What went wrong?

What went wrong?


Your perception of reality

having a tranny lead

just burn it to the ground already
>tfw the prequel haters shat on them so much they took the safer bet of rehasing/remaking the OT

Outside of Sup Forums's blatant prequel shitposting, literally nothing



How? It introduced literally nothing new to the Star Wars canon. Zero imagination fuel. The prequels, directing mistakes made aside, had expansive worlds with tales and history exploding from every corner, character and prop with original races and cultures. Everything was so fresh. Every new planet was different. The pod race was so original and wild and fun. It had that Lucas autism that makes Star Wars so compelling to children.

The new movie put nothing new on the table. Kids aren't buying the merch as much as they used to. Sometimes the scenes felt like something out of Doctor Who they were so cheesy and unimaginative, particularly when Han was dealing with those guys I can't even care to remember on his ship I felt like I was watching some cheesy unimaginative TV show.

Everything. Ruined the lore, shit character, and rehash of a better film. The second Lucas sold the ip it died.

Rehashes and affirmative action

Better question: What went right?

I thought BB-8 wasn't a too bad comic relief

soft remaking a movie from the ot is lazy and the main cast is very meh both acting and scriptwise

Yeah, tfa felt like such an unoriginal bore that I was sleeping by the end of it. Rogue 1 was ok, but it still kinda carried the same problems tfa had, which was it felt like every bit of the film was passed into a focus group a hundred times. They deliberately wanted to OTfags that they basically rehashed the first film. It's no wonder Reddit likes it. Uncreative, and nostalgia bait.

Non-meme response?

The board of executives at Disney laid down the law and demanded a soft reboot. Despite being called "Episode VII", there was never any desire to make an actual 7th chapter of Star Wars, but rather a remixed version of the original film, with the intent that they could maybe shake it up with parts 8 and 9. But then TFA was so successful they said fuck it and decided to make the next parts remixed versions of Empire and Jedi, because why mess with something that's already working?

Then they brought on JJ to more or less head the shebang, and he did his usual shtick and mucked it up with all his poor, hackisk, vision-lacking directorial sensibilities; thus taking something that was already doomed to be a retread for nostalgia's sake and making it as sterile and milquetoast as humanly possible.

Disney's acquisition of Star Wars

Sadly, this will be it. Tfa was such a blatant ripoff, and seeing the trailers of the newer one, it will be a blatant ripoff of empire strikes back, but with more Reddit humour and agenda pushing degeneracy. The worse mistake Georgy ever did was selling it. He should have sat on the ip and just let book writers or companies continue to add more lore shit, like a pseudo-warhammer.


Yep. As soon as I heard that the force literally comes from A FUCKING TREE that is where I decided not to give nuwars any atttention. Also heard they wanted to do some retarded ying and yang shit? Niggers, Jedi were and always are the balance of the force, the Sith are the abusers. grey jedi were a mistake.


Movies by committee was a mistake

was "soft reboot" created specifically for this movie?
I have never heard this term before 2015 (besides referring to a computer)

disneyfags, plz leave.

In short nostalgiafags got what they wanted. After the prequels they cried so hard about wanting a return to form, spending backbreaking hours on ever form of media to create a pseudo intellectual zeitgeist to validate and affirm that star wars could only be one way. So a once imaginative series became even more of a corporate manufactured obelisk. Right down to all the memery involving practical effects despite 75 % of all scenes being blarant cgi.

Fanatics got what they finally wanted at the cost of what made the original series so enticing to begin with. Now star wars is a corporate checklist instead of a heartfelt heroes tale done by a crew of ambitious yongsters.

Gen x was a mistake.

I'm not sure how I can be nostalgic about the OT when I saw the prequels before them. I thought Star Wars was shit through most of my childhood because of this.

She's girl-next-door cute. Back in high school I'd have loved to spread open her hairy, smelly pussy.

Otherwise, Disney is lazy...or cowardly. That's what's wrong. Unarguably of the world's leading media companies, Disney either yawned or chickened out of doing anything bold. Instead they've simply attempted a remake of the original hoping that stoking nostalgia would lead to great success. So far it has, but how long until the audience catches up?

Yearly Star Wars is going to be a mistake. Should have just left it at the new trilogy. After Rogue One I don't care anymore. If I'm already feeling fatigue now then even your most die hard Star Wars fans are going to start tiring of it.

I liked Force Awakens and I agree with this. I didn't really like Rogue One that much so I don't have alot of faith in the non-trilogy movies. What I'm really curious about is what the fuck happens after episode IX.

You're our top contributor though. Thank you for starting this thread, Mr. Knight. 35ยข will be deposited to your account within three business days.

it's a redditlettermedia term
like ''callback''

First time I heard a movie be described as a soft reboot was Jurassic World.

>saw the prequels before the OT
As someone who unironically likes the prequels, holy shit fuck off you underage child

I'm 25, man.

Phantom menace came out in 99

Well it's pretty amazing how you managed to go most of your life without seeing Star Wars. Fucking how? I'm pretty much the same age as you and I remember when I was at school EVERYONE, even the girls, had seen Star Wars

Most of my life? Most of my childhood you illiterate. I saw all of the OT when I was like 16. I mean I was aware of it and I had seen bits and pieces but after wathing the prequels I just wasn't interested.

>what the fuck happens after episode IX.
Hopefully stop so they won't make anymore train wrecks.



Disney played it to safe, and went for something generic they knew would make money.