accepted his cancer and fuckin died? didn't publish the gospel of kevin? come on man...
My point is that if there are enough people going ape-shit to justify the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Explosives and Cults operating a centralized crematory facility, there are too many wackjobs out there for life to carry on as normal without something big and important eventually getting smashed taking civilization with it.
i mean she was kinda a cunt but usually only to people who deserved it, she didn't take any shit or have patience for people who minced words or dilly dallied.
Best Nora scene m.youtube.com
>How is teenagers playing Self-Mutilation/Spin the Bottle at parties and an orgy ferry too apathetic to care that a man was thrown overboard different than the world we live in today
You run with a pretty crazy crowd user.
I watched this show every single week it came out, week to week.
Should I rewatch it after re-watching The Young Pope or just stay with the memory I have?
She took it out on anyone who pushed her
Even Kevin
The hotel scene didn't have to be the end of their relationship, but she made it happen. Kevin had a bad fucking day and was snippy.
Instead of just being generally pissy, she chose the one thing that she KNEW would piss him off the most.
She mocked him about Matt's book. She pushed his fucking buttons.
Yeah she had a shit day too. But she didn't have to nuclear on him.
If she was just a regular bitch instead of an atomic cunt, it would have been fine
oh not so fast
well it all worked out right
kys retard
It's so bullshit, and how they evaluate believing in Nora to that of believing in god, as both requires faith, is such a fucking cop-out.
Eceleston was on point and was always brining his A game, so I finished watching the show for his character, but lindelhack just glossed over him .
>you shouldn't have any loyalty to your partner.
say what you will about the story and acting, but the music in the show was on fucking point
Best Nora scene was when she, Lorie, and Matt reach the suicide chamber place
And she tells the story about the beachball.
You can see every thing about her personality there. She's resentful of everyone not being hurt by the Departure as much as she was.
The actress for Laurie may have looked like a man in a dress
But she was a pretty good actor
That Gospel of Kevin thing pissed me off too.
>Hey this guy is magical enough that we should write a New New Testament about him and travel to fucking Australia on a whim to be with him
>He never actually does anything beyond go on some pointless posthumous spirit journey where he kills his twin and nukes the world then mopes around for twenty years or whatever looking for his ex- girlfriend
Cults are a small amount of the population and most of them are pretty benign. Take Wayne's cult, he wasn't out to end the world, he just wanted to hug people and fuck asian girls at his compound. We see in the show two instances of cults making big aggressive moves, at the end of S1 and S2. In the first instance the townspeople snap and kill them all, in the second they get drone striked to shit. This was probably the fate of pretty much every violent cult, meanwhile everyone went on with their lives trying to keep themselves together
Yes, that's the point
>>S1=S2=S3="ahh so random" overrated piece of shit
Did you forget the part where Matt thought something would happen on Departure Day?
It didn't.
Combined with his meeting "God", his point of view was changed
yeah something about her leathery face confuses my penis. she almost looks with makeup and her hair done than as a frizzled GR member
yeah but wasn't the "flood" avoided because kevin started the nuclear war in the underworld?
That was all just Kevin's oxygen deprived delusion
It's not just the cults though, the cults are just feeding off of the inherent volatility of the rest of the population, and it's the volatility of the general population that will cause collapse.
>The point is that it was pointless
Hence my complaint.