Mac > Dennis > Charlie > Dee > Frank



Dennis > Mac > Charlie > Dee > Frank

You were almost correct


Dennis>Charlie>Frank>>McPoyles>Country Mac>Rickety Cricket>Dee>Carmen>Mac

Dee > Dennis > Charlie > Mac > Frank


Dennis, Mac - Sup Forums
The rest - reddit

>Dennis anything but the worst
Literally what? His "dude I'm creepy and manipulative" act gets old so fast and it's the only thing his character has.

Charlie (I know he's the reddit choice but come on) = Frank > Dee > Mac >>> Dennis



The show is getting stale and the storylines aren't as bold. Ageing just makes these storylines far less believable

However the characters are really well written. They didn't become caricatures of themselves at all, which would've been an easy trap

In Dee's defense she might be low-tier on her own but Dee + Dennis and Dee + Charlie are usually GOAT pair-offs, especially compared to garbage pair-offs like Mac + Anyone

Fat Mac > Country Mac > McDonald's big Mac > Mac

Dennis > Mac > Dee > Frank > Charlie

Charlie is the favorite of normies and Plebbit. He's also the character suffering the most from Flanderization.

Objectively this, except Mac is charlie-tier when he's in a Mac and Charlie episode

This is true Dee is the great punching bag for them and it leads to good material. Mac just seems forced because he's writing it so he doesn't know what is funny for his character usually.

Dennis and Charlie funniest pairing

I like Dee's versatility in pairings.

they did become caricatures of themselves and they even acknowledge this in one of the episodes
also, it can't be getting stale because it's over
did you even watch this show?

Anything not...

Dennis > Charlie > Mac > Frank > Dee wrong.

the closest yet. forgot Artemis > Country Mac


The fuck are you talking about? It's:
Frank - Sup Forums
The rest - reddit (even Dennis, he often goes full blown fedora mode, it just doesn't seem obvious because of his looks but if he was a neckbeard, it would be obvious)

>early dennis > early mac > charlie > dee > frank > recent dennis > recent mac

this frank is a true piece of shit him and dennis are best

I want mommy Dee to sit on my face.

goddamnit Sup Forums we've had this discussion before. it's about character groupings, not individuals.

and there are over 100 episodes of the show. every character has a chance to shine

I've always wondered why the creators of this show are among the most obsessively conscious in all of television when it comes to making all the characters appear related to eachother e.g. Dennis and Dee really do look like they could be twins and Luther really does look like he could be Mac's IRL dad

Am I the only one who thinks Dennis is the worst character?

dennis + dee > all other combos


Wtf, every IP ITT has posted no more than once except for me who has posted three times (this post included)

Nice """discussion""" you got going on, /television and film/

>tfw chardee didn't happen
I like to think they fuck every now and then

Lets discuss why you are such a giagntic faggot

Charlie is literally the reddit lol so random insert

I gobble all teh dicks

This. Dennis+Dee is the patrician combo


Honestly, if you id with any of them you deserve to be on a gov't watchlist

Basically if you put dennis or mac in the top 2, you're correct. Charlie is reddit tier in later seasons, and dee and frank don't matter

I'm not sure anymore, the last episode I watched was the one where they're getting drunk on the plane. I knew it was going to be shit after that so I dropped it.


Everything else is retarded.

imagine being this autistic

Mac is the least funny character these days. Literally every joke is him being gay.

Dennis > Charlie > Dee > Mac ≥ Frank

Mac and Frank depending on the seasons.
Frank was better in the early seasons while being the worst in the later seasons, and even though Mac is pretty lame right now, he is still better than Frank.

>The Golden God anything but a #1 five star man

plebs detected

Lawyer > Frank = Dennis = Mac > Charlie > Dee

Dennis + Charlie > Dennis + Dee > the rest idk

Dennis/Mac > Mac/Charlie > Frank/Dennis > Frank/Dee > Dee/Charlie > Dennis/Dee

Shit taste, my man

Frank is the most important character. You don't realize that until you re-watch the series and episodes that he's not in

Frank> Dennis> Mac= Charlie= Dee

Why is she so perfect

Dennis = Mac = Charlie = Frank > Dee

>They didn't become caricatures of themselves at all, which would've been an easy trap
Is this a joke? They absolutely did.

Mac was great in the first season, he was such a fucking asshole

Current year tier:

This is correct. They guys are all very different and I'd say they're equally hilarious in their own ways.

Hey at least it took 9 seasons to peak, while Rick and Mortys been selfreferencing in less than 2 seasons

Rick and Morty has been self-aware and "meta" from the very first episode, bud. It's a core element of the show.

Mac has to be separated into like four characters.
Dennis>Mac>Charlie>Fat Mac>Frank>Dee>Gay Mac>Religious Mac

So it would be okay for you if Sunny did the gas crisis and took out the thrash in the first season

That doesn't follow from what I said. It in fact has no relation whatsoever. Do you have autism?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

>only 1 result for the McPoyles
y'all shite

>implying that's not ridiculous