>calling out hillary for lying about trump wanting to privatize the VA
Brayden Murphy
David King
Xavier Hernandez
Jayden Hernandez
gas the kikes race war now
Jeremiah Gomez
James Price
>GOAT >Rich as fuck >Famous >6'2 >Big dick >Two 5 star debates >Is straight-edge; completely drug & toxin free >Wouldn't take any more of CNN's shit >Exposed Hillary >Exposed CNN >Exposed Soros >Exposed Obama >Exposed Bill >Exposed Reddit >Exposed NY Times >Best Business Man of all time >Was the absolute greatest on the mic >Brought wrestling back to the mainstream & made it cool again >Outsold Hillary in Event Ticket Sales >Was able to elevate himself from a Business man To Republican President >Was universally over with everyone >Was the best part of the debates >Amazing Speaker >Most entertaining guy in any room at any time >Cool as fuck >Hot as fuck >Rad as fuck >Based as fuck >Had the best debates >Is the reason people finally started to say no to RNC's bullshit >Is considered one of the greatest of all time by many respected names >Is best friends with Carson >Completely D E S T R O Y E D Cruz on the mic >Not a single bad promo in his entire career >Buried The DNC >Was brave enough to run for President >Will go down in history as one of the greatest of all time
Mason Reed
Trump is doing great tonight. Not falling for any gotcha bullshit.