Name a better nautical movie and win a prize
Name a better nautical movie and win a prize
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Das Boot
As much as i like Master and Commander but this user is right.
Das Boot is GOAT
This. Sorry user, but he's right.
hunt for the red October, das boot.
I dont understand this movie!
hey cutie, wanna be my gf?
tits first, (you) second
Not a better movie but I'm trying to remember a movie from like the 80s or 90s where some guy comes to port with a ship and gets a couple of girls to go out to sea with him, and there's a dog on the boat as well, and they get angry at each other progressively and it ends with the boat being empty adrift at sea and is based on a true story where some empty boat washed up and nobody knew what happened to the three people.
Nautica Thorn, Surfer Girls 2
Sounds like this:
I love Master and Commander, but I think the Bounty (Mel Gibson + Anthony Hopkins) comes in second.
There is no better nautical movie than OP's pic.
1. Das Boot
2. MaC
3. White Squall
Anyone know if Yamato(2005) is any good?
Nah, not quite. This one definitely had two girls and no A-listers as far as I know. Something you'd see in a box of shitty looking VHS tapes and never think to watch(that's where I found it).
Hunt for Red October is good, but not as good as Master and Commander or Das Boot
Mad Max Fury Road. Think about it.
Theres not a better movie, let alone nautical movie.
That was more of an aquatic movie, than a nautical one to be fair